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SIM900 Customer Flash Loader

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Hi ,anyone tell me AT coomand to Auto ansewer call?
I am using SIM900A

will sim900A decode DTMF .If so wich firmware version will required?currantly i have 1137B07SIM900A32_ST .

Hi Chip seller,
Have you new Firmware Releases Of Sim 900 Or Sim900D .

Hi Roshan
Here is a zip file with 1137B10SIM900D64_ST and 1137B11SIM900M64_st and release notes. These are the latest versions I have access to



    12.2 MB · Views: 364
Hello Chipseller

Do you have SIM900 latest firmware and that support "AT+CIPGSMLOC" command with its release notes? And any idea why it is not supported in any of standard release.

Thanks in advance

Hi Pavan_kr Can You confirn Which version of firmware you currently have please (AT+GSV). I do not know why this specific command is not supported. It does not appear in the AT command manual 1.05 or in the GSM AT command manual 1.00. Please note that I do not represent SIMCOM in any way.

Hi Chipseller

I have FW Version for SIM900 as 1137B10SIM900M64_ST, and I have one more image as 1137B03SIM900M64_ST_MMS, that was given as production version with CIPGSMLOC supported, but it does not support FTP Length command, and moreover its version indicates quite old.

Other problem I am facing is the FTP download from FTP Server fails in the middle, means after downloading 10K to 50K, it fails. Actual file size to download is 250K, and in rare case that succeeds. I tried keeping packet size 256 to 1460 but no success. Is there any timings to take care, which are not documented at any place.

Look for the version that is released for exUSSR. 1137B09SIM900M64_ST_DTMF_JD_MMS. It includes almost all the features of the module.
European distributors are technically illiterate in contrast to the Russian colleagues. Russian engineers for themselves have included in the firmware of all available options. Demand this of their distributors - or you do not need it.
Hi pavan_kr

The 1137B11..... is the latest official release to which I have access and you will find that in a few posts above. The B09..ST_DTMF_JD_MMS sounds like it was a special release that has got into the public domain by accident. I would suggest to CADiLO that if he (or she) has access to this release that they post it here or send it privately to you. I reiterate - I do not represent SIMCOM or any of their distis in any way. I am just another engineer trying to be helpful.
1137B11 ..... Yes it is an official EUROPEAN release.
But there is a separate branch of firmware engineers exUSSR.
And it officially comes the Russian and Ukrainian distributors.

See also - - official Ukrainian distributors SIMCOM.

Lobach Ed aka: "CADiLO"

Hi Chipsellar
The version 1137B03SIM900M64_ST_MMS, was given by SIMCOM in India, saying it to be production release only, but its number suggests it to be old version but it seems supports Lat/Long but returns just large integer number and also fails in FTP.

hi to everyone...
i update sim900 with sim900a update's not work...then update again with the same update's not work again..but this time i can't update's not reset...what can i do?
it's input voltage drop to 2.5V...
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I'm reading this topic about a week. Now I can compile using RVCT and send the code to SIM900. But the ARM Developer Suite (ADS) is very expensive, about USD2.000,00. I want to use GCC. Because it is a Academic propuse.

As I could see in SIM900DevIDE\EmbatSIM\gsmos\tools\app_make_inc_s file (included in make script), our friend brucefan used yagarto 4.5.0 (arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.5.0.exe), I used yagarto 4.6.2, just removing the version (arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe in app_make_inc_s file). I have no problem with compiler.

Now, there is no linker script file ( Using RVCT, the linker comand begin with: "armlink.exe --scatter ../EmbatSIM/gsmos/flcode/". Did someone do the ADS scatter to GCC linker script conversion?



hi to everyone...
i update sim900 with sim900a update's not work...then update again with the same update's not work again..but this time i can't update's not reset...what can i do?
it's input voltage drop to 2.5V...
Sorry crz_boy, it souds like you have caused permanent damage to your module. Before updating, always use the AT+GSV command to identify exactly what firmware you aready have as there are differences in the flash used as well. So if your existing firmware is 1137B03SIM900M32_ST then you must only use a firmware version 1137B04SIM900M32_ST or B05 etc. Sorry I can't be more help. Get a new module check the firmware version and then only update with compatible firmware. You can always ask here if you are not sure.
Hi guyz,

I have a sim900A GSM module! but it makes me crazy during updating the firmware!

for the first time, when i tried to update the firmware, i saw message 'Erasing flash, please wait' but after a while program alarmed timed out!

also before it netlight and status led were on!

now when i press power key down to start updating, when i hold it down for a while, i got this error:


when update starts and during filling progress bar i leave the button i got this error:


so what should i to do?
best regards

I have the similiar problem with sim900 and I thing about firmware update form B09.
When I connect module to tcp server, every thing work fine. But when modem is moving and change BTS, the GPRS comnection was lost every time.

Is this firmware upgrade problem ?

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