What's the difference between MatLab and Labview?

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matlab simulink vs. labview

Labview can be used for hardware interface. whereas matlab can be content to calculate.
there are many hardare cards to be adopted labview from NI. to build a complete system.

compare matlab to labview

i used C++ to simulate FDTD.
mostly i do data analysis,prototype evaluation and simulation with matlab.
i think labview is very easy to handle and i always use it to control instruments such as oscilloscope and data acquisition card, but one of my friend does everything using labview.

compare labview and matlab

With simulations the results from LabView are much more closer to experimental results. Also for similar models in LabView and Simulink, LabView runs faster.

labview matlab comparison

The different is LabVIEW has a beautiful interface and matlab has a programming interface,but believe me the Matlab is beter because LabVIEW is restricted to National Instrument hardwares.

comparison between matlab and labview

Dear friend
Matlab and Labview not same cathegory.

Matlab very powerfull programming script language.
clasical style write code,
use simulink build block or use stateflow. its very flexible and powerfull.

very powerfull programming tool for NI cards. not writing code u build a picture a lego castle .
after time u lost control.

I prefer Matlab.

lab view

Not strictly true, check out xPC Target.

what is difference between labview and matlab

Both of these are simulation tools. MATLAB is a technical computing language tool to solve mathematical, signal processing, communications problems while LabView is a design and test tool. MATLAB is better than LabView because it has many many integrated features than anyother simulation package.

fdtd labview

Matlab provides more math power and toolkits than almost any other software. It can fit in any Math, Physics, or Engineering problem.

labview or matlab for data acquisition

both r diff

labview is easier than matlab but mutlab is mucher stronger than labview.
mostly people try to make their projects in matlab.
i also prefer matlab over labview.

compare matlab labview

eng_aq wrote:
The different is LabVIEW has a beautiful interface and matlab has a programming interface,but believe me the Matlab is beter because LabVIEW is restricted to National Instrument hardwares.

It is not true. LabView also runs hardware from measurement computing. I was able to install and use USB-1208FS DAQ card.

labview data acquisition matlab

i always choose matlap
matlap is new language in world

labview mathscript vs matlab

Matlab or Labview ?
not one of these recent programs are working under W98
I have a old ISA NI488II GPIB card (only drivers for w98) and will use it in association with a Anritsu spectrum analyzer MS2601
is there a solution for ??


labview for industrial and matlab for scientific applications.
matlab have strong tools for processing.
lavbiew have strong tool for hardware and user interfacing.

labview data acquisition and matlab

We have so many tools,but the thought came to be simple!
I want to be smart, not with the CAD

malab vslabview


Can anybody tell me what is the cost(Price) differece between Matlab and Labview.
For using on mutiple systems(Computer).

For interfacing with Hardware which is better???

labview and matlab

hi friends

i hav a problem...plz help me for control toolbox in labview.....or some examples for control system.... ???

matlab vs labview career competency

guess the difference lies in the data acquisition. in labview, the data acquisition is faster when compared to matlab... tatz y labview is prefered in most of the domains where there is data acquisition from external devices.

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