What are the available antenna design tools for PCB or 868-915 Mhz bands?

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Is any tool for microstrip antenna?

antenna design tool

Any 2.5D EM-Simulator can simulate the microstrip antenna. You can use the Sonnet, MWO etc. Also, You can use the 3D EM-Simulator (CST-MWS, @nsoft HFSS (not so good) or IE3D).

Best regards,

ansoft antenna design kit

You people are all talking about simulation software. A good design software for antennas is PCAAD.

matlab nec4

I still think that the HF$$ is the best.

microwave office nec win pro

PCAAD is only use of basic antenna design. I think useful if you don't want to know much about antenna theory and is going for conventional design to be place into the cheap production quickly but not very useful for serious antenna antennas.

Sinuous said:
You people are all talking about simulation software. A good design software for antennas is PCAAD.

planar antenna design tool

I could not agree more that CST, HFSS and other EM simulators is the best TOOL to simulate and optomize antennas.

These tools are NOT design tools. PCAAD and a good old pen an paper are DESIGN tools.

A DESIGN tool must take design parameters and spit out physical dims which are then used for simulation and optomization.

pcb anetnna design tools

If addressing beano040461 problem I totally agree that PCCAD is very useful as a "calculator" and of course a good design tool. Even Ansoft designer has included some of these features. But with regards to other solutions, PCCAD has limited design capabilities with solution only possible with common antenna geometry. Using these simulation software, lots of antennas can be designed through "trial and error" without pen and paper. I'm not sure if its much of a "design" process but hey-ho! These antennas works! I recall someone mentioned in one of the forum that he/she has never seen an accomplished antenna enginner sitting behind a Pentium 4 and this is absolutely true.

eznec ie3d

I recall someone mentioned in one of the forum that he/she has never seen an accomplished antenna enginner sitting behind a Pentium 4 and this is absolutely true.

How true it is. Some really good stuff in antennas was done before computers were practical.

nec2 dielectric

I have seen this in many technology areas. People who operate computer programs without knowing the basics of the physical world. Computer programs should be used to verify a paper design.

Here are some classical examples. One person used a linear small signal microwave circuit simulator to show that limiters do not suppress noise or smaller signals.
One very large company expert on microwave filters did not know that resonator and transmission line filters have infinite alternating pass and stop bands.

A radio system was designed based on the spurs generated by the simulator program being quantized in amplitude and time. They adjusted the design to map the spurs into the desired signal where they could not be seen.

One expert on operting one program claimed that the LO leakage of a mixer was caused by a band pass filter several amplifier stages down stream being improperly terminated. His design had the RF signal level 35 dB below the suggested optimum level of the mixer IC data sheet. Once the levels were changed, the system worked to specifications.

microstrip nec2

did u try zeland9 I think it's small and good
With my best Rgds

geometry pcaad matlab

I think CST is the best choice.

site:edaboard.com maxwell planar

when compare the Microwave EDA tools we can find the smallest is AWR MWoffice,then the ansoft....,but why ads is so big and lagre?

semcad disadvantage

In my view, really depends on what kind of antennas you are designing. If mostly metal, then use a simulation software that uses method of moments. Its fast and efficent. If your structure contain large number inhomogeneous material or if your antenna has certain steady state criteria to be met, then use a FIT/FEM based simulation software. Of course, finally depend on the amount of $$$ you have in your pocket

Antenna design tools

Agilent ADS is an other choice. But it can only simulate 2D results. So I prefer HFSS** which can simulate 3D results.

Re: Antenna design tools

HFSS is a great industry-used standard for antenna simulation. It uses the finite element method to do it's EM computation.

There is also SONNET or IE3D that uses Moment Method.

Re: Antenna design tools

CST microwave studio, Ansoft Ensemble, IE3D, Sonnet, XFDTD are all good for plannar antenna simulation. No one is better than the others because simulation is only the first step in antenna design.

Re: nec!

sorry, but zeland and ansoft? if you mean IE3D, its a moment method code (yep, fidelity is based on fdtd), and HFSS, its a Finite Element Method code. bytheway, if you want to compare the speed, you should take account the number of frequencies you need to simulate, if you are simulating a wideband antenna, the best method is FDTD, and especially the new conformal codes, such as that of CST. but if it is a narrow band antenna, MoM is best for wire, dish and microstrip antennas. NEC (Numerical Electromagnetic Code) is a MoM based code, wich is best for wire antennas. IE3D is a MoM code, best for Microstrip antennas (patch, aperture, so on).
thats it!


Antenna design tools

i m designing multiple beam antennaarrays
canyou please tell or send me some material onsynthesis of such antennas arrays

Antenna design tools

i m developing some s/ws in Matlab for array synthesis but unable to develop some optimizaton routine .
Cananybody suggest some good material on ithich iseasy to be programmed

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