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[SOLVED] Cadence Virtuoso and MMSIM installation

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i successfully installed cadence ic6.15 and mmsim10 on ubuntu 14.04 . but i'm stuck in an error

"*WARNING* The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) creates a user interface (UI) to match the features of the particular version of MMSIM you are using. The software could not find the 'feature file' in the MMSIM hierarchy that lists the features available in this version of MMSIM. You might be using a wrapper script around spectre such that 'which spectre' returns your wrapper script and not spectre in the MMSIM hierarchy. For now, ADE will create a UI to match the latest version
of spectre. If you are using an older version and do not want to see the UI for features that are not available in that version, you can set the following variable according to spectre version you are using:
setenv SPECTRE_FEATURE_FILE /home/pathForMMSIM/tools/spectre/etc/files/spectre.dat"

This error is seen when i launch ADE L. But ADE L window opens up and then when i click on "NETLIST AND RUN" I get another error

"ERROR (ADE-3023): Unable to locate spectre executable in the specified path. Ensure that
the executable is present in the path or to set the correct path, use
the setShellEnvVar() in Command Interpreter Window (CIW)."

Pls help.
Thanks in advance

Please solve my problem. Its urgent. I had done all the procedures . Cadence virtuoso is installed successfully. It is starts when I put "virtuoso" command in Terminal. But Problem is When I click on tools > Library manager. Then window does not start properly. I have posted the log.Please help me.

Program: @(#)$CDS: virtuoso version 6.1.5 12/17/2012 14:39 (cic2009lnx) $
Sub version: sub-version IC6.1.5.500.15 (32-bit addresses)
*WARNING* Unable to export thumbnail MPS services
Loading geView.cxt
Loading menuBuilder.cxt
Loading schView.cxt
Loading selectSv.cxt
Loading LVS.cxt
Loading layerProc.cxt
Loading xlUI.cxt
Loading auCore.cxt
Loading dcm.cxt
Loading vhdl.cxt
Loading seismic.cxt
Loading ci.cxt
Loading ams.cxt
*WARNING* (icLic-31) virtuoso: Could not export the license service for the session 'virtuoso4053' on host 'rahul'.
Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully. Total checkout time was 0.01s.
cdsServIpc: connection timeout (local host)
cdsServIpc: connection timeout (local host)
Waiting for ipc:3 to initialize
Waiting for ipc:3 to initialize
*WARNING* Unable to start up library manager (libManager.exe) after 60 tries.
There maybe an access or network problem.
Start the library manager from an Unix Shell window to test the accessibility.
Variable ddsvMPSTimeOut (60) can be set to increase or decrease the number of attempts.
cdsServIpc: ipcIsAliveProcess connection timeout (local host)
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Does anyone know how to add/create new license FEATUREs that appear in IC616, etc. latest Cadence products to the license.dat attached in the author's attachment? Is there any tool out there I can use to create these new license features, particularly for those SIGN2 encriptions for these features?

Please notice that discussion of license hacking methods isn't permitted at Edaboard. In case of doubt review the forum rules.

But be pretty sure can't easily create new or modify exiting licenses, particularly not if the newer "counterfeit proof" license keys are used.
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Hi manikantaxyz,
thanks fot the post.
I installed IC 6.15 and MMSIM 12.10 on Ubuntu 10.04 using the VirtualBox in 32 bit mode. When I run virtuoso, no error or warning in the cds.log file.
But when i run simulation with spectre (of a simple circuit) in ADE, I get this ERROR message in CIW, and the outputs are not plotted:
ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log has not been generated.Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version of the simulator
you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that the command line options specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the simulator. Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation file in the netlist
directory to know the exact cause of the error.

Please can you help me to solve tihs problem. I would really appreciate it.

Hi manikantaxyz,
thanks fot the post.
I installed IC 6.15 and MMSIM 12.10 on Ubuntu 10.04 using the VirtualBox in 32 bit mode. When I run virtuoso, no error or warning in the cds.log file.
But when i run simulation with spectre (of a simple circuit) in ADE, I get this ERROR message in CIW, and the outputs are not plotted:
ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log has not been generated.Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version of the simulator
you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that the command line options specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the simulator. Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation file in the netlist
directory to know the exact cause of the error.

Please can you help me to solve tihs problem. I would really appreciate it.

Hi brayn64, please check my reply #100 on this thread
ps. you can install libreadline5-32bit if you run ubuntu 32bit
hi everyone
i need nscu-ckd 1.6 but they ban my country ip and i can not download package
is there anyone hase this package
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Is there anybody who has suceeded to run IC 06.16.100 ( the recent one,dated 29.01.2015 ) on CentOS 6.6 86_x64 ??
Previous version was working fine ( IC 06.16.090 the previous one, dated 16.11.2014) but this one is crashed and does not start.
Anybody knows ??

guys i did everything like in the manual,
I manage to install virtuoso with iscape, but the install directly is root/cadence/IC615 instead of the dir we created edatools/virtuoso
how do i install it to the correct directory that is in the manual?


guys i did everything like in the manual,
I manage to install virtuoso with iscape, but the install directly is root/cadence/IC615 instead of the dir we created edatools/virtuoso
how do i install it to the correct directory that is in the manual?


There is tickbox just besides of that.Click it and browse it to deploy..

i tried installing cadence 615 on ubuntu 14.02 but it gives error on certain step it installs cadence virtuoso through installiscape but it when i start installing mmsim it gives error that install from CDROM1 i tried to that as my mmsim has 5 files in which 3 of them has CDROM1 now which CDROM1 do i have to use i tried using all of them but its gives error and the simulation standard are not installed please tell me what to do there one more tthing in licence.dat file i have only one file which is licnce.sample is that the file which i have to modify nd even on modifying it does not work please tell me how to do it

this thread says that its has all the required files to be installed i couldnt find it please any1 let me knw
and also where are the pdf files which has the screenshots


in licence.dat file i have only one file which is licnce.sample is that the file which i have to modify nd even on modifying it does not work please tell me how to do it

this thread says that its has all the required files to be installed i couldnt find it please any1 let me knw
and also where are the pdf files which has the screenshots
If you don have received a valid license, e.g. from your university, you can't run the software.

And you won't find pirated license files at Edaboard because they have been deleted. Please notice that requests for copyrighted material will be deleted as well.

then what could be done with the error does it mean that i could not install cadence

Hello Guys, this guide is very helpful. But, I am getting a DB-320001 error when I write virtuoso in the command line. The error is the following:

*ERROR* (DB-320001): Unable to get the Cadence(R) Design Framework II license feature of "111".

Can you please guide me though this please.

Hello Guys, this guide is very helpful. But, I am getting a DB-320001 error when I write virtuoso in the command line. The error is the following:

*ERROR* (DB-320001): Unable to get the Cadence(R) Design Framework II license feature of "111".

Can you please guide me though this please.

did you run this?
2. Start the license server 

cd /usr/cadence/flexlm
lmgrd -c cadence.dat

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