What is the future for CMOS Analog IC Designers ?

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Highspeed A/D-D/A will be there for comm. and hard drives.....yes...the biomedical will really demand for precision electronics with more complexity...

btw...the above link is not working..

The future for a analog desiner is :
always learn and do the best .

I think bio-medical and MEMS compatible IC chip technologies are the future for analog IC designers.

Power ic such as DC-DC converter,power superviser,etc.

Anyone working in 65nm or 45nm yet ?

I am working actually in 65nm.Big challences for Analog designer !
Cascode time is finished cascade time is now mandatory !

analog engineer should be professional on a specfic circuits ,such as AD or pll,not all of them.

MLR67, so it's all cascades and folded stages and current reuse ?

MLR67 said:
I am working actually in 65nm.Big challences for Analog designer !
Cascode time is finished cascade time is now mandatory !

How about parasitics?(substrate currents, caps etc.)? How really big/important are they?

Check what are the necessary knowledge or skills that an employer is expecting from a designer through job application page.

check this for example

what can newbies like me do??????????????????//


Who can tell me how many years later a analog IC designer can work easily?

i think that it is a good replacement for ttl technology

with the scaling down, when the effect of MOSFET doesn't work,
What we can do?

I think analog electric circuit likes magic, but digital circuit likes building toy bricks!

The Power Managerment IC, none electrical equipment can work without it.

dont worry abt the future.there wont be any end for the field,for us to continue in this field is to keep pace with the new things

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