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8051 + AT commands using Nokia phone

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I've tried this sms sending program again, but unfortunately the program still stops when it is supposed to receive the status from the MC35i, does it mean that the MC35i did not receive any message? Or it did not send any response to the 8951? How can I trace this problem?

Another problem is: if the MC35i responds with an "ERROR" message then CR, then the 8951 still receives an CR at the end and continues with other commands?

Thanks in advance.

Hi there,
i need complete list of AT commands which can i use with sony ericsson T610.
if some one can refer any book regarding SMS protocols or AT commands or any basic book to start work with sending SMS through mobile phone by taking input through any meter and using 89C51 microcontroller.
thanks in advance.

Thanks Dudue.....
But do telll me whether this will aslo work fone with Sony Ericsson or i have to use some other commands...
thanks again....

hello friends how are you i am also doing this project on connection of mobile with microcontroller i have a 6310 . the at commands work well withh hyperterminal but when i send these commands from the microcontroller there ,it doesnt work. i mean the mobile just echos the command send to it when i have the gnd removed and only tx and rx connected . but when i connect the gnd it doesnt even echo .
i dont even know which pins to connect i mean i have just connected the tx and rx to the 8051 the rest are just open . do i have to connect the rest of the pins in some manner please help

ok i have a dlr -3p cable which has a rs-232 db-9 female connector
it works well on hyperterminal
now the db-9 connecotor i have taken two wires from the rx and tx of the 8051 thru the max 232 and then in the tx and rx of the db-9 (of the dlr-3p)
it should work but when i connect the gnd to pin 5 of the db-9 the controller starts to funtion abnormally plz if anyone has interfaced the 8051 with dlr-3p-- nokia 6310 send me the diagram ,i am sure the programming is not the problem the problem is which of the pins of the db-9 is to be connected to what , thats what i cant figure it , i am sure it has also something to do with rts right? plz answer

I guess you can try with the connection like this:
8051's tx pin to rs232's tx pin; 8051's rx to rs232's rx, of course with MAX232 in between, I get it done with this connection.

hello guys i have a problem , and it is that i cant find a dlr-3p datacable , so it possible that i just solder wires on the pins of the mobile and connect it directly to my 8051 is this possile if not then how has this man done it( and also the "tiny planet sms controller" has also done the same why do i need a dlr-3p some say go to and make your own cable do i really have too.
has any one experimented on this plz answer

Hello, i have a Nokia 1220 (TDMA), and i need to know if is possible to controll it using a 8051,to send and receive sms, i search the web but didn't find any pinouts or any instruction to do that, i apreciate any help.
Sorry for bad english!

Hi Fernando. I think that will be not easy for you find it. I have a big list of pinouts and didn't fnid this model.

Takeing this oportunitty I would like congratulate specially "budhy" that is very patience and give all possibles answer...even some that could look very simple or standard. Very good buy.

I would to know if some one knows whether the Nokia 1600 accept AT code too.

And some more stupid questions: :oops:
1) Using the uC I must put the AT code in Hex or the assembler will do that to me?
2) where I could get the AT_Command_Set_For_Nokia_GSM_And_WCDMA_Products_v1_2_en.pdf, because I am a new member and the forum don't let me download it. :)


Hello there!
i have connected my phone with serial port of the PC. i have also installed the drivers of serial cable...but after making the connection i m not able to see the characters which i type on the hyper terminal window....if any body can help then plzzzz.
thanks alot.

can i get a schematics for the connection of AT89C51 and Nokia 7270 phone

PostPosted: 21 Apr 2007 19:22 Post subject: Re: 8051 + AT commands using Nokia phone
hello guys i have a problem , and it is that i cant find a dlr-3p datacable , so it possible that i just solder wires on the pins of the mobile and connect it directly to my 8051 is this possile if not then how has this man done it( and also the "tiny planet sms controller" has also done the same why do i need a dlr-3p some say go to and make your own cable do i really have too.
has any one experimented on this plz answer

if your using 6310 you can connect rx/tx directly to the micro controller tx/rx but still need the PIC from (if AT commands)

in this project i used 3310 so there's no need for dlr-3p cable , but it's FBUS not AT commands, take a look

penoy_balut said:
PostPosted: 21 Apr 2007 19:22 Post subject: Re: 8051 + AT commands using Nokia phone
hello guys i have a problem , and it is that i cant find a dlr-3p datacable , so it possible that i just solder wires on the pins of the mobile and connect it directly to my 8051 is this possile if not then how has this man done it( and also the "tiny planet sms controller" has also done the same why do i need a dlr-3p some say go to and make your own cable do i really have too.
has any one experimented on this plz answer

if your using 6310 you can connect rx/tx directly to the micro controller tx/rx but still need the PIC from (if AT commands)

in this project i used 3310 so there's no need for dlr-3p cable , but it's FBUS not AT commands, take a look

Cool project, but a simple 8051 or pic cannot do that project alone.

