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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eagle cad two supply voltages

use the "INVOKE"-command to make the power-pins visible (click on the "INVOKE" symbol, choose the part, then choose the according symbol).


eagle cadsoft +polygon +pdf

So, i must press invoke to the part then VCC and ground label will show(icp1 will show?) ?like at the picture?

do i need to invert solder mask in eagle

if your schematic looks like the picture you sent, you have to do nothing. all parts of the 74hc244 ic are invoked. the two octal buffers are ic1a and ic1b. the power pins are ic1p. pcb tools always split ics into different groups in schematics, because then you are able to use the parts on different sheets. if you have a large design, you are not able to put it on one sheet (readability, unable to print). in the layout are you not able to do this, because the ic consists of one package.

eagle cad autoplace ulp

how to print only bottom PCB(without black background)?How to print bottom and upper layer(without black background)?

convert cadence to eagle

How can I print from Eagle so that I can use this to make PCBs the manual way ? I have tried to do but the size is completely wrong.

What about the possibility for PDFs ?


eagle zif lib

I have always wondered: how do I create radiused corners in Eagle? I always have square corners on the PCB, but sometimes it woulld be nice to 0.0625 radius on hte corner so it is not so sharp. How do I do this??

dxf to scr eagle

Hi SyNTaXer

How in eagle to make a square hole in PCB for example 60 * 40 mm ?

I tried rect in layer 46 (milling ) and then Exellon cam job.
But in GC-preview I don't see any results.

Many thanks

Rob (NL)

eagle cad copy from one schematic to another

Hi jaeyndhoven,

for a similar problem to yours, my layouter used a continuous wire in the dimension layer (20). Looks good in CAM350, but i don't know how he did the gerber job...


eagle cad printing negative images

Hi everybody!

Is there any possibility to export and re-import board and schematic files in Eagle with exact reproduction?
(Necessary to import files edited with blacklist-licensed Eagle versions and to open files with older program-versions (I want to switch from Eagle 4.11 Standard to 4.03 Professional)

I read in this thread that this could be accomplished by using the script function. But how to create a script out of an existing design?

Or do you know about any other methods for getting around these problems (e.g. file-converters)?

Thanks for your help. :)


P.S.: Please no moral-sermons about non-legal software-usage ... :roll:

panelization cadsoft eagle

I have used the polygon tool to generate copper pours, But when I try to connect the copper pours together eagle puts a clearance between the wire and polygon just as it does all the time... How can I connect the two polygons? (e.g. one is an analog ground and the other a digital ground which would connect at one point)
thanks a lot


eagle lib zif socket

I'm using Eagle 4.11 and i need information how is it possible that net names are displayed next to pads? I need information because i use SMT components and i have declared GND layer, and i don't have to route GND pins elsewhere but directly to GND layer. First i'd like to route all other pins but GND. This means i need soultion how to have information which pin/unrouted wire is on GND. Or maybe there is a way to hide GND airwires?

eaglecad del schematic sheet

hi *.*;-)

Does eagle support specctra ?
Is there a conversion utility ?


lem library eagle pcb

i think it may working now. since ELECTRA-router has a special ulp for eagle and ELECTRA uses a SPECCTRA-compatible DSN-file. but i never tried to make that work. it's just a thought of mine.
best regards.

eagle cadsoft clearance smt

I open a file (*.pcb or *.sch), program show error "Load error 293 on file....", help me fix error, thank you

zif lbr eagle

Hello songtra,

The files you are trying to open were made or changed by an illegal version of Eagle.


4017 eagle pcb

I am trying to use Eagle to hand route a special board where many vias have to be specified first in precise positions. The wiring is done later. Many vias don't have a connection on the back side of the 2 sided board. The program doesn't seem to recognize connections of wires to vias. The board tests fail. Is there a way to fix this, or do I just make sure the copper of the wire overlaps the via, and go on with it?

pcad to eagle converter

Here are a few references

eagle cadsoft+illustrater

I would like to do a board with a number of wired components- PIC and an LCD, power supply, xtal, negative bias generator, etc wired in, but the rest left as prototyping space, composed of the power rails and a lot of unconnected plated throughholes.

What's the best way to do this? The holes and wires won't correspond to anything on the schematic, and there's a lot of them, so I'd prefer not to have to manually add each one. Is there some sort of graphical "fill" I can use for all the unoccupied board space?

ratsnest eagle

Put a line of Pad's on your board, then use copy and paste to produce the prototype area. I don't know a more automatical way.

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