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Build easy MPLAB-6 ICD-2 for PIC18F2550

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icd2 schematic for dspic30f2010

hi guys, i build a stolz icd2 clone i'm a newbie in this materias, when conect mplab tell this:
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2

anybody helpme with this problem ?

PD: sorry for my english this is not my native language

download+mplab 6

It can be many things. First of all you should check your hardware specifically rs232 communication (serial cable, connectors, max232, connection between max and 16F), pic supply voltage, mclr voltage.

building a inchworm icd2

Check all power of any ICs. Did you program you PIC with any bootloader?
The stolz circuit is very simple to test. If RS232 cable and Max232 are OK, and if 16F876 is good programming, MPLAB should recognize your ICD2 board.


tusb3410 change baud

thanks, i'm using now the ICD661.hex bootloader and the conection works ok but i have other problem (attach a picture of mplab error)
say this:

ICDWarn0030: MPLAB ICD2 is about to download a new operating system. If MPLAB IDE is just starting, it will appear to "hang" at the splash screen. Please be patient. MPLAB IDE will finish it's intialization after the OS is downloaded. (Note: You may wish to select to ignore this warning in the future.)
Downloading Operating System
ICD0152: Failed to read all of requested bytes (0x0 of 0x8)
...Download Operating System Failed
ICD0152: Failed to read all of requested bytes (0x0 of 0x2)
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation


icd2 target 3v

hi guys thanks for the help, but i have a new problem mplab now tell me:

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to target
Target Device PIC18F6621 found, revision = a1
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test
... Failed Self Test. See ICD2 Settings (status tab) for details.

the mplab show me this values:

Target Vdd = 9.69
Target Vpp = 19.81
Mplab ICD 2 Vpp = 19.81

what is the correct values for this ?

PD: attach a pictures of mplab errors

icd2 printf

That values are wrong!!!

Check with a voltimeter the values, and if they are good, check the resistors of your circuit.

mplab tait

hi, my problem continue, i check the voltages with a tester and the result is

Target Vdd = 5
Target Vpp = 12
MPLAB ICD2 Vpp = 12

but MPLAB say

Target Vdd = 9.69
Target Vpp = 19.81
Mplab ICD 2 Vpp = 19.81

any solution or recomendation for this ?

help me please :cry:

mcp mplab-icd-2-le

Check voltages on RA0, RA1 and RA3. Maybe you have changed place of resistors in voltage dividers.

mplab icd 2 18f operating system

martinisonline said:
The rar have some useful information to people that have problems building the ICD2 Clone with 16F877A.

The bootloader, the schematic with some measures, and a txt with some information.


view this post in page 3...
It has some voltage values mesured by me.

have a special atencion on resistors: R13, R14, R15, R16. I think your problem is there.

failed mplab icd 2 operation

hi i check my icd with your schematic and the voltages are ok, only a RA3 = 4.5v but i eliminate a R13 resistor and check the voltage and is 3.3 but MPLAB always says

Target Vdd = 9.69
Target Vpp = 19.81
Mplab ICD 2 Vpp = 19.81

and Fail self test :cry:

icd2 bootloader 16f877a

if you eliminate R13, the value is the same as Vpp!!!!!!! Never 3.3V!!!

Check your power supply and schematics error!!!

what voltage are you connecting to your circuit?

if error led glows in mplab icd2

when eliminate R13 resistor the value of the RA3 = 3.3v

the voltage conected to the circuit is 12.3 (checked with a tester)


the values, without programing or reading a target, of the RA3, RA1, RA0
are the followings:

RA3 = 4.08
RA1 = 2.48
RA0 = 5.49


If you remove R13, RB3 never can be 3.3V because you are mesuring the GND.

NOTE that you need to supply your circuit (Target) with the same supply of ICD2.
It's a good idea take the +5V(Vdd) and GND to target from the circuit of ICD2, after the 7805.

Vpp must be 13V

mplab version 6 + download

You wrote that your voltages are:

Target Vdd = 5
Target Vpp = 12
MPLAB ICD2 Vpp = 12

For this values votages on RA should be


Check values of


icd2 microchip schematics

How does RC2 of THE New Version using OpAmp pull MCLR to GND.
I calculate ,when RC2 goes low,the out put of OpAmp should be -8V,not the GND.

Added after 2 hours 29 minutes:

Does RC2 go low and RC0 goes high when using OpAmp to pull mclr to GND?

pic icd2 printf

Should be negative, -8V as you said, when power supply of OpAmp is simetric (for example +15V and -15V) But power of OpAmp in icd2 is asimetric (+15V and GND) and because of that minimal output voltage is 0V.

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