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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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Strange...i build a pickit2 clone from mcuhobby. i am getting the same vpp voltage error and L1 is getting heat. so there is some same issue with both the circuit.

this time i got fairchildBS170 and phillps BS250...still no use, am getting errors and not program
What to do? :-(

Some of your components might burnt already...@.@

Is your L1 is correct?

Try replacing U5-P and Q1 with IRLML6402 (smd). This is how I solved this issue!.


Yup. But, i haven't try yet. Partially working... haha... BS250 seems to give the vpp problem

I am doubting the L1 resister type coils. Do you people think it will be the problem.

There is lot people have done the Pickit2 full and Pickit2 clones.

How come for other people the BS250 working? i have to try the pickit2 lite. already i made the pcb which i got it from somewhere. I don't know what is going to happen

Attaching the pcb and schematic. Is any body having component layout for this.

robotsmani said:
I am doubting the L1 resister type coils. Do you people think it will be the problem.
I have used such coils in my prototypes. never had any problem with it. Yes...i did had problems with Mosfets...(I dont know why) General purpose transistors like the ones specified by Blueroom in Pickit2 lite, worked without any problems. Cheers

Is there any difference between pickit2 full and lite ?

I am also trying to make a pickit2 lite.


The original PICKit2 from Microchip is a complete development platform, and not simply a programmer, which uses some sections (no VPP before VDD, non programmable VDD, no internal EEPROMs) which are not used in the Lite version. Pickit2 Lite is a programmer, rather simplified form of the original Pickit2, which is well suitable for most of works expected as an average hobbyist. The Component layout of the PCB posted (Third post on this page) by "mvs sarma" is actually and effort to build the complete Pickit2 with a single sided board using through hole components. Cheers

Changed bs250 (Q1) with irlml6402. Working fully.

hi all

so what mosfet and opamp do you used finally to make it works?

I understand:
for N mosfet may use bs170
for P-> irlml6402
TL081 for opamp.

Is that correct?

thanks so mucho for all

As long as P mosfet is irlml6402 it should be working.. ^_^

I'm doing project on "PALMPRINT CLASSIFICATION USING PRINCIPAL LINES" which is on image processing, using MATLAB TOOL . I have got deadline,need to complete the project in one week,so plz could u send me the matlab code for this project.

hi all

can i use instead irlml6402 an IRF9530N? THE irlml6402 in my country is not accesible. Maybe the irf9530n its not ideal it has RDS(on) = 0.20ohm and the bs250 has RDS(on) = 3.5ohm. the irlm6402 has RDS(on) = 0.065ohm. sorry for my english THANKS FOR ANSWER

I don't know, but you could try it. BE VERY CAREFUL TO GET THE PINOUT RIGHT. That is what caused all of my problems in the beginning. Good luck!!

Computerman29 said:
I don't know, but you could try it. BE VERY CAREFUL TO GET THE PINOUT RIGHT. That is what caused all of my problems in the beginning. Good luck!!

ok thans i wait today only for the crystal and then i will try it. i will post the result here....

Hi All icomplete my pickit2 and i have broblem to install it on every my system (win 2k,XP,7}, i connect it to pc and it says found new hardware pikit 2 programmer and thats all, no drivers are time it has find the pickit2 software saz the pickit2 is instaled and after few seconds is not connected check the usb connection...sorry for my english thanks for answer

Computerman29 said:
Did you solder a .1uf cap between the power pins of the PIC?

yes i have, but nevermind wrong usb cable now it works but the irf 9530n dont work still vpp error .......i must find another one...

Try "force routing" the MOSFET's...

Examine the pinout for the MOSFET that you are using. In the SCHEMATIC, unhook all leads on the MOSFET. hook one lead...check the board file to see if the signal matches the schematic. if not change in the SCHEMATIC. repeat for the remaining two pins. Repeat for the remaining two MOSFET's. The schematic may appear to be wired incorrectly, but the board is what matters. My schematic appears incorrect, but the board is correct. Recheck all of the MOSFET's the same way to make sure. The footprints are sometimes not correctly matched to the schematic symbols. That is how I fixed mine.

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