Please may I now return to the question of magnetising current in a 2 transistor forward converter...the following example shows how significant the magnetiing current is...
Here is the example of a 2 transistor forward converter with a ETD39.20.13 ferrite core, with N87 material, and a 0.2mm gap.
2 tran forward spec
Vin = 380v
Vout = 52v, 190w
Duty cycle = 0.38
Fsw = 100KHz
LP = 3.5mH; LS = 466uH
NP/NS = 2.74
L(OUT) = 220uH
Magnetising current peak is 413mA
Peak of secondary current referred to primary = 1.6 Amps
Pedestal of secondary current referred to primary = 1.06 Amps
….As you can see, the magnetising current ramps up to 413mA.
The primary referred secondary current has a ramp of 540mA.
So I conclude that the magnetising current ramp is a very significant part of the primary current.
ETD39.20.13 ferrite datasheet
LTspice sim & schematic attached