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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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схема pickit2 оригинал

Consult the datasheet for the FETs, the pinout does vary.
You really don't need either FET you can just use a 1N5817 diode between USB power & VDD on the ICD connector.

pickit2 vpp error

hi all,
PICKit 2 made in Vietnam

pic kit with components

blueroomelectronics said:
Consult the datasheet for the FETs, the pinout does vary.
You really don't need either FET you can just use a 1N5817 diode between USB power & VDD on the ICD connector.

I get it

your efforts are appreciated

pickit2 circuit orcad

mvs sarma said:
SII said:
Does anyone has a replacement for the IRLML6402 in T092 package?


For P-Chl Mosfet, you may use BS250 or 2N7000 . the pin out depends on the manufacturers, but they are compatible to TO92 package


Extreemly Sorry. 2N7000 is an Nchannel MOSfet. we have to search for more of Pchannel devices comparable to BS250.


pickit2 th edaboard

Can someone post a completed board photo or do someone done it?


irlml6402 equivalent

Sorry guys.

I mean the TH version that posted here.

pickit2 vdd level error


On page 1 of this thread about half way down, I posted the CORRECTED .SCH and .BRD files for this project.

Make sure you download the file that says "CORRECTED Schematic and Layout in Eagle format" in the description. The filename is "PicKit2"

The files open with Eagle. You can download a freeware version from Cadsoft. Starting with version 5, you can print directly to a .PDF file (a very convenient feature).

I strongly recommend that you tweak the layout. It works well, but it could be dramatically improved. Also, elsewhere in this thread, replacements for the MOSFET's are discussed. 2N7000 (N-Channel), and BS250 (P-Channel) may be used in place of the ones in my schematic. They are smaller (TO92), cheaper, and easier to obtain. Good Luck!


pickit clone board layout

I'm start to learning the programing on 12F675.

but can't figure out how to configure which IO to input & output. Someone can help here?

Am using PICkit2 & LPC Demo Board.

vpp voltage level pickit 2

hey guys,

I can't find value for R18, R32 & D2.

Can somebody help?

pickit clone noise ampop

Hi all,
I can't find BS250 (P-Channel) MOSFET in my area. Please post a substitute in TH (TO92) package


pickit bs170 software

hi guys,

Can I replace the 24LC512 with 24C512?

Please advice & Thanks

bs170 equivalent p-channel

nishal said:
Hi all,
I can't find BS250 (P-Channel) MOSFET in my area. Please post a substitute in TH (TO92) package


Very much available at Hyderabad, but it costs you Rs50 extra for courier. but as they are cheap at Rs 10 or 15/- each. we get 2N7000 and BS170 (both N Chl)even


Added after 2 minutes:

Computerman29 said:
Can I replace the 24LC512 with 24C512?

Maybe if the speed, voltage, and page size are similar. I would guess no just to be cautious.

I can't find value for R18, R32 & D2.

They do not exist in my schematic.

Hai, did you make any improvement of the artwork by any chance, If so can you share please?


pickit2 circuit

Thanks Computerman29.

ya...they do not exist in my schematic as well. I just follow the components counting & found that it was missing.

For the 24LC512, I think its compatible to use 24C512 as the data are quite close with same clock frequency at 400khz & voltage up to 5.5V. I'll give it a try, if failed only I get the original part.

Another thing is the MOSFET are difficult to get.

pickit2 vdd error voltage

Don't bother with the EEPROMs or BS250 / 2N7000 they're only needed for VPP before VDD programming and the EEPROMs are only for on the go programming.

bs170 replacement

Hi Sarma,

I didn't made any changes to the schematic.

Did some one done this project? Pls share some photo.

By the way, can some one modify this circuit to programing with out PC? Thanks!

pickit2 tme video

Hi Computerman29,

I think the NTD3055L can't be replace by 2N7000 & NTD20P06L can't replace by BS250 as the lead are difference.

I only can get the NTD3055L Farnell & failed to get NTD20P06L.

Any idea?

error vpp pickit 2

Hi all,
Thanks sharma for your reply.

Please confirm the following replacements.

1. IRF9610 (P-Channel [TO 220 package]) instead of BS250

2. opamp 741 instead of MCP6271

I have used the above replacements, but I receive a VDD/VPP Voltage level error.

On pickit2 application startup, the device goes to continuous BUSY led blinking i.e. VDD/VPP error

voltage levels are
On idle condition, vdd = 2.6V and on calibration, vdd = 3.8V.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

NB : I will be posting the single sided TH pcb layout after all the corrections.



vdd and vpp voltage level error

nishal said:
Hi all,
Thanks sharma for your reply.

Please confirm the following replacements.

1. IRF9610 (P-Channel [TO 220 package]) instead of BS250

2. opamp 741 instead of MCP6271

I have used the above replacements, but I receive a VDD/VPP Voltage level error.

On pickit2 application startup, the device goes to continuous BUSY led blinking i.e. VDD/VPP error

voltage levels are
On idle condition, vdd = 2.6V and on calibration, vdd = 3.8V.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

NB : I will be posting the single sided TH pcb layout after all the corrections.


Temporarily you may use 9610
instead of 741 better try TL081 Mosfet opamps

you may check the diodes and better use tant. electrolytics at specific locations like Vpp generation,instead of ordinary electrolytic caps. the ESR matters a lot
check the pin configuration of FETs and other transistors for the errors you mentioned..


Added after 7 minutes:

blueroomelectronics said:
If you're going to build a complete PK2 why not just buy one. They're not that expensive.

Yes Sir, you are right in both posts. EEProm and MOSfets are not essential
but with chips likeF628A where internal clock working for general programming, one perhaps needs Vpp before Vdd.
Even the Opamp is not needed unless, one wants to generate other Vdd supplies, internally.

I assume that, these guys/gals are making it not for using alone but for a feel of realizing a project (proven) in its totality, with their local means.

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