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[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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New versoin of Inverter monitor with diagrams for Battery and output voltage and output current is made. In real situation refreshion of diagram is done exactly every minutte by RS485, which is not included here, so special software triger is made for you to demonstrate diagrams.



  • Inverter_Monitor.rar
    45.7 KB · Views: 590

after a long discussion pls tell us which schematics and code is final of ups

go to page 18 post #359 by me, and for pcb file look Californiajoe's posts

---------- Post added at 17:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

also its just an inverter to convert it into ups tou need to implement some extra ciruits, not a big deal

It was posted so many times, so one more time ...
Also find my PCB plans, brain part and output part ...

Do it carefully to avoid mistakes ...



  • Inverter.rar
    116.8 KB · Views: 817

hi can any body help me to understand program code. A program flowchart will be helpful

Take a look into a simulation of the inverter in Proteus, it is posted somewhere in this thread (after page 20 I think). It is nice way to see how this inverter works. Next step is to study the code.


hi Californiajoe,
Thanx for reply. Can you please upload your design file in proteus here. Also can you provide me exact ratings of all components used in this circuit like resistor with both ohm and watt rating.
i have less time to work on it and if you help me i will be greatful.

Inverter project in Proteus is uploaded on the page 25, post number 482. All informations about components are packed in Inverter.rar in post 627 on this page.
But you should carefully read this thread from the first post, it may be usefull.


Thanx Californiajoe,
But schematic attached in thread 627 connections for LCD are not shown also I have no idea about the source code for LCD. Is it included in that file or not.

Hello everyone. And mostly Californiajoe the most eager participant in the posts and the closest location. ;-)
After a long time going back to this project and I see a development on the subject. Scheme I 've tried almost two years ago, but did not work steadily. Now I see improvements, but some things have deteriorated. For example, hex file sine_pwm_voltage-regulator_32_int_05.02.2009 no good voltage regulation. With RT1 can only increase, but the reduction must be pressed reset, to be updated. Moreover, the inclusion of a load of about 20% of power leads to a voltage drop of approximately 15V! It is imperative that the binding of 1k resistor from terminal 2 of the PIC to the table, otherwise the inverter is not working. The first versions of the program was not so. Why, I do not know.
Sample file sine-wave_inverter_without_a-b_voltage_check, which turned out better. Setting in real time and no need for reset. Fall is about 3-5V.
There is no need to supply 10V. Can connect to 5V without any change in the work of the inverter.
Since not understand programming, can anyone extend the capabilities of the inverter with detection of line voltage, switching network and sync-ups? I can do these things with external elements, but anyway in the processor space for additions to the program. Will be saved items.
The charger can be as wrote in previous posts, switching coil 220V, using protective diodes of Q1-Q8. But then setting the charging current will be difficult. I think a separate scheme will be better. I have ideas, swap against code. :)
Thanx Californiajoe,
But schematic attached in thread 627 connections for LCD are not shown also I have no idea about the source code for LCD. Is it included in that file or not.

Attached scheme is Tanner's original scheme. There is no LCD connections. I made separated module called Inverter_Monitor, which can controll all important analog signals in original inverter. This module is not finished yet, it is still in testing procedure.
It is described many times before, so once again: for correct work of the inverter all signals should be connected to MCU, don't forget polarity of those signals are also important and everything is already described. So you should read all theeme from the begining and I would suggest to all of you: just copy all important stuf into one notepad or word file, so you can acces it whenever you need it. I done it this way.
Remember, my inverter was built on the protoboard first time.


Hello to all. I replaced the new PIC16F876 programmed with file “sine_pwm_voltage-regulator_32_int_05.02.2009.hex” but the inverter not start. I experiment different combination with a and b, but it does not start. Led’s not light. After change the soft “sine_pwm_voltage-regulator_without_a-b_voltage_check.hex” inverter correctly start , but in square mode. No have PWM signal. I observe in the scope exactly same defective signal, like doc007 signal (see post 273, 274, pag. 14). I am confuse because doc007 do not use this software in past.
Can someone explain that?
vminga, you need change trafo secondary conection.

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

...and also you need connect resistor 1k from pin 2 of mcu to ground from hex file with b/a control. This is important!
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Californiajoe, My ideas are:
First: a charger to use a single coil of that transformer. Pretty scheme has a magazine EPE number 02/2010. Try it and running.
Second: for synchronization and switch between UPS and the set 220V use the Cc logic, since not understand programming.
I enclose an idea on paper. These days you will realize it.

Could you post a scheme from magazine EPE number 02/2010? Second: could you describe function of the part called "trigger", logic table would be also very usefull.


I atach the shematic. Code is in the EPE-s site. After several day i post shematic for switcing UPS-set 220V.


  • Sharge controller.pdf
    2.1 MB · Views: 949
hi can somebody open this file and post it here in general format

**broken link removed**
file name "thesis.sch"

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