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What is best tool to learn VHDL?

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yes modelsim is the best simulator. atleast you can have a book by ur side and try all the problems.. most ppl become lazy usin tools which come with automatic syntax correctors or some which display the syntax on the top even while typin.. for me the best way to learn is type right from library ieee; --> end archname; :D

with regards,

For learning VHDL , if one is comfortable with LInux , GHDL is a free tool for Vhdl simuation.
Its good.


i guess all messages have sence :). i'm working with active-hdl. it has the best service for designers including both vhdl, verilog and systemc in version 6.3 . but you may only simulate here. to deep the project into xilinx fpga you need xilinx ise foundation or webpack.

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