[PIC] Power factor measurement using PIC18f4520

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If I substitute 7 for the variable count and do the calculation then it shows exact result but I don't know why it is failing in getting the proper value for the count variable. Am I doing something wrong with Proteus ? The Proteus Oscilloscope shows that the difference between the 1st signals ZC and 2nd signals ZC is 7 ms and for 7 ms there should be 7 x 4 = 28 (250 us) timer interrupts but all the time it is showing 11 or 12.

Dear Brian,

They've accepted the petition of switching from Oshonsoft to mikroC PRO for PIC.

After declaring results, and bug in Oshonsoft, they got convinced, but I still have to encounter a -10% curve down from the total grade, for braking syllabus rules.

That's not a major problem.

by referring to pic.programmer codes on mikroC PRO, here's what he has found concerning the power factor measurement:

#include "float2ascii.h"

unsigned long delta = 0;
char myFlags = 0, str[32];
double count = 0.0, time = 0.0, angle = 0.0, powerFactor = 0.0, powerFactorPrevious = 0.0;
unsigned int degree = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0;
const char character[] = {6,21,21,21,14,4,4,4};

sbit process at myFlags.B0;

#define _LCD_FIRST_ROW          0x80     //Move cursor to the 1st row
#define _LCD_SECOND_ROW         0xC0     //Move cursor to the 2nd row
#define _LCD_THIRD_ROW          0x94     //Move cursor to the 3rd row
#define _LCD_FOURTH_ROW         0xD4     //Move cursor to the 4th row
#define _LCD_CLEAR              0x01     //Clear display
#define _LCD_RETURN_HOME        0x02     //Return cursor to home position, returns a
                                         //shifted display to its original position.
                                         //Display data RAM is unaffected.
#define _LCD_CURSOR_OFF         0x0C     //Turn off cursor
#define _LCD_UNDERLINE_ON       0x0E     //Underline cursor on
#define _LCD_BLINK_CURSOR_ON    0x0F     //Blink cursor on
#define _LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT   0x10     //Move cursor left without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT  0x14     //Move cursor right without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_TURN_ON            0x0C     //Turn Lcd display on
#define _LCD_TURN_OFF           0x08     //Turn Lcd display off
#define _LCD_SHIFT_LEFT         0x18     //Shift display left without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_SHIFT_RIGHT        0x1E     //Shift display right without changing
                                         //display data RAM

#define EN_DELAY 100
#define LCD_STROBE {LCD_EN = 1; Delay_us(EN_DELAY); LCD_EN = 0; Delay_us(EN_DELAY);};

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at LATD0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at LATD1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at LATD2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at LATD3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at LATD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at LATD5_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISD0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISD1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISD2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISD5_bit;
// End LCD module connections

void LCD_Cmd(char out_char) {

    LCD_RS = 0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;
    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;

    if(out_char == 0x01)Delay_ms(2);

void LCD_Chr(char row, char column, char out_char) {


        case 1:
        LCD_Cmd(0x80 + (column - 1));
        case 2:
        LCD_Cmd(0xC0 + (column - 1));
        case 3:
        LCD_Cmd(0x90 + (column - 1));
        case 4:
        LCD_Cmd(0xD0 + (column - 1));

    LCD_RS = 1;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;
    LCD_EN = 1;

void LCD_Chr_Cp(char out_char) {

    LCD_RS = 1;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;
    LCD_EN = 1;

void LCD_Init() {


    LCD_RS_Direction = 0;
    LCD_EN_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D4_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D5_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D6_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D7_Direction = 0;

    LCD_RS = 0;
    LCD_EN = 0;
    LCD_D4 = 0;
    LCD_D5 = 0;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;


    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 0;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;




void LCD_Out(char row, char col, char *text) {
         LCD_Chr(row, col++, *text++);

void LCD_Out_Cp(char *text) {

void CustomChar(char pos_row, char pos_char) {
    char i;
    for (i = 0; i<=7; i++) Lcd_Chr_CP(character[i]);
    Lcd_Chr(pos_row, pos_char, 0);

