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[SOLVED] Full Bridge Inverter with MOSFET and IR2110 gate driver

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No! The problem is I`ve burnt someway the river. I changed them with new and now every thing is OK. Another thing! I was using the charger of an electrical screw driver for 18V power supply, but it`s an impuls power supply. I think this causes the distrotions on the exit. I`ll replace in with something else. i`ve increased the power supply of the IR2110 to 18V because I`d replaced the bootstrap diod with new one which takes more voltage to work (1.7V). I thought my power supply is not enough and I`ve increased it.
I`ll make this changes and I`ll write about the result :)
Gate drive transformer is the BEST option to drive IGBTs / Mosfets, from two major points

1- Cheaper

2- It provides ISOLATION

3- it gives almost constant drive voltage at IGBT gate when loading the SMPS with heavy loads, this is very critical and important

4- I like it!, after I tried SEVERAL driving options, like isolated opto couple rs, I found Gate Drive Transformer is ROBUST!

I am using GDT into my new Full bridge Phase Shifted SMPS

You can take a look at Page Title for more informations and projects!

Good luck..
Wow, my thread is getting crowded.. haha.. sorry for not being around, after i succeed with the gate driver and power circuit currently i am focusing to the control of the inverter..

i will post my latest circuit that work well for me.. i separate the driver circuit and the inverter circuit and connect it through a cable..

this is the driver circuit, 'controller' is a 5x2 male header to connect the circuit to my ATMega8535 board. The 'H out' is a connector to my power circuit.


and here are the power circuit.. hope you all did not confuse with the connection between my diver circuit and power circuit. just make attention to the netlist of the schematic diagram..


hope this will help..


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I want to ask something. I want to sepparate the GRD of +15V and GRD of +220V, but when I`ve done that my chart doesn`t work. In the datasheet of IR2110 there is a chart where these GRD`s are sepparated. I think if there are not connected the chip will be more protected to bursts from the load. I think this connection make my chart more unreliable. Is this true? If it is how to sepparate the both GRD`s, but the chart to be OK???
It is possible to separate all the supplies gnds

Vdd = logic supply
Vss = logic ground

the Hin,Sd,Lin must all be on the Vss logic ground return

com must be tied to your 220 gnd

if you look at the datasheet page 4 you can see what is common to both gnd's

if your project is running separate supplies for the logic side and the high side it will be protected.
I`ve tried to separate the grd`s, but in this case the chart is not working. Even I have around +13 volts between COM and Vss. I think in this case the logic supply(15V) are not enough to open the low transistor. Is this normal or I have a mistake in my chart???
I want to ask another thing. Until my last attempt I was using 2 lambs(60W) for load in 220VDC circuit. This prevented any demages in the chart. In this case everything worked fine - my fan(the load) was working well. But when I`ve removed the lambs I`ve gotten an explosion. I have suspicions this happened because I`m using a different power supply for +5,+15 and 220V, and when I turn on the 220V the controller is working and 1 of the transistors should be open. I suppose the rush current is too big to be hold form only 1 transistor and this causes the demage. Is this correct or have a major problem???
I haven't exactly tried it before, but I think that it can't be done. I don't see how the IR2110 would work with separated grounds, I don't see any isolation units in the IR2110 block diagram although the COM pin and VSS pin show different grounds.

Is there any danger the inductive load(engine) to return an impulse and to destroy the driver??? If there is how can I prevent it??

I have a question. I`ve created my chart and I`ve turned it on. The first time everything was perfect - my load(a fan) was working correct. I`ve turned off the invertor and turned it on again. This time after around 10 sec it exploded. The device wasn`t work more that a minute. I`m using IRF830A with 4.5 max current. I wasn`t put a cooler to the MOSFET`s but I didn`t think they could overheat so fast. One more thing - I forgot to check the heat after the first atempt.
Is my problem overheating or the problem is in my chart???

Tahmid, I have a question. I`ve tried a new chart. I`m using separate power supply to controll the bridge. But when I put 1k resistor to the high transistor the resistor drops down the pull down of my optocoupler with whith I`m controlling the transistor. I understand this resistor(1k between G and S) is working as pull-down and ensure the input voltage of the transistor`s gate. The lower transistor works fine with such resistor.
If you ask aboute the chart - it`s simple - 4 optocouplers and 3 galvanic isolated power supplies. The colector of everyoptocoupler is connected to the +Vcc but the emiter is connected to the gate, though resistor(15 oms ) and diod in paralel, and 4.7k resistor to oppropiate ground.
Should I increase the pull-down of the upper optocouplers???

What is the voltage of the isolated power supply? What is the voltage applied at the high-side MOSFET drain? Did you connect the isolated ground to the corresponding MOSFET source? I think I get what you mean. Still, a drawn schematic would be more helpful.

I`ve solved the problem. It seems this extra 1k resistor throught Gate and Source are inapplicable in this case. Now my device works just fine :) Thanks, a lot!
I want to ask another thing. I know that when I`m increasing the current throught the load, the gate current should be increased too. Do you know where I can find information about this - how to calculate the needed current for the gate? Is there an application note or something, or just a simple formula? I want to know how many VA exactly must be my +12V power supply.

The diodes are fine. For gate resistors use any value of resistance between 10 ohm and 33 ohm. Just make sure that all four of them have the same value.

Hope this helps.

hello Tahmid,
it will be kind enough if u please send me the whole diagram of full bridge inverter with mosfet using ir 2110 pure sine wave alongwith simulation. I m from Pakistan,entering new in manufacturing of ups/solar inverter is energy crisis,hoping u will send me soon. thanks so much

hello Tahmid
pls send the complete diagram of full bridge inverter using ir2110 drive along with some simulation and detail of parts.thanks

Hello! I have a problem! I`ve created a full-bridge with 4 IRG4PH30K. I`m using SF58 for fast diods between E and C. First my bridge was made with MOSFET tansistors and I have no problems so I`ve decided to try with bigger transistor as IRG4PH30K. Now when I turn on the system every time one of the SF58 breaks and destroys the opposite transistor. The load is not draining a big current. When I try with half bridge eveything is fine but in full-bridge when I connect the both halfs every time one of the back diods breaks. The SF58 has 5A max forward current and DC blocking voltage is 600V. The power supply is 220V DC. I think it jumps to around 300 and above for the peaks.

Could somebody help me? Is the problem in the diods ? Should I use bigger diods? Can you offer me oppropriate prarameters for these diods???
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