New kit announcement, Junebug (PICKit2 SE & Firefly)

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@t said:
Hoi Blueroom,

Nice design. Do you sell the board alone or also compleet with components?

It's three weeks later now, a pity that blueroom electronics doesn't answer anymore



Perhaps you haven't seen their site. You will find, assembly instruction manual
Thank you mvs sarma, I'll take a look. But an answer from him concerning his graphic drawings would have been nice, they look good.
Greetings, At.

I don't use the IRLM6402 in the Junebug.

Added after 54 seconds:


Hi blueroomelectronics

From the JuneBug schematic, I found that the Q2 BS250P and LED AMBER is different from the original PICKIT2. The original PICKIT2, FDC6420C (P) pin S is connect to 5V and pin D connect to diode while the orientation for BS250P in junebug is different. The LED from PICKIT2 is active high while LED in Junebug is active low.

May I know why you design like this? Will the VDD still work with this combination?

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