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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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Hi SynTaXer.

I have one for you. How do you place one part of a device in one sheet and the rest in another. eg. a relay where you want the coil in one sheet and the switch in sheet 2 ?? :cry:

eagle cad db9 male

Hi Again.

Solved the problem. :idea:

You place the coil (named RL1) in sheet 1.
Then you go to sheet 2 and TYPE 'INVOKE RL1' after this you select the switch and place it.

Simple ... stupid me :oops:
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eagle pcb snap

bunalmis said:
Hello SyNTaXer,

Did you forget my question?
Can you said to me Polygon command parameters ?
How is works?

My second question, I need negative gerber file.
How can i find negative gerber file from the gerber file.

not forgotten bunalmis :

so lets start.
the polygon command in eagle is used to draw a copper plane on pcb.
that this command works fine you had to parametrize it.

i start with width: width in this case means first the outline of the polygone and secound the connection to each device where the signal should go.
a device in polygone command is connected from 4 sides, if it is possible.

solid and hatch:
if you want pure copper an pcb use solid. hatch makes crosshairs on pcb.

thermals on/off:
thermals on is used to solder with a slight themperature to do not destroy the soldered device. in thermals on mode eagle make 4 connection of a part from 4 sides, like the icon in eagle.
thermals off is used when you have big current on a device and need the whole track with. but its often hard so solder, themperature must go still higher.

orphans on/off:
if you draw a polygon and this polygone is crossed with a wire the polygon make a isolating clerance between wire and polygon.
with orphans on the polygon is also drawn behind the wire because there is'nt any connection between these 2 polygons.
with orphans off the polygon is only drawn where it could be connected physicaly.

isolate is the distance between signals.

spacing it the distance between lines when use hatch

last one is rank, use this to give each polygone a number of its importance. where rank 1 is most importaint and rank 6 least importaint.
if a rank 1 polygone cross a rank 6 polygone, the rank 6 polygone is reduced that rank 1 polygone fits. try this and you will see easy what i mean.

all you have to to is now to play around with this command.

put in some devices and draw a polygon from one part to another like the signal is going. rename the polygon with command "name" like the signals name you want to connect. type in "ratsnest" and see what has been done. so you could easy route a pcb in eagle and send it to a cnc to make isolate milling. the pcb its very quicklier ready if the cnc must mill out all the not used copper. but only to prefer for easy boards.

thy this, and if there are any questions, you know what do have to do ;-)
(ask me)

Hope that i could help you and others.

PS : sorry for my bad english, it not my basic language

bye SyNTaXer

eagle polygon

I connect IC-sockets with yellow lines from layer 19 in a very simple design to test autorouting. Then I click Autorout icon. Autorouter set up window pops up. There is top - bottom - all other layers N/A. I click OK and my screen flashes 2-3 times. After that I can read "Autorouter 100% finished" but there is no changes in my PCB-design. Its still same "airwires". Before I start autorout I chg wire to Bottom 0,6.
Mvbrgds Ludvig

error 293

Ludvig said:
I connect IC-sockets with yellow lines from layer 19 in a very simple design to test autorouting. Then I click Autorout icon. Autorouter set up window pops up. There is top - bottom - all other layers N/A. I click OK and my screen flashes 2-3 times. After that I can read "Autorouter 100% finished" but there is no changes in my PCB-design. Its still same "airwires". Before I start autorout I chg wire to Bottom 0,6.
Mvbrgds Ludvig

you had to change the "preffered directions" for each layer in autoroute window to :
* for all directions
- for horizontal directions
| for vertical directions

then it works, but i prefer, do not use the eagle autorouter, it isn't a good one

bye SyNTaXer

panelization eagle

Thks for fast replay to my msg.
I chg to * on bottom and top layer for all direction but still no luck. I use 2 sockets and 12 wires on my test and the router seems to work but nothing shows on the screen. Only airwires after routing despite the system says Autorouting finished 100%. Do you poss have any more suggestion? :(

eagle keepout

Ludvig said:
Thks for fast replay to my msg.
I chg to * on bottom and top layer for all direction but still no luck. I use 2 sockets and 12 wires on my test and the router seems to work but nothing shows on the screen. Only airwires after routing despite the system says Autorouting finished 100%. Do you poss have any more suggestion? :(

send me your file per pm, i'll try it .

bye SyNTaXer

picdem2 plus gerbers

Hi SyNTaXer;
How can I delete extra sheet from my schematic?

load error 289 eagle

sorry no online drc in eagle, it's a realy bad
bye SyNTaXer

eagle cad autoroute width

how to handle parts that have different naming on power supply pins?

DRC gives warning if e.g. VCC and VDD is connected.

How to work around?

eagle load error 293

mastorrage said:
how to handle parts that have different naming on power supply pins?

DRC gives warning if e.g. VCC and VDD is connected.

How to work around?

Hi mastorrage.

First it's just a warning, so you can chose to ignore it.

Else I see to options.
1. Connect Vcc and Vdd with a 0 Ohm resistor.
2. Create you're own component to connect the two power net's, in pratice just a connection, but hidden in a component.

Topper :)

eagle autorouter width

mastorrage said:
how to handle parts that have different naming on power supply pins?

DRC gives warning if e.g. VCC and VDD is connected.

How to work around?

Just change, for example, VDD net name to VCC, then eagle will ask you if you want to connect the net.

eagle pcb thermals

How to convert pcb and sch from eagle to orcad?,pls help me to do this conversion ASAP

Thanks in Advance!!

plot multiple panel hpgl copy paste

In my last design, in the shematic, everything was still correctly connected.
Then a switched over to the layout and routed the wires by hand(was not so difficult), after i had finished and i saw no more small orange wire which
go straight between the pin( and which appeer when you start to layout your design) i printed the design and everything was nice ...
Later i saw at first that there were wires missing on the layout of the finished circut.. i look into the eagle layout and they were missing there also ... :-(, then i looked into the shematic and there i found them! It seems that eagle forgot these wires when i hand routed the wires.

Is that possible(=>BUG) or do i need glasses to see these tiny wires?(I am sure that there are no ones left)


hide unrouted in eagle layout

hello webtype

at the end of drawing type "RATSNEST"

then eagle calculates Polygons and Airwires new, if there are no more airewires eagle writes "nothing to do"
if not so, there are unroutet route and click on the board
if there are unroutet signals you will see the source of them


eagle ratsnest

where i can find info about optimizing BCB Board in EAGLE

eagle library lem

defnfo said:
where i can find info about optimizing BCB Board in EAGLE

You can try this

**broken link removed**

eagle pins same name

I see that another version of Eagle has been released.

I have checked the cadsoft site, so far, I havent seen a great deal of addons or improvement. If I request INfo from Cadsoft, they tell me that the new ver is the greatest thing going blah blah blah.

I am currently using ver 4.08
and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if ver4.12 is worth me shelling out another $300us to do another upgrade.

Kind Rgds

eaglecad user language program(ulp) tutorial

After searching many cad programs, eagle seems to be the only one who can output HPGL. But I don't want to 'fill pads' any solution?

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