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USB Blaster download cable design

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ft 245 bl code

MProg only recognizes devices with the default VID & PID
No, it reads any FTDI device, USB Blaster or any other.
Has anyone put a logic analyzer on the '245 parallel port and the CPLD output pins and see exacly what the CPLD does?
I think, many people have, I also did some years ago. USB Blaster operation has been completely decoded, as you can see from other contributions in this thread, there are also several logic designs said to replace the original CPLD.

download usb blaster circuit

Well, hooked up a logic analyzer to the FPGA signals and while there's no activity, they all seem to be in the appropriate state.

Of course the device manager, and MProg show as if an Altera USB-Blaster is present.

The big discrepancy however, is when I ran SysNucleus USBTrace...

the Real Altera USB-Blaster
HardwareID= Rev400
ConnectionIndex= 0x7
DeviceAddress= 0x2
NumberOfOpenPipes= 0
OUT bEndpointAddress= 0x2
IN bEndpointAddress= 0x81
bInterfaceNumber= 0x0
wTotalLength= 0x20
bNumInterfaces= 0x1
bcdUSB= 0x110

HardwareID= Rev500
ConnectionIndex= 0x2
DeviceAddress= 0x6
NumberOfOpenPipes= 0x4
OUT bEndpointAddress= 0x4
IN bEndpointAddress= 0x83
bInterfaceNumber= 0x1
wTotalLength= 0x37
bNumInterfaces= 0x2
bcdUSB= 0x200

I'm not terribly familiar with USB, but could any of these differences be the culprit, and can they be changed .. either in the eerpom or registry?

altera rbf reverse engineering

who can make lattice usb cables?

programming max ii + usb blaster + start

leonqin said:
who can make lattice usb cables?

As far as I am aware, lattice USB calbes are similar to the xilinx ones, using a Cypress FX-2, wuith USB, and a CPLD. I haven't seen any 'clones' of this yet, so I'm stuck using my parallel cable....but...

That cable works with PCI LPT cards, AND the 'usb2lpt' project. So, its not 'ideal', but it does work, and allows one to configure all lattice devices, via USB, albeit, rather slowly (same speed as the lpt port). Its also cheaper, as the USB2lpt thing is 30 euros, and the parallel cable can be made very cheaply.

I am working on an 'adapter' to the USB2LPT project, with simple logic, powered form usb, that allows one to have a single dongle for xilinx, altera, and lattice devices, using only a switch. The only issue I have at the moment is getting xilinx's 'impact' software to work with it.

Aside fomr that, looks like you're going to have to buy a generic JTAG adapter, and use urJTAG with SVF files from lattice :)


usb blaster level translator

i have a cypress 68013 usb chip and cyclone II FPGA ,i only want download .sof file by jtag though fx2,under windows .i used the fx2.old firmware compiled by keil (i changed dscp.a51 file to mach altera vid pid) and so the quartus programming tool can recognise it as usb-blaster,but i can not download .sof file .
i want to know what is your driver and application ,does it mean your project can not surport quartus progamming tool.
i am confusing ...

you are a great man!

Re: lattice usb cable

bcarson said:
Hi kawk
I have tested your design (FT245 + CPLD ) with a hand made board and got successul results except below.
When there is not any good JTAG connection (i.e disconnected or other conditions) between target board and your USB- BLASTER, The detection and error reporting of qu(at)rtus II is too long compared with commercial USB-BLASTER made by ALTERA. You can try it and may be get same result. Could you modify this ?

Thanks and Best Regards,

can you tell me how did you download the code (VHDL) into the CPLD device ?

USB Blaster download cable design, Need Help!

hello all,
I want to know how to program spartan 3 FPGA (downloading *.bit file) and C8051F120 (*.hex file) via USB ?
I am using FT2232D chip and the device interface (FPGA and microcontroller) used is JTAG. Now tell me the software aspects to program these devices. I have successfully detected both these devices by a example application given at to program it this is to me plz

Re: USB Blaster download cable design, Need Help!

You can buy USB blaster PCB / DIY Kit
**broken link removed**


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