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Understood.Mazz said:Just follow the impedance definition: V/I.
Probe the input current and define the Zin in data display.
For output, I think you have to inject a signal on output.
Added after 16 minutes:
The problem should be related to the model I think. But you are not wrong. Please see the graph below, it is a HB simulation using HICUM model, it shows a better output matching at around -23dbm and there is no gain ripple at this point. But I think this is reasonable as you can see the matching is below -15db, a better matching like -23db could not vary the gain much. For instance, if you get a -15db matchin and a 20db gain, do you expect there is a large gain increase when you finely tune the matching to perfect (-∞)? I don't think so according to my experience.biff44 said:Maybe you should care about the output match!
You do not define what you mean by gain, but if your "gain" is 20 log s21, then the gain is being calculated with a simulated 50 ohm load. If you have a poor output match to a 50 ohm load, you will have less overall gain. If you have a good output match to a 50 ohm load, you will have more overall gain. It does not matter if at some later time you want to hook this up to a different load. We are talking about the bump in "gain" that you showed in your plot, and we only care right now about the load that the computer software used during the simulation.
If, at -23 dBm input power, the output impedance shifts so that you have a much better match than when you have -30 dBm input power, that could explain the 3 db jump in gain.
This is just a guess, but a 3dB bump in gain is not that much, and could be a large signal impedance effect, especially if you consider a match to some harmonic generated at the higher output power.
However, when I switch to GP model, ADS just can not finish the simulatoin and showing an error message all the time.
BTW, my simulation is HB with small-signal at 1kHz.
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