[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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Hi doc007,
Does it works inverter when signals a and b are linked to the MCU input pin.
And how you measure these two voltages (a and b), with meter or with oscilloscope.
You should check it with scope only. They are AC signals with low frequency (50Hz) and if you masure it with meter, then you measure their average values.

Best regards,

Hello Taner
I have mesured these two voltages with a meter.
The inverter does not work when signals a and b are linked to the MCU input pin.
I will check these two voltages tomorrow with a scope .
Helo Taner
With the scope, I have no signal a or b on pin 1 and 2 of U10.
Perhaps it 's normal because the inverter does not work.
In effect In main programù if ( high_ab ) PWM duty =0
I am going to reverse a and b on pins 1 and 2 of U10


After reverse a and b on pins 1 and 2 of U10 I have the same voltage as before the modification. (4.64 V )
I must specify that the mesured voltage are DC voltage .There is no AC voltage --> no signal on the scope and inverter is not working. ( leds out )
What can be the problem ?

Re:cam output Sinewave inverter

hello seki

what are ic1-4-5 in cam output.pdf ?
is it opamp same lm358 or what.?

thank you
good idea.

Re:cam output Sinewave inverter

gatabil said:
hello seki

what are ic1-4-5 in cam output.pdf ?
is it opamp same lm358 or what.?

thank you
good idea.

HELLO gatabil

I used a LF412
But I think a good 4558
The pattern was designed using PCBE2
Note that some me just does not matter

Hello friends

Has somebody an idee to help me to resolve my problem?
Thank you for the answer

Added after 51 minutes:

Hello Taner
I have proved my circuit and everything seems correct: contact and soldering .
The only difference with the schema is the absence
on my circuit of the 2 capas C41 et C42 through lack of place .
could it explain the non functioning of the circuit ( not enough energy ??)

Hello Taner
I still search the reason of my problem.
I take away the mcu and the 74HC257 . Therefore there is no more command of the output stage.
however I have 4.58 V DC on a and 4.57 V DC on b.
Is it normal ?
The IRL 3803 are passing without command ?
I have mesured the different Vgs :
0.476 V Q3 et Q4

Added after 4 minutes:

Hello Taner
I still search the reason of my problem.
I take away the mcu and the 74HC257 . Therefore there is no more command of the output stage.
however I have 4.58 V DC on a and 4.57 V DC on b.
Is it normal ?
The IRL 3803 are passing without command ?
I have mesured the different Vgs :
0.476 V Q3 et Q4
0.485 V Q1 Q2
0.020 V Q7 Q8 Q5 Q6
It seems to be under the Threshold voltage
What do you think ? am I wrong ?
Excuse me for my questions ?
Thank you

Hello Taner,
If I have good understand I must remove in MAIN
the condition IF (or high_ab)


Hello Pierre,
I removed the a/b voltage check from software.
Please find the attached archive file included .c and .hex files.

Best regards,
Reactions: zuberi


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Hello Taner
Thank you
I will test it tomorrow

Added after 27 minutes:

Hello Taner
I am too impatient and I have made a quick test without feedback and load. ..........

Orange Blinking during 5 sec and after Green Blinking...
Tmorrow i will check the inverter with all the feedback and load.
Thank you very much.

PS Can you say to me why the a/b voltage check prevent the functioning of the inverter ?

doc007 said:
I'm writing your program in assembleur MPLAB of Microchip
If Somebody is interested ?

Yes doc007, I am interested in the asm code, I can wait until the current (ab test) is solved ofcourse.

Greetings, At.

Hello Pierre
PS Can you say to me why the a/b voltage check prevent the functioning of the inverter ?

Starting of the inverter with heavy loads leads to flowing of high current through MOSFETs and high a/b voltage level.
After starting of inverter, is there a normal levels of a/b voltages?.

Best regards,
Reactions: zuberi


    Points: 2
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Hello Taner
For the tests i use a trafo toroidal :6V/220V and no feedback on inverter.
1) Without load no problem : blinking orange 5 s. then blinking green.
During standby I have a click in the trafo with the same frequenz as the blinking.
When load opération ( lamp 40W) trafo make a big noise and became rapidely warm.
The primary has 11 V and the secondary 280V !!!! but the sine wane is not a real sine wave .the top and the bottom of the sinusoide is flat : Saturation ?
The a:b on the pin 2 from MCU is 2.1 V

Hello Taner,
I have found a trafo 16V/220V and the noise of the trafo has disappeared .
consequently the tension of exit has fall of 130 V .
But my sine wave is only a square wave
The a and b signals on pin1 and pin2 are 2.3V and on pin 2 of MCU I find 30 mV.



Can be downloaded here
**broken link removed**

Am I just the Japanese version


Has somebody an idee why i have a square wave and not an sine wave ?

Hello Sekki, that site is pure Jappanese, can you present us with some form of information that we can understand? A schematic, or some translation?

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