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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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Thanks but it dosen't help.
My problem is not with the 5v devices ,it is with the 3.3v devices.
When i put a 3.3 regulator for my icd2 programmer MPLAB still recognizes it as 4.99.
Any suggestion?

Thanks but it dosen't help.
My problem is not with the 5v devices ,it is with the 3.3v devices.
When i put a 3.3 regulator for my icd2 programmer MPLAB still recognizes it as 4.99.
Any suggestion?

I would guess that it is reading the voltage out of the ICD2 to the PIC, but since you added a regulator, that same voltage is actually the input to the 3.3v regulator - not the output from it.

Also, as John Blue said, make sure you have selected the correct device in MPLAB. It should detect it and set the voltage accordingly. Some of the newer devices may not be supported by ICD2, and Microchip is not adding any more supported devices to the firmware - to force people to buy their new, overpriced ICD3.

BTW, this thread is for building a Pickit2. You may find more/better answers in a thread more specific to ICD2.

Another question, can I replace MCP6001 with LM324M? MCP chips are not available here locally, and I'm scavenging for parts on junks.

Ok, Could you suggest me other alternatives on MCP6001 except from MCP6271?

you don't mount that chip and short the drain- source pins of the Pmosfet following that chip. the board will work
you need not calibrate the power 5V section.
have a check of Vpp (around 11.5 or above,and the programmer would work for chips that need 5V Vdd. as and when you get replace assemble the Vdd adj section. if you can order on Farnell / Electronic Component Distributors / Suppliers / Electronics, Electrical Parts, Electrical Components and Wholesale Electronics. they would give you.
not very costly if you have a Microchip local dealer you can order on them.

Hi dear friends,
Thanks a lot for your helps.
Would you please tell me which one is the best?
Since i 've made the pickit2 and it works quite well with the 5v devices,I need an ICD2 which be fully compatible and applicable for 3.3v devies.
As far as know i can't use pickit2 with 3.3v devices so i must make other for programming 3.3v PICs,i made one but it dosen't even work and i couldn't figure out the problem.
Could someone tell me the best PCB of ICD2?
Is it ?

Hi dear friends,
Thanks a lot for your helps.
Would you please tell me which one is the best?
Since i 've made the pickit2 and it works quite well with the 5v devices,I need an ICD2 which be fully compatible and applicable for 3.3v devies.
As far as know i can't use pickit2 with 3.3v devices so i must make other for programming 3.3v PICs,i made one but it dosen't even work and i couldn't figure out the problem.
Could someone tell me the best PCB of ICD2?
Is it ?

It is not clear whether you have assembled a full version or bypassed the Vdd_adj section. once you mount MCP6001 or MCP6271 and also a suitable PmosFET, you can adjust Vdd to any voltage like 3.3 or 5V for the programming. thus it would be possible with same pickit2 to program the 3.3V devices. the purpose if ICD is different and not to just programming alone , if I got it correctly.

If you made this version, following this thread, it supports 3.3V devices. For pickit 2 you can go find potyo's ICD 2 clone.

Thanks a lot for your answers.
I've made the pickit 2 lite version but i couldn't program the 3.3 chip and i don't know how is it possible.
The schematic is in
Would you please place the pickit 2 full version schematic here?
Thanks a lot in advance.

The schematics and layout is already in the post =)

Is it necessary to short PIN 9 and PIN 18 in the 18F2550?, they seem to be connected internally, I test them using a continuity test and it beeped.

ok, thanks for the answer. but i'm having design troubles with shorting them, i'am targeting to build a pickit2 th parts with no jumper wires and i found it hard manually routing all the connections.

another question, Can I damage a PIC by just subjecting an I/O pin to ICSP voltages and signals? I have an idea to incorporate a ZIF socket on the pickit2, i'm not sure enough to do that. becomes a bit tricky to manually route the PCb without jumpers. PIC devices are sturdy against accidental voltages on their PIN's. Even subjecting the MCLR on other pins wont damage the device. When "one" ZIF socket is used to program multiple devices, and devices with different pins counts are inserted in ceratin positions, the other will are naturally connected to volatges where the ZIF is designed for connecting other devices on those PIN's.
ZIF socket versions are already tried and tested, and are abundantly available on the web. Just google it for.
**broken link removed**
if the I/0 pin is connected to a higher voltage than Vdd, then perhaps YES. why not make another zif add on board and plug it to the icsp connector and use? you need to maintain proper polarity of interconnection by guarding agianst reversal of the icsp connector!!!

I'm considering all situations on the pickit2, I just want to make sure and have extra caution. pickit2 parts are hard to find here locally. I don't want to mess up with my available resources, thanks for all the answers.

which hex file is to be used for the 18f2550? is the hex file available? if yes please upload...thanks

which hex file is to be used for the 18f2550? is the hex file available? if yes please upload...thanks

file is in the microchip mplab and in pickit2 folder called pk2v023200.hex


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