I will look at those sites, in the case that I wouldn't find a capacitor that I can get my hands on that has any data I will just be conservative and assume a 50% de-rating(though for some reason I think it will be more something like 15%-30% using a 1210 package).
Yes I did consider interleaving at least two synchronous buck converters and I am still quit interested in that sort of thing but there are some rather big ? that I came to think was unnecessary to take on.
I don't know if I have talked about the inductor in this thread or in another thread but I thought I would need to use two 6uF coils in series to get 12uF with a high enough rated current.
But having done some more involved calculations I found that the minimum inductance is actually 1,8uH and choosing to use one of those two inductors,in other words using 6uH looks good.
As for the output capacitor, I don't see them as a problem since these day's it won't be especially expensive to buy capacitors that combine as a 500uF output ceramic cap(not de-rated).
But I don't know how the output capacitance effects the dynamics of the feedback loop.
But the main reason for why I abandoned the interleaved is that I don't know how the feedback will have to work.
First I need to use current-mode instead of voltage-mode, I hadn't decided upon voltage-mode yet but I feel unsure about how to manage the current sharing.
If I knew more about that then I would consider interleaving a couple of buck-converters.
The most recent development have been the discovery of the
UCD7232 - Digital Control Compatible Synchronous-Buck Gate Driver with Current Sense and Fault Protection.
It looks quite cool,it provides the high-side and low-side gate drivers as well as the choice of controlling them both with 1 PWM signal or using 1 PWM for each of the MOSFETs.
Although I will only use the single PWM option, but besides that it also contains a high-gain precision switched capacitor differential amplifier and current limit comparator.
I haven't yet figured out all that I could do with it but the datasheet contains a procedure for calculating the resistor(s) and capacitor that are connected in parallel with the inductor and used to extract a waveform accurately representing the inductor current.
It's called something like zero DCR current sensing or something pointing to the fact that the inherent DCR of the inductor is used as the sense resistor.
It also have edge-blanking configurable with a resistor and a few other nifty functions.
Anyway I think it looks very promising for use in my project and since it makes the current sensing easy and the fact that I have access to the switched capacitor current sense amplifiers output I would think that this IC can be used for interleaved converters since I can combine the current sense signal of both ICs in a dual interleaved converter design.
But the fact remains that the only thing I really know about interleaving two converters is that I should shift the phase of one of the PWM signals with 180°.
I wouldn't think that I can't figure that out but I guess I am fearing that I would make it to hard for me to understand the feedback loop, but I don't know what my choice is going to be yet.
And if I go with the single simple synchronous buck converter I am really not far from assembling the first prototype and it is itching in my fingers by now.