Will SOI be acceptable by market in next 5-10 years?

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I go for the implant energy;-)

In PD, as the active silicon film is quite thick (100 - 200nm) the implant energy, even if some care must be put on it, tolerates some uncertainty levels. In FD, as the film is quite thin, the implant energy must be carefully chosen and controlled to place the center of the implan distribution in the center of the active silicon.

Look for material at www.dice.ucl.ac.be and www.emic.ucl.ac.be

Thank you so much Scottieman and Humungus

Now I got to know why SDE is preffered after Ldd. That's cool. Thank you Scottieman for the enlightening words.

Yes Humugus , I saw from somewhere which I forgot(most probably the VLSi book by Prof Stanley Wolf) mentioning the implant ideal profile is a box shape. Since it is real world we are living in, we tend to have some sort of Gaussian profile.

All right, I will find from the website ....
Thank you Scottieman and Humungus and Sky High for always taking the time to post back with excellent ideas

Wish you all success



As I know AMD's 64 bits processors are implemented in SOI CMOS technology. So, SOI is on the market.

(However SOI isn't SOS, I think SOS is the really expensive)

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