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Build easy MPLAB-6 ICD-2 for PIC18F2550

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icd2 mplab 5-pin

FTDI just released a new USB chip FT232RL that requires no external components, so design significantly simplified.
Removed: Crystal, 7 resistors, 3 capacitors, EEPROM chip and transistor.

I need some time to clean up design before I can post it.

icd2 kerala

dave79 said:
has anyone used ICD2 clone with mplab 7.11 ?

I used with all versions up to 7.30:
I was able to get it to work only if virtual USB COM port set to COM1 or COM 2.
Also I am having problems with the latest Windows XP driver - old driver is OK

unable to connect with mplab icd 2

i await your scechmatic and pcb file when done

by the way what program did you do it in



icd2 clone usb failed mplab icd 2 operation

how long you rekon i got some of those chips on order




Here is schematics PDF and board

I got FT232RL from Mouser - they have it in stock
They also have all other components in stock, including 16F876

icd for pic18f4620

I think ICD2 USB version FT232 not perfect more than ICD2 USB version CY7C64613 (Original)

unable to connect to icd2

nooknikz said:
I think ICD2 USB version FT232 not perfect more than ICD2 USB version CY7C64613 (Original)
I agree, but CY7C64613 is discontinued and not for sale in US anymore - I'll buy few if someone tell me the source.

target board for icd2

The new FT232R is great. no crystal or eeprom. ssop package so its easy to lay out.

failed mplab icd2 operation


agree, but CY7C64613 is discontinued and not for sale in US anymore - I'll buy few if someone tell me the source

I know RS components do them here in the UK but RS do world wide not sure if you have tried them.

and thanks for the draawings i shall get that one built to day



inchworm unable to connect with mplab icd 2:

RS compnents UK does not do international, at least the don't let me register with US ZIP code
They have partner in US, but they don't carry CY7C64613

target vpp 3v

Sorry Andy
I thought that if RS over here had them then you would think RS US would have them. :cry:

I've done my own design of the ICD2 following your idea (well due o the fact I can't get some of the parts required to build the full speed usb version). so i have mixwd and choped the 2 ICD2'S , the full speed USB version i have added my own 5V-15V converter got rid of the transistor way of switching VPP voltage and changed it to the op-amp method the only draw back is that the PIC is now 40pin version (which to me dont matter) Now here comes the Crunch would it be possible if I PM you my drawings and could you have a quick look to see what you think and if it would work (now i know that you can't rally tell from drawings that it will or not ) Has you have redesigned yours using the new chip you might be able to help me? :D



mplab icd2 operating system for pic16f876

kernell32 said:
hi i check my icd with your schematic and the voltages are ok, only a RA3 = 4.5v but i eliminate a R13 resistor and check the voltage and is 3.3 but MPLAB always says

Target Vdd = 9.69
Target Vpp = 19.81
Mplab ICD 2 Vpp = 19.81

and Fail self test :cry:

I think, you should check the value of resistor.
PIC on ICD2 use it ADC to measures VPP voltage, VPP -->6K8, 2K2, to change voltage from 0--13V --> 0-5V, if your resistor not good, it wrong.

icd vpp


i have an ICD2 ,
but i need an extra programming circuit. (connect to ICD2 with rj12 jack)

i want to program manby kinds of PICs with ZIF 40 pin socket .

thank you and regards.

mplab icd 2 pcb

I developed in PROTEL DXP a 2004 new version of the ICD2.
In annex they are the project and the board.


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