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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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sot223-4 eagle

Please help Ground plane in eagle ?

eagle autoplace fehler

what's your exact problem?
click "Polygon", type Gnd (or however your ground is named), choose an appropriate width > 0 (unless you want to bother your PCB manufacturer ;-) ) and draw the ground plane. You can see the plane after clicking "Ratsnest" - that's it


microchip pic18f4620 eagle library

I have SMD components in top layer and GND ground plane in bottom layer.
HOw to to route SMD GND pins directly to GND layer ?

Thxs :)

auto route eagle cad wire width

To connect from top side to ground plane use Vias.

cadsoft eagle paste buffer is empty problem


I've used Eagle 4.11 (free version) to draw an audio amplifier, and so far I really like the program. However, when I came to the routing part some weird lines appeared on the screen. I have figured out that there is something wrong with the TO-92 layout symbol, it seems to be connected to arc elements in the symbol itself. Has anyone seen this problem before? Are there any "healthy" libraries for download?

/ Zalpon

sch 74 vcc eagle cad

xjackal said:
how can i draw 2 side pcbs?
place the components from the library on the Top layer (default: red). Mirror them for a placement on the Bottom layer (default: blue). Tracks can of course be placed on both layers. Layers for multi-layer PCBs (Route 2 ... 15) are not used.

But your question is very abstract, so be more specific...


how to import into eagle 5.4


I am using EAGLE 4.13r1, and Adobe acrobat reader professional 6.0.

How can I print the PCB layout tracks only, without components placed on the PCB layout tracks, I mean I want to print the PCB tracks only to directly make the printd board, using Adobe PDF printer, and hp deskfet 3500 too.

Thank you in advance

eagle wire to polygon

use command "display" and disable unwanted layers

avoid vias from 1 layer to another eagle


When I draw the schematic, no errors at all, ok...

In the PCB design section I use autorouting, when it finishes routing, I start ripping each track at a time, because all tracks are of the same size, then I redraw the track that I have already ripped, of course with the track size I need, Is there any way to make this before autorouting, I mean I want to specify a track size before autorouting, if possible for each connection "rout" also ??

How can I change the pad size, I noticed that resistors and capacitors pad sizes are notoriously small, I want to change the pad size only, can that be done !!

Another thing on mind, when I print the PCB tracks using a deskjet printer, I noticed that the PCB pads are not smooth at all, I want the tracks and pads to be homogeneous like proteus for example, pads contain lots of angles, how can I obtain round pads for elements, to make tracks and pads homogeneous.

Thanks in advance

pins with the same name in eagle

Does anyone have a library for 14 to 16 pin offste pin semiconductors, like stepper motor chips like the allegro sla7051 or the national lmd18425 chips. If there are none avaliable is there a good howto in making a library. Thanks

eagle stop mask error

i am new here
i want an advise in how can
i make a layout with jumpers in the top
layer and the main layout is in the botom layout.
thanks for your time

eagle import postscript

how can i change the thick of the track in the layout.

Added after 1 hours 17 minutes:

i have a problem i can't display
the vcc and gnd in max232 ic
pleas help

eagle remove autoroute

TheSniper said:
i am new here
i want an advise in how can
i make a layout with jumpers in the top
layer and the main layout is in the botom layout.
thanks for your time
do you mean pins with real jumpers or wire bridges?

TheSniper said:
how can i change the thick of the track in the layout.

Added after 1 hours 17 minutes:
klick on "Change" "Width", choose an appropriate width and click on the track that you want to change

TheSniper said:
i have a problem i can't display
the vcc and gnd in max232 ic
pleas help
read my comment earlier in this thread (Posted: 08 Jul 2004 7:33):
M!k said:
use the "INVOKE"-command to make the power-pins visible (click on the "INVOKE" symbol, choose the part, then choose the according symbol).



plugins eagle für hpgl

for the jumper thing
i mean a wire bridge
and thank you for the other two answeres
and i have another question:
i have exported an eagle schematic to Beige Bag v4
programme but i could not simulate it because (as the message said), it contain some un identified components, but it drew them any way, this component was a 89c51 MCU
So if you now how can i make this simulation run
pleas tell me???

auto place component eagle

TheSniper said:
i am new here
i want an advise in how can
i make a layout with jumpers in the top
layer and the main layout is in the botom layout.
thanks for your time
well, that's easy if you do a manual routing (without autorouter): place the components on the top layer and route it on the bottom layer. If you need a bridge, change to the top layer. This will automatically place a via. At the end of the bridge change back again to the bottom layer. This is more or less a double sided PCB and you are responsible for the short and straight connections on the top (wire bridges). Choose a diameter of the vias big enough for your wire.


autoplace component eagle

But i think that i heard
it could be made by the autorouter??
i do not know.......

THe Sniper M.H (+)

eagle board autoplace ulp

I need to find the connector
that fit (suitable) for the usual 15v ac/dc transformer in the Eagle libraries

TheSniper (+)

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