Hi, new here guys, not a total newb but need a bit of help IR2110 Inverter


Junior Member level 3
Sep 21, 2024
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Hi there I've made this circuit that is supposed to take 8 supplies 10v each, and series 2 sets of 4 and then parallel those two sets and that voltage/current goes into the main inverter circuit my observations tell me that if I put 5v onto the VDD of the IR2110's and the signal voltage of 3.3 volts I can't get any wattage through r9- resistor right before the measureVoltshere tag; if I put the signals equal to the logic supply at 5v I get the power to spike in increments and want to know if this behaviour is correct if I put the logic supply 3.3 and the signal at 3.3 then the power spikes come back but a little less in magnitude. Is the power supposed to spike like that asc file need to remove .txt!! Am I even measuring the power in the correct place??

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I don't understand the points system!!
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Is there a way to emulate this waveform in LTSpice?


  • 40v 1.2amp - Copy.asc.txt
    9.6 KB · Views: 16
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yes I know loading the coils will put up more resistance to the flywheel but I'm giving it a go anyhow it's fun building and experimenting, see how it goes!

What specific questions do you have about it? Are you looking for help with a particular application or need assistance with a specific circuit? Feel free to share more details about your project.

I'm sure you've already said that! the initial question was does VDD in the IR2110 circuit at 5volt, then does the signal have to be the same. in the LTSpice only works when the signal pins Hin Lin is the same as VDD so that is what I am going to do. Making major modifications to the Maglatron in about two weeks so I don't have much to say right now but I'll keep you guys posted and if I do think of something I'll let you guys know I'm tidying up my work space and having an organise remaking the inverter just because I need to but I've got that it's not too hard I'll post a picture of it when I've finished it need to hunt out some FETs got the diodes and caps and resistors and I am doing it on protoboard and of course the IR2110's too. Oh yeah and I have to program Arduino for the pulses but that part is really easy!
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does VDD in the IR2110 circuit at 5volt, then does the signal have to be the same
The datasheet is rather clear in this. There is a chart (several) which shows V_IH and V_IL vs VDD.

I´d rather rely on the datsheet informations than on second source or any simulation tool.



some points:
1) if the supply of the logic chip (that generates the signal) is 3.3V ... then the signal itself will always be less!
2) to me it seems the V_IH for 5.0V supply is about 3.5V according the diagram. Mind: vertical it´s 3V/div
3) if your weigth is 80kg ... and you go on a bungee jump ... and they say the maximum the rope can handle is 80kg .... would you do the jump?

Some hobbyists may have no problem with it...

But for me - as a designer for reliable industrial electronics - this is an absolute no go.
One has to consider that the supply voltage (3.3V) will have initial tolerance, thermal drift and drift with load. So in worst case it may be 15% to 20% less than nominal.
And also the supply voltage (5V) and the thresholds of the IR2110 will drift (to more positive in worst case)

If you get 3.3V (nominal supply voltage) signals and you want to feed the IR2110 (5V supplied) .... I recommend to use an 74HCTxxx logic device (supplied with 5V) as level shifter.


hmm and not to use the Arduino? I was going to use the LM7805 from the 12v rail; I am not familiar with the 74HCTxxx but I do have one or two laying around, how do you propose I go about it? what would you you do? because I need this to work, perhaps you can provide an image of the 74HCT and how it's wired up to save time but I will also have a look, thanks spice file maybe??? and if you look at the image it says that that line is the maximum so the analogy of the bungee jump if the weight is rated at 80kg you wouldn't go above that, so I spose the question is if I want to get near 3.5volt but there is upto 20% lost then I would need to start with a signal of 4.2volt?
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