If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eagle pcb package soic

The only way IMHO is importing an image of the letter 'Omega'. BMP works pretty good.

Regards, ep20k

wheres the switch diagram on the eagle software

Of course I know this trivial way. The problem is, I want to use 'Omega' in for instance resistor valvue field, you know. Bitmap useless for that.

Thanks, btw.

ep20k said:
The only way IMHO is importing an image of the letter 'Omega'. BMP works pretty good.

Regards, ep20k

gcpreview outline

An other question guys!

How could somebody do orthogonal movement in Eagle layout? (like in orcad you know, restricted movment to X or Y direction)

The another quest is, how could I fix the grid spacing value in the schematic editor? Under windows. Maybe I have to overwrite some config files?


eagle import gerber

OK here's a question -- you know how there are Eagle discussions (newsgroups) at news.cadsoft.de? Requiring a newsreader like Thunderbird of course....

Do you know if there is there a mirror of them on the web somewhere? (e.g. news-to-mail gateway, such as Gmane.)

I can't believe in this day & age they don't have proper forums (like this) or at least something like Yahoo! Groups....


mill outline ulp help


Is there any way, to draw polygons, wires, etc. from the Eagle's ULP program? (instead from SCR)?

I calculate a polygon from ulp, and I want to draw it into eagle, thats the point.

edited with an illegal copy of eagle

Looks like Syntaxer's heart was in the right place but he's left the building. Wouldn't count on much help in this old thread. Probably better to start a new one with a new Eagle question. Also try news.cadsoft.de.

cadsoft eagle tricks

Hi, I need converted PCB to HPGL and mill with SuperScribe CNM, but, I can't do the drills. Help me with HPGL format.

eagle+how to copy from other sheet

Please, tell me what can i do. Eagle 4.11 do not open his own schematics files, even just maded several seconds before. "Error... File damaged ...or edited in illegal copy of EAGLE"

cadsoft eagle write greek

AlxndR said:
Please, tell me what can i do. Eagle 4.11 do not open his own schematics files, even just maded several seconds before. "Error... File damaged ...or edited in illegal copy of EAGLE"

If a cracked version of eagle was used, this is the message you'll get (even when trying to open schematics created on that version). Since you're using an older version of eagle, this would be my guess.
There is a way round that, but it is a pain, and it is illegal so I'm not going to tell you how to do it.

The other possibility is that your installation of eagle is corrupt, download the new version from the eagle website and install.

eagle 4.14 tutorial

load error 291.....cant open da file due to illegal copy etc etc....haiz too bad i only found out bout this after completing one real complicated schematics.... does abody know a way to get about this so i can still open that file? (i only wish to open dat particular file for now) ......do reply here or mail me
hope sbd can help ..ty very much....im kinda stunned now

eagle pcb autorouter

I was wondering if anyone knew what layer to use to have the board house cut your board into a specific shape (if I am laying multiple boards out at once?)


eagle creating a part pin number

b4bb4ge said:
I was wondering if anyone knew what layer to use to have the board house cut your board into a specific shape (if I am laying multiple boards out at once?)


layer 20 - dimension

eagle autorouter jumpers


Please if someone could help me out as its my first PCB layout.

I need to create a layout that is a negative of the layout produced from schematic and autorouting. The layout is gonna be copper removed where the components are to be placed.

Does anybody have a tutorial on this or if someone could give me the guidelines.

Thanks in advance.


eagle pcb dash polygon tool

Hi all,

Can I adjust the path width when I use auto-router function??
Now our path width is 10mil and I want to change it to 20mil.
How can I do?

eagle solder pad

change it in Edit/Design-Rules Tab Sizes/Minimum Width

eagle cad tutorial select all

Thanks! M!K

May I ask another question about auto-router??

After routing the PCB, I can't do it again with new setup.....

Can I re-router it by new line width?? refresh it??

eagle radiused corner pcb

group everything, ripup everything and try again

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