CB0703-PCB for "PICkit 2" DIY(Do It Yourself) fans

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pic18 pic24 pic32 code protect

Also please conform me that the VDD from PICKIT2 LITE SE is through transistor, will it provide the voltage only during programming or all the time to the target?

The PICkit2 can be forced to supply power to external circuit by MPLAB (which is automatically if no external power is detected) or by it's own programming software.

pic18f87j50 +pcb

Here is the screen cut for successfully programming 18F4550 under PICKit2 V2.40.
Power is supplied from the PICKit2 (BB0703 show on the top of the picture). No external power is used.


circuit schematic for pic18f2553

I saw some hex file under PICkit2 folder after MPLAB V8.0 got installed, any one knows what are those files for?


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circuit schematic of pic18f2553

You would need the 3 transistor voltage clamp but could skip the VDD generator. Which PIC are you trying to program?

I'm trying out a mod for my Inchworm kit where I change the 300ohm output resistors to 2.4K to see if it'll work as a 3.3V ICD (still running itself at 5V) I'll post the results.


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programing the pic18f46k20

Here is one of the post I saw on Microchip forum. Quite interesting,

Original link is here:
**broken link removed**

These are something good to know.
However, I still love both of my ICD2 and Pickit2.

probleme programming pic18f2331 with winpic 800

Now you change the name of the topic:
"PICkit 2" DIYer's PCB board. to CB0703-PCB for "PICkit 2" DIY(Do It Yourself) fans

are you desperate for sell your ugly board?

You are lost, here is ebay: https://stores.ebay.com/[/b]

pickit 2 clone datasheet white zif socket

Hi, Just to share my experiment.
With EPIC (LPT) Prog running on 5V, I was able to program my target that running on 3V lithium battery. I added 100ohms resistor in series of clock, data and VPP. I also recommend to use diode at MCLR with pullup in order to stop VPP get in to your ckt but I did the test without diode, with success.


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pic18f14k50 jpg

funnynypds' PICkit 2 clone looks fine, the layout is tight and I'm personally not a fan of soldering down tiny surface mount parts but there are people who don't mind.

I'm also not fond of the ICD2 RJ-12 type connector and neither is xiaofan according to a post on the Microchip forums

I do like the 2x5 ICD connector like the one both my and many other PIC programmers use. The connectors work on breadboards and are cheap + robust.

pg164120 without low pin count demo

What a good couple-show here again.
One in red face, just like a mad dog.
One in white face, keep pretending to be an expert.
Are two of you going to mis-lead us, again?

What a show!
Are we blind?



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pic18f14k50 burn china

Good thought. Do you have any picture to show us?

pic18f25k20 as a slave

Hai guys,

I have just done a quick test with Blueroomelectronics stripped version of PICkit2.
simply supberb and working fine. Done a quick programing test with another PIC18F2550.

Firmware has been programed with ART2003 + WinPic800 (10 Min job including the programing hardware).

Used self made coil (680uh) on ferrite bed with 20 turns of 28swg wire.

Used breadboard for quick testing. Hai blueroomelectronics, Thanks man.

Started designing my own PCB in eagle. will upload soon with some pictures.

download pickit 2.51

very good programmer compare to gtp usb plus

Added after 3 minutes:

can any one explain what is the use of AUX PIN?

Added after 32 minutes:

sorry..is not same person
i just don't understand what is the use of aux pin

gtp usb pic programmer for pic32

Is for to program EEPROM
See the next text:

> Serial EEPROM support:

24LC I2C bus devices:
Bus Speed-
400kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming checked
100kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming unchecked

NOTE: Bus pullups are required for all
programming operations. 400kHz requires
2k Ohm pullups.

Ax Chip Select checkboxes-
These are only enabled for devices that support
address chip selects, and allow programming of
multiple devices on the same bus.

Connections for 24LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 24LC Device Pin (DIP)
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(5) PGC 6 SCL (driven as push-pull)
(6) AUX 5 SDA (requires pullup)
7 WP - disabled (GND)
1, 2, 3 Ax pins
Connect to Vdd or GND per
datasheet and to set address

25LC SPI bus devices:
Bus Speed-
~925kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming checked
~245kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming unchecked

Connections for 25LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 25LC Device Pin (DIP)
(1) VPP 1 nCS
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 4 Vss
(4) PGD 2 SO
(5) PGC 6 SCK
(6) AUX 5 SI
7 nHOLD - disabled (Vdd)
3 nWP - disabled (Vdd)

93LC Microwire bus devices:
Bus Speed-
~925kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming checked
~245kHz with Tools -> Fast Programming unchecked

Connections for 93LC devices
PICkit 2 Pin 93LC Device Pin (DIP)
(1) VPP 1 CS
(2) Vdd 8 Vcc
(3) GND 5 Vss
(4) PGD 4 DO
(5) PGC 2 CLK
(6) AUX 3 DI
7 PE - enabled (Vdd)
6 'C' Device ORG
Set to select word size

mcp25050 pickit2

nan_ishan said:
did'nt understand,please b specific

The AUX pin of PK2 is for program EEPROMS, the above text tell us the conections betwen PK2 and an EEPROM.

pickit2 valid vdd

Hi, Just conform that I tested with 18F2553 and the the PICKIT2 working fine.


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diy board with dspic for pickit 3

Here is the new release of MPLAB IDE V8.01 with more chip support for debugging and programming.


pickit2 pinout

Hi, PICKIT2 LITE SE with 18F2553, the programming mode is working fine but when I try DEBUG mode from MPLAB it gives error

PK2Error0024: PICkit 2 was unable to establish a valid Vdd on the target (Attempted 5.00V - Read 0.00V)

Can any one help me to solve this?

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