Advanced Member level 3
I ported Microchip AN1556 code to mikroC. This is a piece of my core An1556 code and I am getting errors related to Heap Memory in Proteus.
How to fix the errors related to memory?
Lines 198, 199, 200 are causing the issue. If these 3 lines are commented then I don't get any issue related to memory in Proteus.
I see that NewMovingAverage() function is not called in the code to initialize the heap. Where should I call that function?
- - - Updated - - -
Issue solved.
I had missed some codes from main.c file of PIC24 An1556 code and after adding them now I have no errors related to memory or any other thing.
How to fix the errors related to memory?
Lines 198, 199, 200 are causing the issue. If these 3 lines are commented then I don't get any issue related to memory in Proteus.
I see that NewMovingAverage() function is not called in the code to initialize the heap. Where should I call that function?
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 #define HardwareVer "B.26" #define pressure_offset 25 #define Algorithm_2 //Blood pressure calculation algorithm 2 using MAP's pulse amplitude. #define ADC_Sample_Rate 250 //500 #define BPM 0 #define PreviousResult 1 #define CLOCK 2 #define FirmwareVersion 3 #define WiFi 4 #define MAX_STATE 5 #define menu_Start 0 #define menu_PumpAir 1 #define menu_Measuring 2 #define menu_ReleaseAir 3 #define menu_Result 4 #define Valve_OpenClose LATD7 #define open 0 //valve open #define close 1 //valve close #define fast 1 //pump speed fast #define slow 2 //pump speed slow #define Gain_CP 0.07 //pressure_reading = ADC1_temp * (3.3/4096) * 1000 * 37 / 31 / 101 * 7.5 ~= ADC1_temp * 0.07 #define pressure_buf_length 64 #define overPressure_limit 200 //in mmHg #define MAP_Sample_Window_Interval 2 //2 #define SpeedChange_Threshold 35 //45 #define RR_Interval_Number 3 //capture 4 valid pulses that is 3 RR intervals to calculate heart rate #define cmd_reboot 0 #define cmd_CMD 1 #define cmd_set 2 unsigned char buf[128]; #define CMD_HDR buf[0] //Ryan Bartling filter #define FIR_SIZE 32 //32-point moving average #define FIR_PASSES 2 //2-stage moving average filter #define CURRENT 0 #define PREVIOUS 1 #define UPPER_THRESHOLD 12 //for pulse detection #define LOWER_THRESHOLD -12 //for pulse detection #define AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD 300 //***************************************************************************** // Global Variables for BPM Demo //***************************************************************************** uint16_t pressure_reading0, pressure_reading, SpanVoltage_kPa; unsigned int Sample_Window_Counter; unsigned char overPressure; unsigned int HR_ADCcounter; unsigned int CP_Peak_Buf[pressure_buf_length]; unsigned char mx, xp; unsigned char PeakFound; unsigned int ADC_sample_counts; unsigned char SpeedChange_value; uint16_t ADC1_new_raw; uint16_t ADC2_new_raw; unsigned int Systolic_Pressure, Systolic_Pressure_previous; unsigned int Diastolic_Pressure, Diastolic_Pressure_previous; unsigned int Heart_Rate, Heart_Rate_previous; unsigned char TMR4_counter; unsigned int PumpSpeed; unsigned int MAP; double ks, kd; unsigned char xSYS, xDIA; unsigned char Target_Pressure_Set; unsigned int MAP_temp_Max; unsigned char MAP_Sample_Window_Counter; unsigned char mx_temp; uint16_t Target_Pressure, MAP_target; unsigned char Error; //filterLowPass k; unsigned char HRcounterFlag, Pulse_Detection_Enable; unsigned int wheel_counter = 0; unsigned char w = 1; unsigned int pulseHigh_Buf[pressure_buf_length]; unsigned int pulseLow_Buf[pressure_buf_length]; unsigned int PulseAmplitude_Buf[pressure_buf_length]; signed int Pulse_Amplitude; unsigned int MAP_Amplitude; //Ryan Bartling filter int state; int16_t dataPulse[2], dataCuff[2]; int16_t delta[2]; int16_t peakValue; int16_t pulseHigh; int16_t pulseLow; int16_t rawDataPulse, rawDataCuff; int16_t valueCuff; typedef struct { int32_t *reg; uint16_t size; uint16_t position; int32_t sum; }moving_average; moving_average *maCuff[FIR_PASSES]; moving_average *maPulse[FIR_PASSES]; moving_average *maDelta; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Function prototypes moving_average* NewMovingAverage(uint16_t _size); void DestroyMovingAverage(moving_average* _this); int16_t MoveAverage(moving_average* _this, int16_t input); void ClearAverage(moving_average* _this); sbit readBloodPressure at flagReg.B0; //Functions for 2-stage 32-point moving average filter. moving_average* NewMovingAverage(uint16_t _size) { moving_average* _this; MM_Init(); _this = (moving_average*)Malloc(sizeof(moving_average)); _this->size = _size; _this->reg = (int32_t*)Malloc(_size * sizeof(int32_t)); _this->position = 0; _this->sum = 0; return _this; } void DestroyMovingAverage(moving_average* _this) { Free(_this->reg, sizeof(_this->reg)); } int16_t MoveAverage(moving_average* _this) { int16_t output; _this->sum -= _this->reg[_this->position]; _this->sum += input; _this->reg[_this->position] = input; _this->position++; _this->position %= _this->size; output = _this->sum / (int32_t) _this->size; return output; } void ClearAverage(moving_average* _this) { int i; _this->sum = 0; for(i = 0; i < _this->size; i++) { _this->reg[i] = 0; } } int16_t FilterPass(int16_t input, moving_average** filters, int16_t passes) { int16_t output; if(passes == 0) { output = input; } else { passes--; output = MoveAverage(filters[passes], FilterPass(input, filters, passes)); } return output; } void main() { while(1) { if(readBloodPressure) { ADC_sample_counts = 0; while(readBloodPressure) { ADC1_new_raw = ADC_Read(0); //Channe0(ADC1) = Cuff pressure Delay_us(20); ADC2_new_raw = ADC_Read(1); //Channe1(ADC2) = Extracted oscillation signal dataPulse[PREVIOUS] = dataPulse[CURRENT]; dataCuff[PREVIOUS] = dataCuff[CURRENT]; delta[PREVIOUS] = delta[CURRENT]; rawDataPulse = (int16_t)ADC_Read(1) << (int16_t)3; //raw ADC data * 8 rawDataCuff = (int16_t)ADC_Read(0) << (int16_t)3; //raw ADC data * 8 dataPulse[CURRENT] = FilterPass(rawDataPulse, maPulse, FIR_PASSES); //Retrieve and filter ADC data delta[CURRENT] = MoveAverage(maDelta, dataPulse[CURRENT] - dataPulse[PREVIOUS]); dataCuff[CURRENT] = FilterPass(rawDataCuff, maCuff, FIR_PASSES); //Retrieve and filter ADC data } } } }
- - - Updated - - -
Issue solved.
I had missed some codes from main.c file of PIC24 An1556 code and after adding them now I have no errors related to memory or any other thing.