If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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creating multiple pcb drill file in eagle

click "Polygon", type Gnd (or however your ground is named) if you want to have the copper area being connected to Gnd, choose an appropriate width > 0 (unless you want to bother your PCB manufacturer ;-) ) and draw a frame around the board. You can see the plane after clicking "Ratsnest" - that's it

eagle auto route wire width


I'm a rush, to convert some files from DXF format to Eagle. Can anybodey help me with advices? I tried **broken link removed** but (maybe I'm wrong with the units? [inch,mil]) it doesnt succes the conversion

I tried also the **broken link removed** Which is works but it is just a limited demo, cuts down the board line number

Please help somehow!
Lot of thanks!


eagle cad polygon hide

Hello everyone!

I'm using the freeware version of Eagle right now and i already consumed the maximum allowable dimension of a .brd file. I want to know how we can print multiple copies of one .brd file on same page.

Thanks a lot in advance guys!

eagle multi sheet port


This is called panelization. I do it by exporting the PCB to PS and then opening it up in Adobe Illustrator and laying out multiple copies

eagle cad illegal copy open project

vsmGuy said:

This is called panelization. I do it by exporting the PCB to PS and then opening it up in Adobe Illustrator and laying out multiple copies
You can also copy and paste multiple copies of your PCB design into a new board file (Enable all layers prior to copying). This is a better method since you can also generate Drill file for the entire panel.

eagle specctra

I actually don't know how to do that myself

How do I do it ? Group and copy / paste does not seem to work !

how to put eagle in single layer

Select your entire board using Group, Cut it, Create a new board file and paste as many copies you want in this new file and save it with a different name.

smd package eagle clearance drc smd layer 20

Thank you guys for the support.

For my small circuits that does not consumed the entire space, i will definitely use the technique you guys suggested. Thanks a lot!

But the problem is i only have the light edition of eagle. So the board dimension is quite restrticted to 3 by 4 inches only, i think. Hence, my circuit has already occupied the entire space. Is there any other means we can solve this guys?

eagle pic24hj library

I do it by exporting the PCB to PS and then opening it up in Adobe Illustrator and laying out multiple copies

how to make single sided pcb in eagle

Thanks vsmGuy for the tip but unfortunately i don't have any Adobe Illustrator. Is it freely downloaded in some websites?

eagle cad user language program

Try searching Google for "Adobe Illustrator 10 trial"

Hope your problem is solved. If so, please click on the "Helped Me" button.

sot223-5 eagle cadsoft

Hello All!

I would like to change the default grid size (the config file)under SCH editor.
Where could I find the configuration file, and which part have to edited?

The problem is: Eagle always forget the grid size, grid type settings at the SCH part, at new startup.


eagle pic24fj


I am using Eagle 4.11 and I would like to create a script to automatically get a printout of my schematics.

Unfortunately, my schematics are displayed on several sheets, and I cannot find a command that allows me to select Sheet number xx, print it with defined rotation/zoom options, then select next sheet, etc...

Is the "Print" dialog box the only possibility to select which sheet to print?


turn off orphans eagle pcb

Is there anyway to generate pads format netlist from eagle schematic ?

eagle change width all lines

When you click File->Print, a print option dialog is displayed in which you can choose which sheet(s) you want to print. Here you can also set the print scale factor, rotation etc.

cadsoft eagle lite dimensions

I am currently building an 80mm x 100 mm board. I ned to cut a hole in the middle of it that is 35mm x 12 mm can anyone tell me how to do this. I have tried using the polygon and the rectangle using every restrict and stop layer. I have alos tried making a part to be the hole but none the less I when I press auot route it routes right through where I want to drill a hole.

Any help would be great thanks.

help eagle cadsoft layers 2-15 do not appear

Polygon using the dimension layer (layer 20). The pcb manufacturer will cut this out.

eagle layout, command line

Hi everyone!

A quest of mine: how could I write "Ω" in schematic, for the resistor value? It is urgent, not because of me, but silly non-electrical-interst-dilettante people!

You got the point of course, when you help me!


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