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CB0703-PCB for "PICkit 2" DIY(Do It Yourself) fans

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bootloader for pic18f6722

I want to BUY a back-up for my PicKit1 that has served me very well.

Who has a cheep programmer that can program all the pics ???

Somebody in this forum was asked that question by Email and failed to
even answer my query , So who is selling ???

Dont fight about it ,just give a price to my PB and a way to pay..Simple enough ?



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pic32mx440f256h pickit 2

Thanks NYPD(funny)
Pickit1 also is a bit lousy for anything else than
what it came out for , namely the 16F676 small familly(12F629,675).
As I needed more I updated the software but had to modify the programing speed to manage other Pics
It cope but I am wary that it would give up the gost
I also have one from a UK firm with a very lousy follow up by seller (QUAZAR) (USB/rs232)that I cannot update(too lazy)


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pic18f46j50 i2c

This is my PicKit2 Clone JUNEBUG




dspic33fj128gp802 debug pin

Yes, change the target config values, how to do with PICKIT2, there is no a menu like, osc type, mclr...etc. I only see a config in hex, I am right or no?, if can, how to do please.

programmer debugging pic18f46j50 with pickit 2

Yes, You are right, it is the way, I usually change the fuses, I think this option isnot in PICKIT2, I hope, Microchip add this option in next versions.
Thank You

18f14k50 schematic

You need a icd adapter to debug with with PICKIT-2 right. I was thinking of using one for debugging 16F6xx. Any ideas.

pickit2 clone buy

Jose Fausto said:
Hi Friends
I made the original design as is in the manual of PICKIT2 from Microchip, but have some problem with the control of the voltage VDD, it can not control as well as say the manual, I found some problem in the input of the Opam MCP6001, I have changed the input from negative to positive, but still the hardware looks donot work OK, or there is some "mistake" in the circuit.........helpme please...
Of course this work normally with 5 volts (CAN CONTROL VDD on/off, But canot control voltage VDD from 2,5 to 5 volts), .....


One more, I tried to debug some ASM file, somes It Can do normally, but some others canot,
For example, I used ICD2 to debug some test and it does, but when I try with PICKIT2, it can not do....I think PICKIT2 is good as programmer, but still need some fix for debugger option as ICD2 .....

In my opinion +/- markings of input of OP are WRONG

Very soon I'll draw mu PCB and make PICKIT2 according to Microchip schematic.



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pic18f26k20 icsp connector

I was WRONG :oops:

OP is maybe little strange used, but it is OK. When (-) input is lower than (+), output will go high, close down P MOSFET, and (+) input will go low as (-) input.

Sorry for waste of time.



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pickit 2 clone pcb

I'm going to make identical PK2 like MCH one, only I want to use PIC18F4550.
4550 has more pins, AD....

One thing that concern me is that 4550 has one CCP and one ECCP module (enhanced CCP), 2550 has two CCP. This modules are for PWM.

So my question is: will 4550 work with hex intended for 2550?



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pickit2 zif 40

Datasheet say:

"The configuration option is only available when back-
ground debugging and the dedicated ICD/ICSP port
are both enabled (DEBUG configuration bit is clear and
ICPRT configuration bit is set). When disabled,
NC/ICPORTS is a No Connect pin."


Added after 30 minutes:

blueroomelectronics said:
The circuit posted does work, as simple as it seems both the programming & debug modes work fine. What it can't do is VPP before VDD, I'm adding that part now.

The "bug" I found in the prototype exists with the real PK2 also. So it appears to be a firmware problem. Using the 1x firmware works fine so...

If VPP before VDD is a simple low cost addition I'll add it to the schematic, easy enough to bypass (wire link) for those DIYers that can't get a BS250 MOSFET.

The PK2 bootloader is VERY robust, haven't been able to kill it yet. Hold the button down and poof repaired next time you run MPLAB.
**broken link removed**

suppose this MCU on picture is PIC18F4550?



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pickit2 diy

It's working. With some other components than MCP6001, MOSETS's and PIC18F2550 it works. Schematic and other PCB files I'll present soon.

Used components: PIC18F4550 I/P, LM393, TSM2311, BSS123.



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You can notice that schematic is little modified, cause of using PIC18F4550-I/P, LM393... Also, external 8-15VDC power supply can be used and selected with JP1.



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pic16f687 eagle

Post Script files for top overlay, bottom overlay and bottom layer mask.



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dspic33fj128mc802 board

why do you want to use our resources for your promotion.
i think this post should be moved to " EDA Jobs, Promotions, Advertising" section.



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pickit 2+red button

So what?

I gave YOU all files needed for building of PK2, with PIC18F4450-I/P.

I've already made 3 pcs. for me and my friends.



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