//Prescaler 1:1; TMR1 Preload = 64286; Actual Interrupt Time : 250 us
//Place/Copy this part in declaration section
void InitTimer1() {
    T1CON = 0x01;
    TMR1IF_bit = 0;
    TMR1H = 0xFB;
    TMR1L = 0x1E;
    TMR1IE_bit = 1;

void Interrupt() {

    if(INT0IF_bit) {
        INT0IF_bit = 0;
        INT1IE_bit = 1;
        INT0IE_bit = 0;

    if(INT1IF_bit) {
        TMR1ON_bit = 0;
        INT1IF_bit = 0;
        INT1IE_bit = 0;
        process = 1;

    if(TMR1IF_bit) {
        TMR1IF_bit = 0;
        TMR1H = 0xFB;
        TMR1L = 0x1E;
        //Enter your code here
        count = count + 1.0;

void main() {

     ADCON1 = 0x0F;
     TRISA = 0xC0;
     TRISB = 0x03;
     TRISC = 0x00;
     TRISD = 0x00;
     TRISE = 0x00;
     PORTA = 0x00;
     PORTB = 0x00;
     PORTC = 0x00;
     PORTD = 0x00;
     PORTE = 0x00;

     LATA = 0x00;
     LATB = 0x00;
     LATC = 0x00;
     LATD = 0x00;
     LATE = 0x00;

     INTEDG0_bit = 1;
     INTEDG1_bit = 1;

     INT1IF_bit = 0;
     INT1IE_bit = 0;

     INT0IF_bit = 0;

     INTCON |= 0xC0;
     LCD_Out(1,1,"Cos ");
     INT0IE_bit = 1;
     while(1) {

           if(process) {
                time = ((count * 0.00025) + 0.0000024 + (((1250.0 - (65536.0 - ((double)(TMR1H << 8) + (double)TMR1L))) * 0.0000002)));
                angle = ((time * 1000000.0) / 0.02) * 360.0;
                powerFactor = cos(angle * 0.0174532925); //
                Float2Ascii(powerFactor, str, 5);
                if(powerFactorPrevious != powerFactor){
                     powerFactorPrevious = powerFactor;
                process = 0;
                count = 0;
                INT0IE_bit = 1;

The results were faulty majorly from switching from degrees to radians as well as from the prescaler value.


- - - Updated - - -

Hi and thank you Brian!

I already downloaded mikroC PRO, wasn't it a good act? I also had posted the source code from pic.programmer concerning the pf measurement.

Thank you

I have attached a test project. In this code I have fixed the value of count variable to 28 (for 7 ms delay between the two signals). 28 because that is the value I have to get for 7 ms difference between the two signals because my timer interrupt is for 250 us and so 28 * 250 us = 7 ms.

I get proper results if value of count variable is fixed to 28.0.

So all the maths are correct but I don't know why if I put a 7 ms difference between the signals and test then the value of count variable will be 11 or 12 instead of 28.


Please test the fixed version on hardware and reply.

What was fixed ?

The only problem I found was in the latest code variable count is of type unsigned long int and I was using Float2Ascii() instead of LongToStr() to print variable count's value.

Making this changed printed the correct values. It printed 27 for 7 ms. Maybe the remaining value was held in TMRH and TMRL registers.


  • Power Factor Measurement test.rar
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  • Power Factor Measurement I think this is fixed.rar
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I have some working code in 'C' but just got called away for a few hours so it isn't finished yet. I should have the results for you tomorrow.


Hello Brian,

As C talking, please check the following code, done via mikroC PRO (fully registered), by comparing to your working code. I think the only problem is about math, since mikroC does trigonometric calculations in radians rather than degrees. Also some of the interrupt and timer1 registers values must be changed:

#include "float2ascii.h"

char myFlags = 0, str[32];
double time = 0.0, angle = 0.0, powerFactor = 0.0, powerFactorPrevious = 0.0;
unsigned long int count = 0;
const char character[] = {6,21,21,21,14,4,4,4};

sbit process at myFlags.B0;

