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[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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I am new to the forum, Finding it very difficult to go through the whole pages. I want to build this Inverter, which is the circuit thats work...Thanks in advance...

thanks Jami007 for the response.....Also If you can help with, I am looking for 1000W Inverter...Thanks in advance...

Ok my be I will start to build the circute section by section to see where the problem is.

Like I said earlier the people who successfully build this inverter stand in a better chance to guide you,but in my own opinion you can start it section by section as you said but you need to take care of some ports on your microcontroller for feed back control.
Hello to all.
I am new to the forum, I am happy to see such a wonderfull thread with Taner, maharadga, Californiajoe,jami007 and thuhtay. In my opinion 12v DC should be converted to a stable 360vdc using an smps and then using an H bridge convert it to sine. Thus the problem of voltage variation when using different loads can be solved. The mains voltage 230v can be directly rectified and connected through diodes(one for rectified DC Mains & other for DC from SMPS) to the H Bridge.Thus the unit can be used like a online ups without any relays.
Best regards

I need helppp please I use the hex file provided in this forum for sine wave inverter using16F876 I burn it via mplab but their is no single output coming out from the pic.

---------- Post added at 22:27 ---------- Previous post was at 22:26 ----------

I need helppp please I use the hex file provided in this forum for sine wave inverter using16F876A I burn it via mplab but their is no single output coming out from the pic.

I could give you a complete thesis with working design, but then you would not learn "how to learn." which is the whole point of your university education.

Don't even need a PIC with Bubba Sine OScillator, comparator PWM, H bridge pre-drivers and H=bridge MOSFETs or IGBTs , filters, protection etc. But you can add a PIC, if you want.

But in general for high efficiency and active PFC and low harmonic distortion, pump up to 260~ 300Vdc then PWM down to 120 or 240AC voltage needed.
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Hello mr sunny,I will like you to send the circuit diagram so that my fellow friends will learn more.

hey guys has anybody tried to make the inverter charge on the same transformer?

hello jagdeep
To convert the inverter to 2000-3000w there are so many things to be changed. First of all you cannot make such heavy inverter on 12v. you have to raise it to 48v atleast. Then the transformer and the feed backs are to be changed accordingly. And the mosfets also.
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