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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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2n7000 eagle

Will you upload the altium files please ?



Hi all,
Here is the PCB Layout in Single side for TH Components. As stated in my earlier post, I am using substituted components for BS250, MCP6271, inductor etc. probably that may be the reason why I am not able to get it workable.

All the best!!!

Whats the MOSFET you use?
I can't get any suitable MOSFET here.[/img]

schematic of pikit2 diy

Whats the MOSFET you use?
I can't get any suitable MOSFET here.

N Channel - BS170
P Channel - BS250
or compare the datasheets which are easiliy available in your area so that you can try substituting them.

Will you upload the @ltium files please ?

Please mention your purpose for altium files when you can make the pcb with the pdf I uploaded!!!!


irlml6402 footprint board

nishal said:
Sharmaji FYI MCP6271 is available at and cost only Rs. 41.40 / 1 pc. when compared to microchip's sample processing fee ($7.5) its cheaper.

Though it is in the Farnell price list , i am told that there are no stocks as of now.


you have perhaps not indicated your location. availability depends on that.


pickit 2 clone resistor capacitor



you have perhaps not indicated your location. availability depends on that.

I'm from Malaysia.

Added after 4 minutes:

by the way, do you use BS170 & BS250 in yr new layout?

mcp6001 dip

me_guitarist said:


you have perhaps not indicated your location. availability depends on that.

I'm from Malaysia.

Added after 4 minutes:

by the way, do you use BS170 & BS250 in yr new layout?

They are available in an area called pudu in KL city.

A student got them at RM4/- each, unfortunately he does not remember the shop name or phone. As he gets info, i requested him to respond to this


mcp6001 tl081

I have most of the parts for it but some I have to change the foot print to siut the stuff I have,

I understand if you don't want to has the hard you put it into it if you don't want to upload then not a problem I will just convert PDF and trace the layout has it is very good layout and the best sinlge sided one I have seen :)

could not fullly calibrate usb pic kit

They are available in an area called pudu in KL city.

A student got them at RM4/- each, unfortunately he does not remember the shop name or phone. As he gets info, i requested him to respond to this


Do you used BS170 & BS250 in the new layout?
works or not? As I heard you say the board didn't work in yr previous post.


me_guitarist said:
They are available in an area called pudu in KL city.

A student got them at RM4/- each, unfortunately he does not remember the shop name or phone. As he gets info, i requested him to respond to this


Do you used BS170 & BS250 in the new layout?
works or not? As I heard you say the board didn't work in yr previous post.

Did I say like that !!!!


pickit2 external components

hi guys,

I tried the circuit.
MCP6271 getting very hot when I plug into PC.I don't know its working or not as I saw the MCP6271 getting hot straight away I unplug the circuit. Something wrong with my circuit?

I'm using Nishal's layout.

vpp level error

me_guitarist said:
hi guys,

I tried the circuit.
MCP6271 getting very hot when I plug into PC.I don't know its working or not as I saw the MCP6271 getting hot straight away I unplug the circuit. Something wrong with my circuit?

I'm using Nishal's layout.

I am using TL081 instead of MCP6271. It stays cool when I connect to pc.

try the following:
* Chk whether IC is reversed. (Pin 1 = square pad)
* chk for track shorts
* ensure the nearby component values are correct w.r.t schematic


pickit2 2 vdd voltage level error

The USB socket on the board make difficult to get the right cable. Can it be change to Printer USB 'Type B" like previous layout?

mosfets for pickit 2


Just say yes or no for uploading Altium files :D

Rather than me keep asking or been ignored :cry:



Added after 4 hours 30 minutes:

This is the schematic I drawn for the one I was trying to do

I know that some of the values may be incorrect but all connections have been checked


pickit 2 fdc6420

wizpic said:

Just say yes or no for uploading @ltium files :D

Rather than me keep asking or been ignored :cry:



Added after 4 hours 30 minutes:

This is the schematic I drawn for the one I was trying to do

I know that some of the values may be incorrect but all connections have been checked

I had observed following errors /inconsistancies in the schematyic.

1. Value of L1 is shown as 10mH-- does it mean Milli henry? or Micro Henry? If Milli henry, it might work.

2. Q6 should be 2N3906 and NOT 3904 as shown

3. Q10 the D&S are found swapped while connecting? please see, that the Vtarget should not be able to flow thro the internal diode.

4. U2A (LM358 may not work , I fear. we may need both input and output rail to rail Opamp. and the pin out should be desiced after a device is available

5. D100 is additional diode. D1 alone would so

6. R301 in not needed as per Microchip schematic
you may perhaps remove it

7. DS1 (Red LED is shown connected reverse.

8. PGC and PGD are found swapped and this might pose a problem if Microchip pPICKIT2 is to be connected for lading the software now and then-- i mean not as per the Microchip standard.

