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Can we use tasks (or functions) in sequential always blocks in synthesizable verilog code??
I couldnt find any proper set of guidelines or rules describing the use of tasks and functions for synthesis.
I know we are not supposed to use timing control statements such as @, wait, #delay, etc in tasks, and we must use blocking assignments, and use tasks to describe combinatorial logic only and not sequential.
But what happens if we declare this combinatorial task/function, and then use it inside a clocked always block.
e.g. I want to make a pipelined adder with 2 stages which adds a & b in first stage, then adds c to the result in stage 2. Here's the code
Is this a synthesizable code??
I wrote a similar design, but quite complex, which is not giving any synthesis errors/warnings. But I dont know if it would produce any simulation mismatches??
I tried searching for a straightforward answer regarding synthesis of tasks/functions but nowhere found a clear description. Some texts say that we can use the outputs of tasks in synchronous always blocks thats all i found.
I couldnt find any proper set of guidelines or rules describing the use of tasks and functions for synthesis.
I know we are not supposed to use timing control statements such as @, wait, #delay, etc in tasks, and we must use blocking assignments, and use tasks to describe combinatorial logic only and not sequential.
But what happens if we declare this combinatorial task/function, and then use it inside a clocked always block.
e.g. I want to make a pipelined adder with 2 stages which adds a & b in first stage, then adds c to the result in stage 2. Here's the code
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 input a,b,c; output d; reg stage1, stage2, p,q; always @(posedge clk) begin add (a, b, p); stage1 <= p; add (stage1, c, q); stage2 <= q; end assign d = stage2; task automatic add (input x, y, output z); begin z = x + y; end endtask endmodule
Is this a synthesizable code??
I wrote a similar design, but quite complex, which is not giving any synthesis errors/warnings. But I dont know if it would produce any simulation mismatches??
I tried searching for a straightforward answer regarding synthesis of tasks/functions but nowhere found a clear description. Some texts say that we can use the outputs of tasks in synchronous always blocks thats all i found.
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