#define _LCD_FIRST_ROW          0x80     //Move cursor to the 1st row
#define _LCD_SECOND_ROW         0xC0     //Move cursor to the 2nd row
#define _LCD_THIRD_ROW          0x94     //Move cursor to the 3rd row
#define _LCD_FOURTH_ROW         0xD4     //Move cursor to the 4th row
#define _LCD_CLEAR              0x01     //Clear display
#define _LCD_RETURN_HOME        0x02     //Return cursor to home position, returns a
                                         //shifted display to its original position.
                                         //Display data RAM is unaffected.
#define _LCD_CURSOR_OFF         0x0C     //Turn off cursor
#define _LCD_UNDERLINE_ON       0x0E     //Underline cursor on
#define _LCD_BLINK_CURSOR_ON    0x0F     //Blink cursor on
#define _LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT   0x10     //Move cursor left without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT  0x14     //Move cursor right without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_TURN_ON            0x0C     //Turn Lcd display on
#define _LCD_TURN_OFF           0x08     //Turn Lcd display off
#define _LCD_SHIFT_LEFT         0x18     //Shift display left without changing
                                         //display data RAM
#define _LCD_SHIFT_RIGHT        0x1E     //Shift display right without changing
                                         //display data RAM

#define EN_DELAY 100
#define LCD_STROBE {LCD_EN = 1; Delay_us(EN_DELAY); LCD_EN = 0; Delay_us(EN_DELAY);};

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at LATD0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at LATD1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at LATD2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at LATD3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at LATD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at LATD5_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISD0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISD1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISD2_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISD5_bit;
// End LCD module connections

void LCD_Cmd(char out_char) {

    LCD_RS = 0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;
    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;

    if(out_char == 0x01)Delay_ms(2);

void LCD_Chr(char row, char column, char out_char) {


        case 1:
        LCD_Cmd(0x80 + (column - 1));
        case 2:
        LCD_Cmd(0xC0 + (column - 1));
        case 3:
        LCD_Cmd(0x90 + (column - 1));
        case 4:
        LCD_Cmd(0xD0 + (column - 1));

    LCD_RS = 1;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;
    LCD_EN = 1;

void LCD_Chr_Cp(char out_char) {

    LCD_RS = 1;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x10)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x20)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x40)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x80)?1:0;

    LCD_D4 = (out_char & 0x01)?1:0;
    LCD_D5 = (out_char & 0x02)?1:0;
    LCD_D6 = (out_char & 0x04)?1:0;
    LCD_D7 = (out_char & 0x08)?1:0;
    LCD_EN = 1;

void LCD_Init() {


    LCD_RS_Direction = 0;
    LCD_EN_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D4_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D5_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D6_Direction = 0;
    LCD_D7_Direction = 0;

    LCD_RS = 0;
    LCD_EN = 0;
    LCD_D4 = 0;
    LCD_D5 = 0;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;


    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 1;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;



    LCD_D4 = 0;
    LCD_D5 = 1;
    LCD_D6 = 0;
    LCD_D7 = 0;




void LCD_Out(char row, char col, char *text) {
         LCD_Chr(row, col++, *text++);

void LCD_Out_Cp(char *text) {

void CustomChar(char pos_row, char pos_char) {
    char i;
    for (i = 0; i<=7; i++) Lcd_Chr_CP(character[i]);
    Lcd_Chr(pos_row, pos_char, 0);

//Prescaler 1:1; TMR1 Preload = 64286; Actual Interrupt Time : 250 us
//Place/Copy this part in declaration section
void InitTimer1() {
    T1CON = 0x00;
    TMR1IF_bit = 0;
    TMR1H = 0xFB;
    TMR1L = 0x1E;
    TMR1IE_bit = 1;
    TMR1ON_bit = 1;

void Interrupt() {

    if(INT0IF_bit) {
        INT0IF_bit = 0;
        INT1IE_bit = 1;
        INT0IE_bit = 0;

    if(INT1IF_bit) {
        TMR1ON_bit = 0;
        INT1IF_bit = 0;
        INT1IE_bit = 0;
        process = 1;

    if(TMR1IF_bit) {
        TMR1H = 0xFB;
        TMR1L = 0x1E;
        //Enter your code here
        TMR1IF_bit = 0;

void main() {

     ADCON1 = 0x0F;
     TRISA = 0xC0;
     TRISB = 0x03;
     TRISC = 0x00;
     TRISD = 0x00;
     TRISE = 0x00;
     PORTA = 0x00;
     PORTB = 0x00;
     PORTC = 0x00;
     PORTD = 0x00;
     PORTE = 0x00;

