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what is the most popular ucontroller?

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arm will ship about 1billion chips in 2003. thats as many as intel has on x86 in the last 25 years. but those are 32-bit chips that are in every cellphone. every chip manufactoror except hitachi is an arm licensee

The choice of controller depend on problem put by! Therefore ALL architectures are good. 51th architecture allows to solve the most tasks very simple and speedly. But if u need to give float arifmetics, you should take other architecture.

For embedded applications rabbit's 8-bit processor is also getting popular.

Main advantage is feature rich processor, TCP/IP stack with source & the complete sw development tools are available.
More at **broken link removed**

My point 8051 is the most popular,pic is second

I also believe Rabbit microcontroller will become popular, since everyone just want simple and friendly tools..........

Rite :D

I think MCS51 is most popular,but now avr also have more function and low cost

I think PIC16F877A and Atmel's 8051 are the 2 very popular u.controllers.

I am just beginning use with AVR. Find them easy to use and the price/performance ratio is good as already mentioned.

I am surprised the dallas range of 8051 micros was not mentioned. Due to the availablility of these (through samples) I expected them to be quite popular. Is this not so?


hi everybody,
in my country we use Atmel 8051 series and PIC but I think the most popular one in the world is 8051 also i think AVR will be more popular for the next years as it has a powerful instruction set and alot of coming applications

In china,Atmel 51 serie most popular, AT89C51 is only ¥9.00=$1.05

8051 is the industrial standard and nowdays PIC is the consumer standard
Consumer market increases so munch that it is the first market in units
BUT in value i dont know, as average PIC is cheaper than average 8051 ...

In VietNam, Atmel 89C51 is used the most because of its very cheap price(about $1). PICs price is about $5->$10

in my countery algeria a pic is famous because chip
and student project on university use it for fast develloping

I think AVR is good with many application notes, project, low price and familiar

51 series is most popular,but pic and avr have more function.

Today AVR architecture the most popular in Russia and Ukraine , I believe , because AVR have the cheapest devtools - programmers , emulators etc. than MCS51 , which simply enough to make by hands for itself . Also AVR chips cost less than PIC's with equal characteristics.

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