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which is the best PCB tool

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AFAIK for schematic, mentor, layout pads

Hi Friend,

I have a super softwrae called ExpressPCB.That is 8.96 MB. I have a dail up connection only. If you really need the software contact me at 044-26205255.
Dont worry Its fully free!!!


You can use OrCAD15.7 Demo. It is fully functional and free with some limits on the number of the chips, connections, footprints, etc. But you will have the full libraries! Inside the Layout you will find the Library Editor that has an Pad Array Generator. If you do not find the footprint you need, it is easy to make it yourself.

Orcad has a PCB tool, but ido'n know is the best.

There is no the best PCB tool. It is always up to you.

i am from hyderabad
i want PCB TOOL
can u send it my mail(

advance thankz

You can download OrCAD15.7 Demo directly from the OrCAD site ( It is too big to be sent via email.

Protel is simple and powerfull enough.

I use ORCAD and PowerPCB


I use PCAD program for PCB but i can suggest Allegro or ADS programs as a very strong programs for both Simulation and Layout.

The cadence's allegro and the Mentor's Expedition Enterprise provides this high level of integration, enabling all team members to work collaboratively and more efficiently.
they are the best!

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