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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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irlml6402 pickit2

hi all.
plesae share Orcad layout Footprint of mcp6001U. (5-lead SOT-23)

wiring irlml6402 to microchip pin

wakaka said:
i dun prefer to install eagle as I'm using P*otel now. So can anyone help? thanks.


Attached is the Picit2 PCB in Protel 2.8 format and the schematic PDF. This is the same file posted earlier in this thread - it's just converted into a Protel PCB for you with a PDF of the schematic since it can't be converted. Nothing is changed from Computerman29's original PCB file posted on 28 February except the jumpers have been moved to mechanical layer1 from the top copper layer to remove the shorts from the board.

There are lots of routing improvements that can be made, but that's up to you and the others who are interested in this board. I'm only providing the conversion services right now.

I saved the file in Protel 2.8 ASCII format to permit folks to import it into all versions of Protel or Altium that have been released since version 2.8.


pickit2 full layout

To be honset that is the worse laid out PCB I have ever seen :D
and the board size is massive, The case would have to be big to fit it in, Sorry to say this but that's my 2 cents worth which is one more the funnynypd board :D

Why not buy the bare PCB form funnynypd, I f I remember it is on offer for 1cent

You could buy it and save yourself some time, It looks very nicley laid out and the video above just demo's how good it is with these new features, Program wihtout a PC


vdd and vpp voltage level error

I personally disagree.
We don't judge a design by size or shape. We do encourage people keep working and learning, especially at the beginning of a learning curve. It does take some time to make progress. I am pretty confident everyone of you will learn the skill-set one day and be able to do the fantastic job as many of our engineers do today.

Most of the engineers in my group went through the same learning curve as you did. So please don't give up.

Also Please don't be too upset. Once you have learned sth and gained some experience, that's a big achievement.

Having read it the second time and yes funnynypd is does sound very harsh and I would like to say sorry for my comments from above, You can give me a slap :D
I must if had one to many to drink :D

wiring irlml6402 pic

Here is my version it's not single sided and it was designed to fit into a case I all ready use, all trhough hole compoents no SMT, I went double sided becasue I have got a tool that does it with out soldering both sides


pickit 2 pic18f2550 zip

Hey wizpic,

It may not be pretty, but it works perfectly. For me, the size does not matter. I never planned on putting it in a case. I could have EASILY made it MUCH smaller if I used a two-sided board and/or SMT devices. The idea was to KEEP IT SINGLE SIDED so the average hobbiest could build it. It probably would have been much less trouble to just buy an original or a funnynypd clone, but as I have said in another post, Some people (like myself) just like to build things!! :D

To anybody who has read this topic, If you can make a better SINGLE-SIDED THROUGH-HOLED board, by all means go ahead.

And to anybody who does, I kindly ask that you share it. :D


Added after 1 minutes:

BTW, apology accepted.

original pickit 2 components

I saw your board. As a Hobbyist and for personal use , Really Nice Job. Yes we want a working programmer.

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zhcs1000 pin lay out

Computerman29 said:
Hey wizpic,

It may not be pretty, but it works perfectly. For me, the size does not matter. I never planned on putting it in a case. I could have EASILY made it MUCH smaller if I used a two-sided board and/or SMT devices. The idea was to KEEP IT SINGLE SIDED so the average hobbiest could build it. It probably would have been much less trouble to just buy an original or a funnynypd clone, but as I have said in another post, Some people (like myself) just like to build things!! :D

To anybody who has read this topic, If you can make a better SINGLE-SIDED THROUGH-HOLED board, by all means go ahead.

And to anybody who does, I kindly ask that you share it. :D


Added after 1 minutes:

BTW, apology accepted.