     LATA = 0x00;
     LATB = 0x00;
     LATC = 0x00;
     LATD = 0x00;
     LATE = 0x00;

     INTEDG0_bit = 1;
     INTEDG1_bit = 1;

     INT1IF_bit = 0;
     INT1IE_bit = 0;

     INT0IF_bit = 0;

     LCD_Out(1,1,"Cos ");
     INT0IE_bit = 1;
     INTCON |= 0xC0;
     while(1) {

           if(process) {
                time = ((double)(count * 0.00025) + 0.0000024 + ((1250.0 - (65536.0 - ((double)(TMR1H << 8) + (double)TMR1L))) * 0.0000002));
                angle = (time / 0.02) * 360.0;
                powerFactor = cos(angle * 0.0174532925);
                Float2Ascii(powerFactor, str, 5);
                if(powerFactorPrevious != powerFactor){
                     LongToStr(count, str);
                     powerFactorPrevious = powerFactor;
                process = 0;
                count = 0;
                INT0IE_bit = 1;


I am attaching the latest code I wrote for you. I have implemented WDT code so that you can be sure that PIC doesn't hang. I see a strange behaviour. I don't have the hardware to test, so please test this in hardware. The problem I see is that if I try to display voltage value on LCD using


then the power factor value becomes incorrect and if I don't display voltage value on LCD then power factor value will be correct.

I don't know what is causing the problem whether it is mikroC problem or Proteus problem. I am only testing it in Proteus. I have also attached the Proteus file.

I never experienced such a problem earlier.

- - - Updated - - -


Try the attached more precise project in hardware.

In proteus for 126 degrees it showed -0.588 and calculator shows -0.58778525229247312916870595463907

So, I got exact result. I have used 20 ms Timer Interrupt. 1:2 Prescalar.

The maths is correct but still the LCD problem remains that is if I display voltage value on LCD then power factor value becomes incorrect. That you have to test it in hardware only. Maybe it is a Proteus bug.


  • Mains Monitor 250 us Timer Interrupt Strange Behaviour.rar
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  • Mains Monitor 250 us Timer Interrupt more precise.rar
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Sorry - MikroC doesn't work properly in Linux so I can't run it. I have an unregistered copy on an old Windows machine but it hit the demo limit and wouldn't compile.

Anything I state from now on is not tested in code or hardware:

1. take out all the "asm clrwdt" lines, they are not needed. A PIC runnng at 20MHz will execute tens of thousands of instructions before the WDT times out so putting them in with only two instructions between them is dramatic overkill. You probably only need it once at the beginning of the while() loop.

2. The method I used is similar but not the same as in that code. I use the value in the timer directly, counting the PICs internal instruction clock, this code uses the interrupts to generate fixed time intervals (20mS) and counts those instead. I'm not sure that will give a valid reading.

I've added comments below - I do not understand why TMR1 is initialized to produce 20mS interupts:
void Interrupt() {

    if(INT0IF_bit) {      // Voltage ZC has been detected
        TMR1ON_bit = 1;   // start Timer 1 counting
        INT0IE_bit = 0;   // disable further Voltage ZC detection
        INT0IF_bit = 0;   // clear the Voltage ZC Interrupt bit
        INT1IE_bit = 1;   // enable Current ZC detection interrupts

    if(INT1IF_bit) {      // Current ZC has been detected
        TMR1ON_bit = 0;   // stop Timer 1 counting
        INT1IE_bit = 0;   // disable further Current ZC detection
        INT1IF_bit = 0;   // clear the Current ZC Interrupt bit
        timer_value = (double)(TMR1H << 8) + (double)TMR1L;
        process = 1;

    if(TMR1IF_bit) {      // so what does this do???
        TMR1H = 0x3C;
        TMR1L = 0xB0;
        TMR1IF_bit = 0;
        //Enter your code here

20 ms is a random value I chose for the Timer Interrupt. With 1:2 Prescalar it needs 50000 counts to get 20 ms delay. The mains frequency is 50 Hz and T is 20 ms and so I don't need to count the overflow clounts. The deltaT between the two signal's ZC's will be within 20 ms and all the timer value between the two ZC's will be within the TMR1H and TMR1L registers.

I can easily do the maths and get the result and I am getting precise result. So, there is no problem with the code.