It is appearing ok otherwise to what little i could check. Nice to note that you have used 470E instead of 330 to reduce load on USB5V


PS: Please ensure that DP and DM are proper before finalising the artwork

pickit2 pinout

Thank-you for your observations and input, Hs for the LM358 op-amp I just used it for the symbol, I shall go over it again and double check all your susgestions,

I did draw this sometime ago but never got around to finish it off


bc640 bc639 amplifier

wizpic said:
Thank-you for your observations and input, Hs for the LM358 op-amp I just used it for the symbol, I shall go over it again and double check all your susgestions,

I did draw this sometime ago but never got around to finish it off

MCP6002 is a dip replacement for MCP6001 as used by microchip and it costs less than $0.5 as sold in India.
don't try for other items. also please ensure by DMM what is the leads structure of your P-chl and N-chl devices, because there are many packages

once you identify the Drain and source, the pin suiting becomes easy. A what I observed, for an NMosFet with Built in protection diode, the cathode of the diode is is connected to Drain , while for PMosFet the cathode is connected to source.
this method of identifying the anode and cathode by use of DMM makes life easy


irlml2803 pinout

I really wish the kit sellers would start their own threads to sell their products instead of trolling all of the hobbiest's threads!!

Not that their kits are not good - they are excellent kits, but people on this and other threads are not interested in purchasing a kit - they want to build from scratch.

So, Blueroomelectronics and funnynypd, your kits are excellent, but please start your own thread to sell them.

valpar pickit

Computerman29 well there,

nishal,mvs sarma does this vesrion work ?
Only I have had a quick look at the PCB layout compared to the orginal pickit2 schematic and it does not look right to me

R8,R9 go to +5V_usb which is correct
U3,U4 pins 8 & C10 should also go to +5V_USB but they don't they go of some where else (unless they connect some where else to +5V_USB on the board) if it does then why have a jumper link over the same track

nishal did you draw the schematic in ALtium ?
also did you use the transfere to PCB then use the DRC ?

If it works then great but I'm not 100% sure if the PCB is laid out correct has this would need to be check in altium itself,

Added after 27 minutes:

Here is how I think it should be ?

The one on the left side, the red&blue tracks are the ones I'm talking about
The one on the right is what I have altered in yellow and orange only rough layout though

th components

wizpic said:
Computerman29 well there,

nishal,mvs sarma does this vesrion work ?
Only I have had a quick look at the PCB layout compared to the orginal pickit2 schematic and it does not look right to me

R8,R9 go to +5V_usb which is correct
U3,U4 pins 8 & C10 should also go to +5V_USB but they don't they go of some where else (unless they connect some where else to +5V_USB on the board) if it does then why have a jumper link over the same track

nishal did you draw the schematic in @ltium ?
also did you use the transfere to PCB then use the DRC ?

If it works then great but I'm not 100% sure if the PCB is laid out correct has this would need to be check in @ltium itself,

Added after 27 minutes:

Here is how I think it should be ?

The one on the left side, the red&blue tracks are the ones I'm talking about
The one on the right is what I have altered in yellow and orange only rough layout though

this line was again due to the schematic . please see that there is no Vusb connection shown over there.
I stead, have a double check of your schematic with microchip one and make independent artwork. you gain experience and that is what we are all around here on this wonderful site -- otherwise, the best would be like me to have a microchip pickit2 at 35/+ or BP10/+ as EPE reader and UK resident if the time did not expire yet.

fdc6420 replacement

wizpic said:
Computerman29 well there,

nishal,mvs sarma does this vesrion work ?
Only I have had a quick look at the PCB layout compared to the orginal pickit2 schematic and it does not look right to me

R8,R9 go to +5V_usb which is correct
U3,U4 pins 8 & C10 should also go to +5V_USB but they don't they go of some where else (unless they connect some where else to +5V_USB on the board) if it does then why have a jumper link over the same track

nishal did you draw the schematic in @ltium ?
also did you use the transfere to PCB then use the DRC ?

If it works then great but I'm not 100% sure if the PCB is laid out correct has this would need to be check in @ltium itself,

Added after 27 minutes:

Here is how I think it should be ?

The one on the left side, the red&blue tracks are the ones I'm talking about
The one on the right is what I have altered in yellow and orange only rough layout though

Thanks wizpic & Sharma for pointing the error. I made this design in couple of hours to fill up the space with other pcb I designed. Generally, I will cross verify with the schematic, but this time I couldn't. As sharmaji stated, this omission was due to the schematic. While designing, I have a spare usb 'A' Connector, that is the reason why I placed the A connector.

I have noticed hang up when I tried to download the code to eeprom. The board were kept aside since I was waiting for the Inductor sent by Sharmaji. This section is working after the correction... and only problem remains is VPP error as the inductor is not placed.

Wizpic, Mostly, schematics will not be drawn for the hobby pcbs, just to save time. But it will be netlisted. However, I follow every procedures for my clients. DRC has passed except jumpers.

The revised version of the pcb will be published in a day or two after all the corrections as follows
1. USB Connector to 'B' type
2. All FETs to the right order (D & S swapped)
3. Correction pointed by wizpic (R3 track to V_usb)

Guys, Please do update me with comments / errors so that I can correct the pcb artwork


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