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which device that you want the most??

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A teleporting device would be very useful, travel in the other side of the world in a split second.:wink:


I would like to use product of "wear your world" by pranav mistry...

from years i am planning to work on it ,,, but getting no time for it....
check the link
**broken link removed**

mobile working with out battery or power...

mobile working with out battery or power...

A better solution, no mobile phones at all, communicate with out thoughts :grin:
This will probably be available with the nanotechnology in about 30 years, nano machines in the size of blood cells inside the human body able to do all sorts of things...


A small portable machine that condenses drinking water from the atmosphere. Nobody in the World would ever have to worry about being thirsty again.


Self adjusting spectacles/contact lenses to give everyone perfect eyesight.


A better solution, no mobile phones at all, communicate with out thoughts.:grin:
Than we can communicate directly rather than posting on the forum..:grin::grin:

Future seeing device...
i want to see my life partner now.....

A diode that can rectify at 300THz.

cars "Transform" ing into robots and doing useful work instead of lying idle in parking lots.

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