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[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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Hello everyone, I used proteus to simulate the hex file using only PIC16F876 I only ? the pwm signal but I can ? the 50hz low freq signal can someone tell me why

---------- Post added at 23:21 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

Hello everyone, I used proteus to simulate the hex file using only PIC16F876 I only see the pwm signal but I can see the 50hz low freq signal can someone tell me why

Their are people in the forum who build this inverter they stand in a better position to answer this question or you pm one of them.
thank's for your reply California joe,some where in this forum a test of A/B signal which is the low freq has been shown by placing a 470ohms resistor to ground to check for 50Hz signals but by doing so even the pwm signal disappear please can I know the reason why,please and tell me how to test for my low freq or I can't simulate it using proteus?

I did not touch inverter for a long time, so I don't know the exact reason for placing that resistor there. I think it is just for testing, but ones more time as many times before: carefully read thread from the very begining and you will learn everything important to finish inverter desighn to work correctly.
Many problems are described well enough to be understood by everyone.


I did not touch inverter for a long time, so I don't know the exact reason for placing that resistor there. I think it is just for testing, but ones more time as many times before: carefully read thread from the very begining and you will learn everything important to finish inverter desighn to work correctly.
Many problems are described well enough to be understood by everyone.


Thank's so much california joe,I follow the tread carefully but it seem like I also need help from people that succeeded in building this inverter,like I said earlier my problem is how to get my 50Hz from my pic that's all I want to know,
??°º(*)(*)?h?ñk<3??ù(*)(*)º°?? one's again.

As I remember, you can simulate all important input (for MCU) signals with adecvate DC voltage, somewhere in this thread it is described by me. The signal you are looking for is named with A/B. So it is quite easy to get output signals from MCU, but for proper work of the inverter you have to build inverter complete with all feedback signals, which should be connected as is also described many times. To do connections well, you will need osciloscop, becouse you have to check phase of all those signals.

Good luck and patience with this project, it is not so easy as it looks.


Thank's California joe,I have oscilloscope all ready,and I am using protues to simulate it but what I can only see at my oscilloscope is the pwm signal,so what I am saying here is which pins of the micro I need to control so that I can see my 50hz signal and can I use IR2110 instead of TLP250?

You should find A/B signal, pin 12 on MCU. This is squere wave signal.
About exchange of TLP250 with IR2110 you should studie datasheets to do this.


??????????????????LL??????????? California joe, I used my scope to check for A/B signal but no single trace of 50Hz at the pin what should I do?

Ok, step by step!
which version of the software is uploaded to your MCU (try software without a/b checking)
try to meassure next signals: Volt/Stdby, Curr_h/l, V_BAT, V_OUT
check with osciloscope signal PWM, pin 13 on MCU, ...


Ok I will do that and I will reply back to you. Thank you very much california joe.

hello guys im back again :p finally i made my invertor work :D but i need to know if someone knows how to change the frequency in the program i need it to be exactly 50hz im getting 47hz does anyone know how

I think, you should studie timers in the code.
Did you check this thread on the begining, there must be explanation about this.


no man there is none :S im sure its about timers i just wanna know if somebody solved the problem before

Hello california joe,today I finish the construction of inverter board I burn the pic with the hex file you provide but nothing works even the led doesn't blink and their is no output signal from the pic,I don't even know what to do again.

Well, you need to provide more informations about your project. Which version of PCB board was used, software version, ...
First of all check everything is assembled ok, check power suply (voltage, current), check with voltmeter voltage on pin 1, ...

Thank's for the reply california joe,i used veroboard to build the circute not pcb,and i used mplab to burn the pic PICKIT2 and the power supply is ok,i was suspecting if it's soft ware problem because i cheack the circute i construct it was ok,and the funniest thing is when i used protues to simulate the hex file i saw the pwm singnal only no 50 hz signal pin A/B pin.

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