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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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pickit vpp voltage level error

By the way, can some one modify this circuit to programing with out PC? Thanks!

This circuit is the original PicKit 2 done in TH. It needs no modification to program without PC.

IRF9610 (P-Channel [TO 220 package]) instead of BS250

Don't know, but looks good.

opamp 741 instead of MCP6271

Do not use 741. The op-amp needs to be a CMOS rail to rail I/O.

For the voltage errors, check the transistors, MOSFET's, diodes, and IC's. Make sure they are properly inserted.

I assume that, these guys/gals are making it not for using alone but for a feel of realizing a project (proven) in its totality, with their local means.

You are correct. It would have been much less hassle and only a few more dollars to just buy an original, but as I have said in other posts, some people (like myself) just like to build things!:D

I think the NTD3055L can't be replace by 2N7000 & NTD20P06L can't replace by BS250 as the lead are difference.

Exchange the parts in Eagle (schematic), then modify the layout (in Eagle), and they will work nicely. The layout could be dramatically improved anyway.

One more thing:

Don't forget to solder a .1uF ceramic cap between the power pins of the PIC. An 0805 surface-mount on the bottom of the board is best.

pickit 2 2.60 source

You are correct. It would have been much less hassle and only a few more dollars to just buy an original, but as I have said in other posts, some people (like myself) just like to build things!

Me too, that's why I sell kits like the Junebug.

pickit 2 tgt

Hi Computerman29,

I'll try to edit the schematic, modify the layout & remove all my components into new layout. It take some time to do a new board, printing & etching will not take too long but when came to drilling .......a lot of holes to drill :p

pickit2 altium

I haven't done it as still searching for the suitable N & P-channel MOSFET & waiting for 18F2550 & MCP6271 to complete.

any one have the ss pcb for the pickit , and what are the best replacement for opamp mcp6001

adapter that plugs into pickit2

Hi all,
Here is the PCB Layout in Single side for TH Components. As stated in my earlier post, I am using substituted components for BS250, MCP6271, inductor etc. probably that may be the reason why I am not able to get it workable.

All the best!!!


pickit offer

nishal said:
Hi all,
Here is the PCB Layout in Single side for TH Components. As stated in my earlier post, I am using substituted components for BS250, MCP6271, inductor etc. probably that may be the reason why I am not able to get it workable.

All the best!!!


Greatful for the Nice board Nishal !

Did you just follow the schematic or checked it w.r.t the microchips Schematic as published in the Pickit2 user guide? I suspect the positioning of Q1 , U5-N and U5-P

please do it and it is a good and purposeful exercise.


fdc6420 dip

Did you just follow the schematic or checked it w.r.t the microchips Schematic as published in the Pickit2 user guide?
please do it and it is a good and purposeful exercise.


I followed computerman29's schematic.


coding layouts torails

nishal said:
Did you just follow the schematic or checked it w.r.t the microchips Schematic as published in the Pickit2 user guide?
please do it and it is a good and purposeful exercise.


I followed computerman29's schematic.


I suspect D&S reversals in the schematic for all the three MOSFETs. please check carefully

But to my surprise, the placement some of them was correct! was it due to manual forced routing?


pickit2 + could not fully calibrate the unit


Perhaps you may add this combined overly that i made using Paint, to your attachments to help any enthusiast who wants to make it


full pickit2 clone th

Thanks sharma for the comments & suggestions, Here is the assembly drawing.



Nishal what did you draw the PCB in ?

irlml6402 pin layout

Altium Designer Summer 08


vpp voltage level error

COOL could you upload the Altium files Please this would be a help,

And yes by the way what a very good job in the layout


pickit 2 + opamp

Hello all,

Sarma is correct about the MOSFET's. Source and drain are mixed up on all of the MOSFET's in my original schematic. The reason is I did not know the symbols for source and drain, and I mixed them up - and I made a mistake on Q1. I believe it has been corrected now on Nishal's board and layout.

what are the best replacement for opamp mcp6001

The op-amp must be CMOS single supply and rail-to-rail I/O (like the original). I wanted to stay with Microchip for the op-amp. The MCP6271 is TH and most closely matches the specs of the MCP6001, but I only looked at parts from Microchip. Check the datasheet of the MCP6001. There are certainly others that will work. TI, Fairchild, Maxim/Dallas, National, ADI, Intersil and others all probably make suitable replacements. Same thing with the other components.

BTW, Sarma and Nishal, Excellent job!!

irlml6402 replace

Computerman29 said:
Hello all,

Sarma is correct about the MOSFET's. Source and drain are mixed up on all of the MOSFET's in my original schematic. The reason is I did not know the symbols for source and drain, and I mixed them up - and I made a mistake on Q1. I believe it has been corrected now on Nishal's board and layout.

what are the best replacement for opamp mcp6001

The op-amp must be CMOS single supply and rail-to-rail I/O (like the original). I wanted to stay with Microchip for the op-amp. The MCP6271 is TH and most closely matches the specs of the MCP6001, but I only looked at parts from Microchip. Check the datasheet of the MCP6001. There are certainly others that will work. TI, Fairchild, Maxim/Dallas, National, ADI, Intersil and others all probably make suitable replacements. Same thing with the other components.

BTW, Sarma and Nishal, Excellent job!!

It is Nishal who did a Nice job, and deserves all the appreciation. I Understand that he took your schematic for granted. Perhaps after another iteration and with schematic correction the best possible in single sided board can come out. MCP6002 could be used by using only one opamp, perhaps. Availability is a real issue. MCP602 are more readily avialable at around $0.6/- but it is onli output rail to rail but not input.


layout components in d&g

Sharmaji FYI MCP6271 is available at and cost only Rs. 41.40 / 1 pc. when compared to microchip's sample processing fee ($7.5) its cheaper.


irlml6402 pinout

Hi guys,

whats the mosfet we use now?
I still can't get the MOSFET for my board.

Pls clarity.TQ!

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