Advanced Member level 3

pickit2 vdd and vpp voltage level
I have double checked my schematic agaisnt the microchip one and it all checks out correct , If you look at the microchip on you will see that there is +5_usb connections every where, These al join up on the PCB. I have corrected the list you gave, I do not need to alter the connections on the USB socket has this is the same when I deisgned the GTB+P progrommer. Iknow where your comig from about how cheap they are to buy but that takes all the fun out of the hobby plus if you make your own then you can repair it if goes faulty where has the orginal one could be fiddley to repair been SMT
That's why I always draw the schematic fisrt and double check it then transfer to PCB this will reduce errors by loads, At least if the schematic is correct you know 100% your PCB will be 100%, I found in the past the time it take me to draw the PCB then made one then you found errors then in some case to correct it you have to redesign the PCB to cater for the errors, It only took me 1/2 hour to draw the pickit2 schematic so this way I know the PCB will be correct, So even if for hobby or a customer the schematic get drawn, Perhaps that's me been old school
look forward to teh nmew PCB, I only wanted the PCB file to compare against the schematic and i suppose been a little lazy andf not design my own
mvs sarma said:this line was again due to the schematic . please see that there is no Vusb connection shown over there.
I stead, have a double check of your schematic with microchip one and make independent artwork. you gain experience and that is what we are all around here on this wonderful site -- otherwise, the best would be like me to have a microchip pickit2 at 35/+ or BP10/+ as EPE reader and UK resident if the time did not expire yet.
I have double checked my schematic agaisnt the microchip one and it all checks out correct , If you look at the microchip on you will see that there is +5_usb connections every where, These al join up on the PCB. I have corrected the list you gave, I do not need to alter the connections on the USB socket has this is the same when I deisgned the GTB+P progrommer. Iknow where your comig from about how cheap they are to buy but that takes all the fun out of the hobby plus if you make your own then you can repair it if goes faulty where has the orginal one could be fiddley to repair been SMT
That's why I always draw the schematic fisrt and double check it then transfer to PCB this will reduce errors by loads, At least if the schematic is correct you know 100% your PCB will be 100%, I found in the past the time it take me to draw the PCB then made one then you found errors then in some case to correct it you have to redesign the PCB to cater for the errors, It only took me 1/2 hour to draw the pickit2 schematic so this way I know the PCB will be correct, So even if for hobby or a customer the schematic get drawn, Perhaps that's me been old school
look forward to teh nmew PCB, I only wanted the PCB file to compare against the schematic and i suppose been a little lazy andf not design my own