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[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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Can anyone comment on the performance of the 50Hz/60Hz iron core transformer being fed with 20kHz? I could imagine the losses would be huge! Maybe it would be an advantage to move the filtering to the primary (low voltage) side of the transformer...
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hi asif hameed, i just want 2 know how you where able 2 simulate this schematic on proteus cos i seem not to find the tlp250 in its library.
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Hi Taner

I believe that you have a error in the output of transformer. The resistance of 100 Ohm of U1B is wrong, it must be 1KOhm because, voltage is 2.5V.
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massew said:
Can anyone comment on the performance of the 50Hz/60Hz iron core transformer being fed with 20kHz? I could imagine the losses would be huge! Maybe it would be an advantage to move the filtering to the primary (low voltage) side of the transformer...

I wonder the same.
Given the current at the primary, the inductor will be large ?, and more IR loss.
or perhaps the modulation be upped to 50kHz?
I am pondering whether to do such a project, I found source for a LF toroid 800VA,
16/240VAC for about $AUD285, so it would be a commitment, but I wouldn't want a failure after spending so much.(i would use 24V battery)

Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter PCB

here are the PCb files for the inverter......both Altium and Protel files are its not the final version of pcb you need to connect current transformer externally by can edit the pcb for your ease of advice is to edit the text accordingly and exchange the layers (Top<=>bottom) while printing for easy soldering otherwise in top layer soldering is much difficult for beginners becuse there are so many connections......there is no copyright associated with PCB:D

I've updated the PCb plz see next

enjoy my brothers

Here is the Asm equivalent of every line of the source code.....too long but easy to understand.....Taner did good job writing this code........C code is converted in ASM using CCS_PCWHD....

i asked help from many people from forum but only few respond....thanks to all....but for those who do not respond....brothers, if u need my help i'm here....

only thing i want to say is if you remember the following three things you'll never fall

For Love, For Honour, For Mankind

there is nothing personal, Enjoy my Brothers........
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here is the assemply photo if you interchange the layers while printing.....this has some additional unsolded components for zero cross detection (used for ups convesion and not incuded in uploaded package).uploaded pcb is just for inverter you can make any change according to your needs.... at bottom assembly only smd diodes and capacitors are solded.....u need to connect the upper and bottom layers where needed by making a hole and using jumper wire then sold the smd components....
if u need any help according assebly you can pm me.....

i hope this can help somewhat while soldering components...

plz see next updated posts


i have only one issue in the shematic.... i dont know about taner but according to my opinion tlp250 must be connected to U+ instead of 10v because they require 10v min to operate while u connect them to 10v after SS34 they get

10-0.12=9.88v because SS34 has 0.12v potential drop

schematic updated

God Bless You

Hello jami007, I would join to this discusion.

What do you say about gound suply for U3 and U4. Please compare ground connection (pin 5) these two chips (U3 and U4) with connection of U5 and U6 (also pin 5). Do you see any diference? Is this correct?

With best regards


Californiajoe said:
Hello jami007, I would join to this discusion.

What do you say about gound suply for U3 and U4. Please compare ground connection (pin 5) these two chips (U3 and U4) with connection of U5 and U6 (also pin 5). Do you see any diference? Is this correct?

With best regards


I had an issue about this but when i saw the original circuit provided by taner, he did the same thing as in schematic...... didn't get any reason about it yet....but i think its all depends on circuit's working.......didn't get much time to test my assembled circuit completely due to some unavoidable reasons....but i hope to start my work again soon...

Hello jami007,

today I started with tests on protoboard.
First of all I changed PIC16F876A MCU with PIC16F877A becouse I don't have the requested one. No problem with software, I just recompiled it for the new one.

First step was connecting LEDs to every output on a MCU (OE, A/B, PWM, MUX_A, MUX_B), i didn't see explanations for pin RB0: ZC and pin RB2: REL in this topic.
Maybe you know it?

Second step was connection all inputs to it's expected tension. I used resistor deviders to get correct values.
b/a = 1,6V
Volt/Stdby = 4,7V
Cur_h/l = 2,5V
V_BAT = 1,4V
V_OUT = 2,5V
NTC = 4,1V

After reset of a MCU I got these LED signals:
1.Green LED lights for two seconds
2.Red LED lights for two seconds
3.Blinking Green and Red LED together for 10 times
4.Blinking Green LED all the time (forever).

Now I think some of the values up are not correct, can you compare them with your experiences and coment them please? I think those values are very important for proper work of inverter.

My plan is to get precise value of a tension for each input.



explanation of the circuit from many sources of the forum......i arranged them for my report, may have some additional info but sufficient to understand working of inverter...also basic idea of conversion into ups is also can do it with modifications in software or mechanically using relay logic.....

you can calculate values using formula

(5/255)*Software Value=Real Value


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Rel and ZC is for conversion into UPS.....u can operate relay throug software modification or direct throug main supply using small transformer(inverse logic)....and ZC is connected to microcontroller external interrupt.......first build inverter and test it...then there are so many ways to convert it into UPs with or without software modifications....

Added after 3 minutes:

Note: formula may only works for values regarding ADC

Added after 2 minutes:

I'm not expert in PIC programming but i think we use 5 channels of ADC so thats how we calculate values.....may be I'm wrong about reason but formula works fine

Very good, this afternoon I have to change some values with purpose to get normal work of a MCU (20kHz and 50Hz output). At the momment it seems to be stdby mode. After that I'll add LM and SN hardware.



Ok, it works.

b/a ............ 0 to 2,15V (PWM works)
Volt/Stdby should be close to 5V
Curr_h/l ..... 0,35 to 4,7V
V_BAT ........ 1,15 to 2V
NTC ............ 0 to 2,1V (PWM stop, FAN = 5V)
NTC ............ 2,2 to 2,4V (checking load, FAN = 5V)
NTC ............ 2,5V and more (PWM works, FAN = 0V)

There was no respond with adjusting of V_OUT, and also BUZZER has no signal out.

Next step is connecting MC14053 ( I have to get it, could be dificult ).



there is no buzzer connected in the circuit but u can use it with software modification.....V_out should respond its just an aplifier configuration with desired gain.....there are alternate for some IC's check attachment....advice to visit web site to find manufacturer shows all companies and names for an u can find alternate easily.

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