Hello everyone. I decided to share my experiences and the work of the scheme. Software has bugs in it I'm sure. Not ensure constant voltage output. For example, tune the output voltage with R4 and R10, because with RT1 setting is in a very small range and also after each rotation must reset the CPU to be frequently updated. But anyway, let's say that I set up the voltage of 220V. Include a load of 100W. Voltage drops to 211V. Include a load of even 40W. Voltage is 205V. Disable load of 40W and voltage is 220V! Unplug and 100W load and voltage jumps to 270V, the output is square wave and when I press a slice, not back to normal limits. Moreover, there to set the threshold of inclusion. Yet somewhere in the middle of R22 inverter starts to work continuously. Not that it matters to me because I do not use this feature, but I think it's important to know. With no maximum threshold problems. In the original version of the software that was not true. There were similar problems again, but in a much lesser extent. There even was a problem with the fast start that Taner side.
DZ1 must be parallel to the current transformater, because short-circuit output breaks U1.
Furthermore, the power of 10V e unnecessary. 5v enough. This is a test for absolutely no difference in performance or problems. I have made modifications to the scheme, they have removed some components and has changed the principle of some feedbacks. Added synchronization and switching mode Set-Ups. Not understand programming, so are made with discrete components. But if anyone can help with eliminating the problem of stabilization of the voltage will be grateful.
On the occasion of some top posts current transformer I use has 300 turns / 2000 seem to me much/. At 100W load-secondary voltage around 1V. Moreover current limit can be done by a resistor and optocouplers. Tested and working. Matter of choice.
Also thermistor and fan is not needed because the output transistors even with small radiators do not heat up more than 40 degrees.
I use hex five without a/b check.