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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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eagle cadsoft conector db9

From the library explorer (Eagle's main window), just drag and drop the components from other libraries to your desired library file.

editar pads en eagle 4.15

Ok I figured out, I can't belive I spent so many hours on this stupid thing, I never thought you had to drag the device from the tree view to the library manager. I have another question: it is possible to change the name of a device inside my library (For example from ELC 0.5 to just Electrolithic )

I want to thank the guys at CadSoft for making this great software available for hobbists.

Added after 5 minutes:

By the way there is another small issue: sometimes when I'm working on a board layout the editor wouldn't let me select any components and keeps just selecting the traces, so when I try to move a component the track moves instead. Once it hapens I can't anymore move components unless I hide the copper layer. Any ideas ?

eagle light autoroute

mfacen said:
By the way there is another small issue: sometimes when I'm working on a board layout the editor wouldn't let me select any components and keeps just selecting the traces, so when I try to move a component the track moves instead. Once it hapens I can't anymore move components unless I hide the copper layer. Any ideas ?

Make sure that the "Origins" layer is activated

rj 11 eagle cad library

How can I design single layer boards with EagleCad. I don´t find any options for selecting the number of layers like in Orcad.


rj11 6 way eagle cad library

mfacen said:
By the way there is another small issue: sometimes when I'm working on a board layout the editor wouldn't let me select any components and keeps just selecting the traces, so when I try to move a component the track moves instead. Once it hapens I can't anymore move components unless I hide the copper layer. Any ideas ?

If you are not able to select a single object out of may overlapped objects, just right-click on the board until the desired object is high-lighted. Now you can move it , delete it or do whatever you want with that object.

eagle mirror and inverted the pcb

I am a new Eagle user and I have no clue on how it works. I have generated a gerber file using ADS momentum and want to import the gerber file to the Eagle. Is there any way to do that??

eagle autoroute drc

I need to convert PADS board to Eagle. I have the PADS files including the schematics. Do you know a conversion program? Thanks.

eagle pcb ulp text cooper

a tutorial for layer setup design rule in EAGLE

move pin names eagle cad

I notice that Eagle has painting problems on my machine. I frequently have to zoom out and in again in order to get the screen to redraw -- often shadows of parts will remain after moving them until I force the screen to redraw by zooming or pulling some other window (like my mail program) over and away.

Is this a common issue in Eagle, or just a compatibility issue on my machine?

eagle libraries switches

ZackG said:
I notice that Eagle has painting problems on my machine. I frequently have to zoom out and in again in order to get the screen to redraw -- often shadows of parts will remain after moving them until I force the screen to redraw by zooming or pulling some other window (like my mail program) over and away.

Is this a common issue in Eagle, or just a compatibility issue on my machine?
Never noticed that on my machine!! May be its has something to do with your system graphics .

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Well, I may reproduce it and then post a picture of it if I can. But in any case I've got an answer -- it's probably a problem with my drivers or something unusual on my system since nobody else seems to get it. Thanks!

make poligon with eagle

At least with older versions of Eagle (e.g. 4.09) there's a known bug with display problems while moving objects or zooming, depending on machine and system. Cadsoft recommends to check the option "Always vector font" in the menu "Options/User Interface" to circumvent that bug. Works nice after spending hours trying to track down the problem :)

component side data eagle

Heres a small tut that I used to generate gerbers.... used it to generate them for LPFK NC Machine.

It should also work for other manufacturing process, you just might have to change the .ext to what ever the manufacturer uses.

Hope it helps. It did me.

eagle db9 library

Good day everyone!

I'm a newbie in using the EAGLE software. There's one thing i observed that everytime i change my schem to pcb lay-out, i usually manually place the components into the pcb dimensions. Do Eagle has an auto router that automatically place the components into board and arranged it properly? :D

eagle cad dxf file

cloud said:
Good day everyone!

I'm a newbie in using the EAGLE software. There's one thing i observed that everytime i change my schem to pcb lay-out, i usually manually place the components into the pcb dimensions. Do Eagle has an auto router that automatically place the components into board and arranged it properly? :D
What you are looking is "Auto-placer" not "Auto-router". Eagle does not include any in-built auto-place functionality. However there exists a USER LANGUAGE PROGRAM (ULP) to do it, but results are not very impressive. You may download and try it from **broken link removed**

how to open .cmp .sol .gpi .dri

Ah ok. I think that is what i really meant, an auto-placer. I thought auto-router function include the automatic placing of components.

Thanks a lot CMOS..

So does this mean we all have to manually place it right?

Is Eagle software really more easier to use compare to Orcad software?

Added after 1 minutes:

Ah ok. I think that is what i really meant, an auto-placer. I thought auto-router function include the automatic placing of components.

Thanks a lot CMOS..

So does this mean we all have to manually place it right?

Is Eagle software really more easier to use compare to Orcad software?

soic eagle library

Yes with manual placement you'll achieve best results.

And ofcourse Eagle is lot more easier than any other PCB software.:D

40-pin zif socket eagle add

Is Eagle 4.03 the latest version? Because that's what i'm using right now or there already exist another updated version.

eagle zif library

cloud said:
Is Eagle 4.03 the latest version? Because that's what i'm using right now or there already exist another updated version.

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