The working of my code is like this.

For the first time before entering while(1) loop the INT0IE_bit is enabled and voltage signals ZC will be detected and Timer1 will be turned ON and INT1IE_bit will be enabled and INT0IE_bit will be disabled.

So, there won't be false triggering of INT0 (voltage signal). Then when INT1 is detected (current's ZC) then Timer is turned OFF and INT1 is disabled and process flag is set.

So, now all the interrupts will be disabled and off. Now the
if(process) { }

condition is executed and results are calculated and displayed and at the end of this if() condition INT0 is reenabled and so the next cycle begins only after this.

So, this ensures that there will be no ZC detection or timer running when data is being processed and there will be no data processing when ZC's are being detected and Timer is running.

But I don't understand what is causing the problem so that when voltage value is displayed then power factor value becomes incorrect.


You have set not to receive PMs but I need to contact you. I want you to help me and also the OP in this project. I can rewrite the code in Wiz-C MX also. I purchased that Compiler last week but I found the IDE Complex.

Last month I purchased an extra license for mikroC PRO PIC Compiler but I have not used it. I am willing to give that license to you (betwixt) for free so that you can help me and OP with the mikroC project.

Please email me at jayanthd2k12@gmail.com so that I can send you the license. Please mods don't delete this post or ban me for posting this. I am not distributing any software. It is just that I have an extra license and I am willing to give it to betwixt so that he can help us with the project. So, mods please don't remove my email ID from this post.
Your circuit will not work with my code. Change your VZCD circuit to one which uses OpAmp as a Comparator. Your VZCD circuit gives low to high pulse every 10 ms (for 50 Hz signals). In my code INT0 and INT1 detect only low to high transition. In my circuit I use OpAmp as Comparator for the two ZCD circuits. It works for me in Proteus.

Use this circuit for ZCD circuits. Use any 5V Rail to Rail OpAmp. I have use OPA350. You can use others.


  • Circuit.png
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The deltaT between the two signal's ZC's will be within 20 ms
It should be within -5ms .... +5ms, for -90° (fully) capacitive to +90° (fully) inductive (with respect to voltage).

I see a critical point where both zero cross signals are very close = 0° = pure resistive load.


You can use this non isolated VZCD circuit. D2 should not be connected to PIC ground. It is shown only in the simulation.


  • non isolated zcd.png
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Dear Brian

Could you post your working C code so I can build it using mikrC PRO and test results on hardware?

Here is the latest mikroC PRO PIC project. It is working fine in Proteus.


Can you help me port this code to CCS C Code ? If yes, please create a CCS C project using Compiler version 5.053 and post it here. It should contain the code for configuring int0, int1 and timer1 and also the ISR codes.


  • Mains Monitor 20 ms Timer Interrupt Working.rar
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Dear all:

It's been over a month, that I didn't finish a simple first task, that is the power factor measurement using zero crossing detection.

I don't want to "cross" deadline, that equals massive failure.

Here's plan B:

1) Since I barely know/de-fragment a C code, and I`m very new to mikroC PRO compiler
2) Since Zero crossing detection method is very hard to achieve using what I know of Basic language
3) Since I've changed TOO much circuits of voltage ZCD as well as current ZCD (I`m not sure what to use at the moment, the LM358 one, or the H11AA1 one or the one that pic.programmer provided from Microchip)

I`m heading to a new way of power factor measurement using PIC, also using OshonSoft compiler:

1) make an ADC supply voltage measurement on PORTA.0
2) make an ADC load current measurement on PORTA.1
3) ask the user to enter the load apparent power [usually written on the load itself, in this case, it is 200W], from a 4x4 keypad with safety enabling (like if the user entered a lower apparent power than true power, system would refuse it, etc..)
4) multiply the ADC in of current and voltage, so now I have the true power
5) divide the multiplication result to the apparent power given by the user
6) send value to display and that would be power factor.

Any objections? Are there other more accurate methods?

I cannot continue working like this, this thread took too long, and other tasks are missing! I switched from Oshonsoft compiler to mikroC and changed like 3 different ZCD circuits, and tried too many codes.

