If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eagle pcb copper pour disappears on load

i'm having some problems trying to get the gerber files out of this e.a.g.l.e project, the resultant top or bottom layer is as the picture .
it was created with e.a.g.l.e 4.03 .
so if any one can do the job for me, this will be greatly appreciated .

cadsoft eagle ligh + ground plane

Hi all,

Some custmoers send me Eagle .brd file for PCB fab, but Eagle is not popular here. I had tried to generator the gerber with CAM Processor in Eagle, but the factory don't accept my file, although it looks like the original file in Eagle.

Who can tell me how to generate the right gerber files from Eagle??

many many many thanks!!



express pcb import from eagle


There are some instructions on the web. For example the first hit in google for the keywords “eagle gerber” was **broken link removed**

After creating the gerber files you can check them with a free gerber tool:
GCPreview: **broken link removed**


eagle import pic chip

Thanks alot cube. I had already found some on the web such as **broken link removed**, and my gerbers has already been done.
Please don't forget to contact me if you have boards to fab


eagle cad print both sides single sheet

That link doesn't work from here :-(


eagle lib pic24

Delete the coma at the end of the link, just after the pdf, and it works then

lem transducer lbr

how do i print a layout so i can copy it to a transparancy for uv exposure

select a pad of a component in eagle 5.4

hi all
this is a collections of lessons in Eagle that contains many useful information collected from the net and made in one exe file , just decompress the compressed file and run the .exe file , choose the topic u like from the main menu and go navigate wherever u like .
hope it'll answer many questions

multiple sheets eagle

I need to repeat some parts of a design so I use cut and paste tool, but I have to place and route the copied parts again. So, is there any way to do this task automatically?

Thanks a lot,

eagle lib led 3528

hi all
is there any way to use a .pdf data sheet to add elements to liberary automatically ?

eagle program prototyping pad grid


I am just starting with eagle and I am using version 4.14 light.

My problem is this: when i call the function board (switch-to-board icon) to create a board design from the schematic, the parts show up but there are no airwires (or sometimes i only get one out of ten). I cannot follow the tutorials on the net because I am stuck.

Sometimes (98%) it works, sometimes it doesn't (2%) ???

I have already set the options insterface to 'always vector form' just in case

eagle cad thickness of wire

i got it

before doing anything with the schematic, you have to activate layer 93

View -> Display Layers
choose layer 93

how to generate .gbr in eagle cadsoft

There a ULP at cadsoft.de that automatically add tRestrict squares around component pins so that double sided board can be made without having to plate through or the need for soldering component pins on the top side.

With new versions of Eagle, elongated pads are introduced and the above ULP doesn't work for such pads, i.e., only square created and not rectangle. Any suggestion on how to fix the ULP to address elongated pads requirements?


eagle cad open older versions how to

Anybody has a kind of protoboard for smd components in eagle???

eagle autoplace components route

how can i optain the best results with autorouter

Added after 35 minutes:

how can i get the best resultsi in autorouter

eagle pcb lib max232

I read your message after I posted my question, but here is it again:
It is the first time I use Eagle 4.14 and I am trying to cut PCBs (printed circuit boards) I had no problems generating the trace (HPGL) files but when I want to generate the drilling file I have no idea how to do it. I am running an .upl file that Eagle has called: "Mill-outlines" and it has the provision to make the drilling file as well but I have been trying all combinations of data with it with no results whatsoever. Please, someone that gives me a hand on this. Thanks in advance. Andrew.

eagle cad library multiple pads to one pin

Hello, I am a uing Eagle 4.14 Lite, and recently I made an schematic, and the board, but unfortunaly I lost everything except the board file, and now I need the schematic for the university, but when I try "switch to schematic" a dialogue window appears saying that can not perform that action since there is no back annotation, it is not that I am lazy, but the schematic took me about 15 days of drawing and I am short of time....is there any way to generate the schematic again from the board file?


eagle illegal copy

Hi , im new to eagle,
im using lite 4.14 lite

i cant seem to find basic radial electrolytics in the library, i can tell im doing something stupid , does the lite lbr exlude them on purpose or am i blind?

-EDIT found them.. in the RCL library (DUH)

open eagle cad in illustrator

Where can I download Eagle software? Also where can I find basic help on getting started?

Can anyone help me what care needs to be taken while designing 4 layered PCB layout.


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