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PicKit 2 FULL with TH components - Need help with layout

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me_guitarist said:
mvs sarma said:
me_guitarist said:
any news on this project?

My board work very well since I built.
perhaps after bypassing the VDD tgt adj

Now, if you can retain the Green LED and its resistor alone on the usb and try to supply external 5V regulated to the rest of circuitry,(and if the Q1 is properly mounted)
even the Vdd Tgt Adj will work and it would be fully operational. the USB power supply getting loaded and drooping to 4.8V or so is an important aspect to be studied, as the same has not been happening to Microchips PICKIT2.

mvs sarma said:
me_guitarist said:
mvs sarma said:
me_guitarist said:
any news on this project?

My board work very well since I built.
perhaps after bypassing the VDD tgt adj

Now, if you can retain the Green LED and its resistor alone on the usb and try to supply external 5V regulated to the rest of circuitry,(and if the Q1 is properly mounted)
even the Vdd Tgt Adj will work and it would be fully operational. the USB power supply getting loaded and drooping to 4.8V or so is an important aspect to be studied, as the same has not been happening to Microchips PICKIT2.

Dear Sarma,

Can I send you some code for explaination?
As I can't get the answer over the forum.

mvs sarma said:
me_guitarist said:
mvs sarma said:
me_guitarist said:
any news on this project?

My board work very well since I built.
perhaps after bypassing the VDD tgt adj

Now, if you can retain the Green LED and its resistor alone on the usb and try to supply external 5V regulated to the rest of circuitry,(and if the Q1 is properly mounted)
even the Vdd Tgt Adj will work and it would be fully operational. the USB power supply getting loaded and drooping to 4.8V or so is an important aspect to be studied, as the same has not been happening to Microchips PICKIT2.

The L1 (680uH) as measured a resistance of 34 ohms, in microchip original device. if we try to make with thicker wire , perhaps it saturates the core and lowers its value. thus the voltage gets loaded during initial tests so it sappers better to get it made, similar to original that used a U-U core and almost thin (44 or 46 swg) wire.

Hai Friends.
Here is my newly constructed Programmer part of PICkit2 with Double sided PCB with smd resistors, supplied with a programming board with zif socket which fits right over the main board whiich makes a complete programmer for 5 volt devices. The complete assembled kit is available from

Hai Pranam77
Looking at your post "&highlight=" i have already bought the said kit from United 7 and it is really a cost effective solution for people who are serching for a simple USB programmer like me. Thanks for the informative post.


I build the circuit using nishal pcb and made the changes suggested by sarma

1. btw there is a simple wire link needed to power the 2 eeproms and the yellow lamp as well.

2. removed Q1 & shorted its D&G

And me_guitarist

3. I simply connect a wire after the 470R(Yellow LED) to Vusb+5V, now everything works perfectly, programmer-to-go working, Yellow LED lit up. I didn't remove U2 as well. I still can't calibrate it but do this does matter?


My pickit2 is detected and connected. The green led lit up.

I started troubleshoot i am getting following error

"An external voltage was detected on the VDD pin at 3.6 volts

Click next to...


Test VPP


when i calibrate i am getting volts of 4.84v in pin 2 & 3, click on calibrate i am getting error message

"Could not fully calibrate the unit. The USB voltage may be too low to completely calibrate"

When i connected 16f84a thru' ICSP the device is not detected.
Sometime it is detected as 16f882 or 16f884. and sometime the
Device : Unsupported Part (ID=3000)

Please help me....


robotsmani said:
Is anybody there to help me out....
Mr Mani, please check from the PICKIT2 user guide
there are certain PICs which cant provide device id
if 16F84A is in that list
perhaps we can manually select and finish our work.
All the best


Added after 3 minutes:

robotsmani said:

1. btw there is a simple wire link needed to power the 2 eeproms and the yellow lamp as well.

2. removed Q1 & shorted its D&G......

you are expected to short D&S NOT D&G
please ensure

It's working with D & S short... ^^

Still it is not working. i had a doubt with bc639 pins., so i removed all the bc640 and bc639 and replaced with 2N3906 and 2N3904.

I tried with the troubleshoot, now the VDD test is passed. But the VPP test is showing short. The D3 IN5819 is getting heat. I measured the vpp voltage it is 15.8v. so disconnected immediatly.

robotsmani said:
Still it is not working. i had a doubt with bc639 pins., so i removed all the bc640 and bc639 and replaced with 2N3906 and 2N3904.

I tried with the troubleshoot, now the VDD test is passed. But the VPP test is showing short. The D3 IN5819 is getting heat. I measured the vpp voltage it is 15.8v. so disconnected immediatly.



  • nishals_pickit2_fet_transistor_mrkg_8952.png
    105.8 KB · Views: 1,040

Pickit 3 clone is out. Anyone? Found it on other post. ^^V

thanks sarma for the diagram...

i verified the pinouts and connected in series with L and 10ohm, still i am getting the vpp voltage level error. vpp test is showing short. measured the voltage it is showing 13.5v.

still device not detected.....

is any of my components damaged...?

Added after 15 minutes:

Actually the L is getting heat...

I am using op amp TL081, is that any problem...

Removed the op amp also..still the same VPP voltage level error

Are you using bs250 and 2n7000? The bs250 mosfets seems to give a lot of problems though. I am still to replace it with the original mosfet which i just got them.

Added after 2 hours 17 minutes:

Pickit 3 in pdf for those who don't have protel

Yes i am using BS250 & BS170....(i don't know the make)

Still my circuit is not working. Sarmaji helped me a lot in offline. I have replaced most of the components with the new one, now my PCB is getting damaged, soldering - desoldering so many time in the PCB is bad. Some of the tracks are coming out.

I have to do a New PCB. :cry::cry::cry:

Only thing i am facing difficult is, different company made components, having different pinouts are confusing. And we cannot find out the make of the components.

I feel this difference is the only thing, which fails my circuit.


Try to get the original chip from fairchild if i'm not mistaken. They offer samples also but you have to pay minimum processing fees. ^^ And try checking your transistors.... it my be placed wrongly or burnt.

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