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[SOLVED] Cadence Virtuoso and MMSIM installation

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Dear All,
I'm also searching..! (I'm using OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 32-Bit with Virtualbox interface).
Please post the step by step instruction for installing the NCSU-CDK-1.5.1 or NCSU-CDK-1.6.0.Beta, I'm unable to understan the procedure, which is there in th NCSU website.

Thanks and regards,

sudo apt-get install policykit

policykit not found

can i use policylik-1 ??? i am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I installed virtuoso 6.15 in ubuntu 12.But while running simulation it shows "Error (ADE-3036)"
and log can't be created.
how to solve the error ?
Last edited:

while simulating it gives error that hspice:command not found.. so may be i need to install hspice can anyone tell me how to install hspice on ubuntu..

Hello All,
I was able to install both ic615 and mmsim through iscape but I got 1 error while performing step 6 during both patches. When i try to open virtuoso from terminal i'm getting the error 'Unrecognized platform - cds plat returned'. Please help me out in this regard as i need this very much for my research.

Thank You

- - - Updated - - -

Hello All,
I was able to install both ic615 and mmsim through iscape but I got 1 error while performing step 6 during both patches. When i try to open virtuoso from terminal i'm getting the error 'Unrecognized platform - cds plat returned'. Please help me out in this regard as i need this very much for my research.

Thank You.

just add OA_UNSUPPORTED_PLAT=linux_rhel40_gcc44x in bashrc file in home folder...note-bashrc is hidden file


I checked the link but I was not able to install those libraries.
I added the path of these libraries to the cds.lib file but it is showing error : cdb to openaccess conversion is required.
And I dont know whether this is the right way of doing it.
Could you please help me in solving this.

Good work!!!

@manikantaxyz - Thanks for providing the detailed instruction.

Hoping for successful installation.

By the way, can anybody tell the packages included in this installation.


Thank you very much for uploading "Cadence Virtuoso (IC-615_06.15.151)",
and this long installation instruction.
It installed successfully.
Please continue uploading great software.

Best Regards,

everything seemed to work fine, but when I run ./sfk rep -bylist flexlm.pat -yes -dir . it gives a bunch of skipping warns, like:
warn : empty file: dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/swept_sine_src/veriloga/pc.db - skipping

and when I type virtuoso on terminal it gives me a command not found warn, does anybody know what is wrong?

I am using a Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits btw

I was able to fix the preview issue, but now it seems I am having some trouble with the license, I am getting the following message after entering virtuoso -64 on terminal:
*ERROR* (DB-320001): Unable to get the Cadence(R) Design Framework II license feature of "111".

Hi guys,
First of all thanks for the comprehensive explanation.
I tried all the steps you mentioned.
1. I did not install MMSIM. would that make any problem with Cadence Virtuoso operation? I don't know what is MMSIM and I just know virtuoso. I tried to download MMSIM from somewhere but I couldn't. I'd appreciate it if somebody gives me a download link for it.
2. When I try ./sfk .... command there are a bunch of warnings and one error. the error is "iota/berror: failed to read+write: sfk - skipping" does anyone have any idea what this is?
3. After I finished all the steps. (I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit on virtualbox with windows 7 as the host) I added that OA_UNSUPPORTED..... extra line to .bashrc as well and opened a new terminal. but when I run virtuoso it says the command is not known.
Does anyone know why this happens? Is it because I didn't install MMSIM or is it because of the error I get from ./sfk rep .... line? or is it something else?
I appreciate your help.

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