An external memory is needed for the sms storage alone, if you plan an ON/OFF remote project, a stand alone pic or any micro can do but if you plan to store messages or reply a long message, then you will need larger ram.

dancingqueeneng said:
As I might edit the program which I have written but ROM cannot be overwrote, or shall I place the program into external RAM?

U cannot place ur program in data memory.u burn ur program in Program memory.If u have problems of shortage of memory u may use the hiher version or 89C51,which is enough for ur project because i had the same project...

i hav ur tricks.tht . "You short pins 4 and 7 of the connector and connect to pin 7 of Max 232 IC".with tht my modem sends response.i hav tried the same code above.and getting modem response.but after sending "AT+CMGS="+919821869189"to modem sms didnt get delivered to the sim. i encounter the hypothetical problem.plz project submission is in ths week.
org 00h
sjmp start 
org 30h
start:mov r0,#30h	//dedicated for lon latt  info
	 clr p1.0
	 acall gpslog
	 acall dly_4min
		acall dly_4min
			mov r0,#30h
				acall gpslog
					acall dly_4min
	setb p1.0
		acall dly_4min
			acall dly_4min
	 mov r0,#30h
	acall smssend
		acall dly_4min
			acall dly_4min
	sjmp start
gpslog:	        mov tmod,#20h			//decide timer n baud rate
				mov th1,#0fdh
				mov scon,#50h
				setb tr1
		decode: acall recv
				cjne a,#'$',decode
				acall recv
			    cjne a,#'G',decode
				acall recv
				cjne a,#'P',decode
				acall recv
				cjne a,#'R',decode
				acall recv
				cjne a,#'M',decode
				acall recv
				cjne a,#'C',decode
				acall recv
				cjne a,#',',decode
				mov r1,#2
		throw:	acall discard
			    djnz r1,throw
		savelatt:acall recv
				mov @r0,a
				inc r0
				cjne a,#',',savelatt
				acall discard
		savelong:acall recv
				mov @r0,a
				inc r0
				cjne a,#',',savelong
				acall discard
		savespeed:acall recv
				mov @r0,a
				inc r0
				cjne a,#',',savespeed
				acall discard
				acall discard
			//	sjmp decode


smssend:		mov tmod,#20h			//decide timer n baud rate
				mov th1,#0fdh
				mov scon,#50h
				setb tr1
		prv:    mov dptr,#mess1	// sendinding messages to the cell
				acall trans	
		prv1:   mov dptr,#mess2
			    acall dly_4min 
		           acall trans
		prv3:   mov dptr,#mess3
				acall trans
		wait:	acall recv
				cjne a,#'>',wait
			        mov r1,#3
		back:        clr a			  //send 20 byte which contain altitude 
				mov a,@r0	      //longitude info
				acall sendcom
				inc r0
				cjne a,#',',back
				djnz r1,back
		                mov a,#1Ah		 //ctrl z.....
				acall sendcom
trans:  clr a
		movc a,@a+dptr
		jz last 
		acall sendcom
		inc dptr
		sjmp trans
last:	ret

sendcom:mov sbuf,a
here:   jnb ti,here
        clr ti

recv:   jnb ri,recv
		mov a,sbuf
		clr ri

discard:acall recv
		cjne a,#',',discard
dly_4min: mov r2,#20
     h3: mov r3,#199
     h2: mov r4,#230
     h1: djnz r4,h1
         djnz r3,h2
         djnz r2,h3

org 700h
mess1: db 'AT',0dh,00
mess2: db 'AT+CMGF=1',0dh,00
mess3: db 'AT+CMGS="+919821869189"',0dh,00


Added after 7 minutes:

@about my project...
my project is sending real time gps data via cell. i m using microcontroller to handle operation.....using to serial interface to microcontroller..
@about my code...
pin p1.0 getting low to high after every 4 sec..means modem is giving response becoz it getting out of "cjne a,#'>',wait"....after shorting pin 4,7 to pin7 of max 232..
but sms is not get send...i dnt knw y...??i m also sending ctrl z at end of command...i hav connected pin 2 ,3 to rx,tx..n pin 5 to gnd of db9 connector...

AT commands:
enter AT
then u will get ok message..

Send option:
AT+CMGS="number"; //enter the mobile number
then type ur message..
send the ctlr+z hex value..

Receive message:

got the bug..........cme 515 error was coming.......thts y it is failing to send sms.......i removed tht error by moving antenna of gsm.......antenna connection was loose................i checked strenght by command AT+CREG? response of this command shud b +creg:"0,1"
in code.......i hav added statement for setting sms centre....tht is at+csca="+919821000005" each network has diffrnt sms centre no...for vodaphone,docomo ... it is different....chk tht no in message details.....tanx for ths forum......thnx buddy..........

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