No offence, is a great job to share your work, but also is a great virtute to accept all good critiques. Your PCB design is working with a lot of luck. In fact any old electronist engineer will see you are really a beginer in PCB design. Because I care about the way you'll see this job in the future, I will comment only the bad things in your PCB design. Take those as you want to:

1. You have created a huge ground loop on the bottom side around the board, never do it again. Instead of this use either a large ground plane or a large route. Noisiest components closest to the supply point, low current drawn components far away to the supply point, the ground circuit must follow the ideea above with the shortest connection possible
2. Never use the same trace for signals and supply, even if the supply current is small, keep supply routes at least twice than signal routes
3. When filter a supply signal near a component, the smallest capacitor must be very close to the component, the electrolitical capacitor may be far away (but still close to the package)
4 When you connect an USB, the signals should be passed through ferrite chokes, and the USB iron case connector MUST be connected with a ferite choke to the PCB ground to avoid ESD damages through ground trace/plane
5. There is no filtering capacitor near the microcontroller supply (VDD to VSS- 47nF to 100nF)
6. The schematic is drawn without any respect for the reader, is difficult to read and has a lot of connection points which should be not there (connection points only to cross of the traces)
7. The PCB layout has been designed without any respect for the own eye (the upper right corner is empty while the rest of the PCB is filled with components.

My comments does not means you should not be happy you have designed this board and this time it works for you, but next time try to correct those mistakes.

And yes, this board can be designed on a single layer board, maybe with a few wire bridges.

best wishes,
irlml6402 substitute

You are correct. I an new to PCB design. Building this PicKt 2 was a huge learning experience for me that keeps on paying dividends. Thank you very much for the advice.

BTW, I did solder a 0805 100nF on the bottom of the board between the power pins of the PIC..

additional resistor for 24lc1024

If you want to BUILD a FULL KIT it'll be cheaper to buy FunnyNYPDs version.
If you just want a PICkit2 they're not expensive and about $47US
If you want a PICkit2 SE (no 3.3V or EEPROM build in) but a 18F1320 experimenter built in then buy my Junebug kit.
Either way you're only going to save a couple of dollars to build it yourself (or spend more because you're buying it in single quantities)
You also need some way of programming the firmware on the 18F2550 if you do it yourself.

pickt2 firmware

Vary thank guy for your work, and congratulations. But i have a question: ¿someone have a .hex with program a 18F2550??. I dont have this code. and for I make this project, I need the code.
If someone can give me a code, very thank.

mcp6001 replacement

The code for the PicKit2 is in the folder of both MPLAB IDE and PicKit2 software. Look for a file called PK2V022000.HEX (version 2.2) or PKV023000.HEX (version 2.3). The current version is 2.5.

mcp6001 dip replace

very thank I have this file.

pikit2 clone

A Brazilian company called microgenios () has build a clone of PICkit2 too...

Above, screen-shot of the board:

Pretty nice not? I think that the connectors for programming will be the same founded in ICD2, the "standard" of Microchip...and the inductor used in the board is for rf application and not dc-dc converter application (because of electrical parameters)...

Will be nice if anyone can try develop same board using one side with few jumpers...its a next challenge that I will try!


pickit2 recognize but cannot programming

Does anyone has a replacement for the IRLML6402 in T092 package?


mcp6001 replace

SII said:
Does anyone has a replacement for the IRLML6402 in T092 package?


For P-Chl Mosfet, you may use BS250 or 2N7000 . the pin out depends on the manufacturers, but they are compatible to TO92 package


irlml6402 pickit

For P-Chl Mosfet, you may use BS250 or 2N7000 . the pin out depends on the manufacturers, but they are compatible to TO92 package
2N7000? Are you sure? Those have a much smaller current rating than the original part. Or is the original part overkill? TO92 for the MOSFETS would save a bit of board space, but can they handle the current? Has anybody used TO92 package for this project?

windows not recognizing the pickit 2

There is a 1K resistor in series with the 2N7000, it'll see very little current when in use.

pickit2 india buy


Added after 3 minutes:

BRD not protel99 file?

bs250 equivalent

blueroomelectronics said:
There is a 1K resistor in series with the 2N7000, it'll see very little current when in use.


By the way, I don't have at my country this transistor BS250 can I use instead of it PNP transistor for example BC557

on the other hand, at your schematic for PIKIT2 SE there is no names for pins for 2N7000 and BS250 I mean how to know Gate, Source and Drain

I appreciate your effort

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