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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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multiple copies of board in eagle

well i think there is , go to this link you will find a tutorial and a manual:

i hope that i have helped.

TheSniper (+)

convert pcad to eagle

am drowing a polygon an di wnt to fill it
so when i print the circuit it will be metal
how can i do it

TheSniper (+)

library pic18f4520 for cadsoft eagle

search for "polygon" in this thread and I'm sure you'll find it ....


how to print multiple eagle boards

Gee thanks Mik
i'v found it
but i have one more if you do not mind??
supposing that you do not??
how can i change the coast of layers, because i want
to make the vias, and the top layer expensive
and the botton cheaper.
and pleas if you know about the transformer connector librabry send it to me ASAP.

TheSniper (+)

tsop smd pad eagle

hi ineed inforamtion about power line communication for important plz if u have any websites abou it plz answer me quik.thank u

cadsoft eagle rectangular grid

Enzoo said:
hi ineed inforamtion about power line communication for important plz if u have any websites abou it plz answer me quik.thank u

Dear Enzoo
i do not think that your question should be asked in the "PCB Routing & Schematic Layout software & Simulation" Forum you should look in another forum in edaboard website.

i hope i did not hurt you, because i do not mean to do so.

with all respect

TheSniper (+)

tkeepout layer cadsoft eagle

carrier said:
I want demo of genesys eagle software for RF simulating
this topic is only about EAGLE layout software (, not about genesys RF simulators.


tsop library eagle

Hi Mik

i have one question which is:
how can i use the signs in eagle,where can i find them?
for more details see the attachemant?


TheSniper (+)

eagle cant close window while command is running

i have one question which is:
how can i use the signs in eagle,where can i find them?
What signs?

eagle cad hide gnd airwires

HI ep20k
i do not know how to say it !!
the sign is used to make the schematic more easier
like you can connect the power circuit with two other
circuits by putting three signs .
this is like a shortcut or something like that
so you do not have to draw a wire
for more details you can see the schematic attached
i hope i said it better!!!!!


TheSniper (+)

db9 eagle library

How can I do layout vs. schematic check in Eagle? I cannot find it. thanks.

eagle pcb db9

if your schematic and layout files have the same name and are in the same directory eagle check if they are consistent.

check Forward&Back Annotation in the help file

download eagle 4.03

you can force that by pressing the ERC (Electrical Rule Check) button, either in the schematics or in the layout.


converting .brd to single jpg file eagle

When I use SMT components, my boards don't show the outline of the components (the rectangle that encloses the pads). Most PCBs show the outline of SMT components; it looks nicer.

Is this a problem with the component library of eagle? Or is it a problem of my CAM processing script? I check the layer of the outline, it's on keepout layer (tKeepout). The CAM job processor ignores this layer.

What's the normal way to do this? define the component outline on tPlace layer, or force to process the tKeepout layer?


layout versus schematic eagle

usually the package's outline is drawn on the tPlace layer. I've never seen a library where they are placed on the tKeepout layer. Can you give an example of a cadsoft lib for that?


eagle add extra pads device @

I'm using the C-US0805 capacitor from "rcl" library that comes with eagle 4.13.

eagle cad print multiple copies

tKeepout doesn't contain the package's outline. This is only the top restricted area for the autorouter, i think.
Of course it's no good idea to output this in the CAM job.
For the capacitor from the rcl library, the outline is drawn on the tDocu layer (very small, but it's there).
But for other libraries (e.g. that SO-chip in the picture) the outline is drawn on the tPlace layer.
I think you need both drawings, so i'd recommend including both layers (tPlace & tDocu) in the CAM job.
Otherweise you'd have to modify all relevant libraries :-(


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