Advises please


- - - Updated - - -

This shall be last try for power factor measurement using zero crossing, here's a full article with complete source code:
**broken link removed**

Advises please

Sorry - been away trying to lay 2Km of water pipe in temperatures so low it has lost it's flexibility. It's like wrestling with a Python. I've got about 1.5Km down but many hours of struggling still to go! I envy you in warmer countries, there is still winter snow on the ground here.

Measuring the voltage and current is taking us back to my suggestions many posts back. If you are going to do that, PLEASE automate the phase measurement using a very simple analog method.
1. measure voltage with one ADC input
2. measure current with a second ADC input.
3. XOR (use a logic gate such as 74LS86 or equivalent) the two waveforms, feed it through a low pass filter and measure the resulting voltage through a third ADC input.

As long as you 'square up' the voltage and current waveforms using an op-amp or comparator before feeding them to the XOR gate, it's output will be a pulse with width equal to the phase difference in the signals. If you filter it to find the average, you get an analog voltage proportional to the phase shift.

It isn't using the zero crossing method at all but it will allow you to measure V, I, apparent power and phase displacement using simple math.


Why do you see a need for XOR?

With voltage and current at the ADC you have all you need to know.
* measure voltage and calculate RMS_voltage
* measure current and calculate RMS_current
* multiply RMS_voltage x RMS_current and get apparent_power
* at every maesurement calculate actual_current x actual_voltage and get true_power
* Now just divide true_power / appareant_power and get cos(phi)

I've done this with an Atmega32...calculated the results 400 times a second.
You don't need to be that fast, this makes it a lot easier.

For a display ... don't update it more than three times a second (nobody is able to read that fast. It is just confusing)
So you have plenty of time for measurements and calculations.
And the result is very precise, stable and reliable.
The key to success is the ADC timing.

I can't write code for you, because i'm not familiar with PIC and the compilers.

The ADC solution is far better and you gain RMS_voltage, RMS_current, apparent_power, true_power,
if you like: impedance, resistance...

For sure this is my way to do measurement...others may find it difficult...you have to choose.

I suggested an XOR gate because it gives an output only when one or the other but not both inputs are high, when fed with the two square waves it's average output voltage will be proportional to the time they overlap and hence the phase difference between them. I agree it can all be done with direct measurement through the ADC but it removes the constraints of having to sample each waveform several times per cycle, essentially measuring the amount rather than the shape. Rectifying and filtering all the measurements isn't the cleverest way to do it but it is simple and gives accurate results.

Bear in mind that although the PIC18F4520 has 10 ADC inputs, they are internally connected to a multiplexer then on to one ADC module, it can not take simultaneous measurements although if the input impedance is kept low, it can rapidly sample the inputs in sequence.

The original topic was to use zero crossing as the method and Oshonsoft BASIC as the language, I fear a lot of time has been wasted by using develpment software that has very limited debugging capability.


Hello Brian and thank you!

So the new performance should act like:
1) a resistive voltage divider fed to PORTA.0
2) a current sensing fed to PORTA.1

isn't a 4x4 keypad necessary for the user to enter the apparent power?

could this type of coding be done with oshonsoft basic?

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Could you explain #3 more please, and circuitry of it


I should have read your post #135 more carefully. You gave all the information.
But somehow i missed it.

With U and I at the ADC, then the microcontroller has all information it needs. No need to input averag_power.

Non simultaneous ADC sampling.
The higher the sampling frequency (interleaved U and I) the lower the error.
And the error is known, so it is simple mathematics to compensate it. It is a fixed phase angle.


I am trying to help the OP. I tried to port the mikroC Code to CCS C Code. I used CCS C 5.053 version Compiler. It is not working as needed. Please have a look at the attached project and please fix it so that it gives proper power factor value. I am testing in Proteus and I have attached Proteus file also.

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Please tell me how to calculate apparent power and true power using adc. A sample code would be helpful. You can show it for AVR.


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I would suggest a much simpler scheme for the digital phase shift measurement. Don't understand the purpose of timer imterrupt in your code. Also you are reenabling external interrupts without resetting the interrupt flag which makes the interrupt react on previously stored events and wrong timing measurement.

Timer capture feature can be used for cycle accurate timing measurement, but the code becomes more complex.

void ext_isr(void) {

void ext1_isr(void) {
   timer_value = get_timer1();
   process = 1;

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