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What does CDMA stand for ?

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what is cdma

u have to ask speifi thing abt it it is a long disussion?

Re: what is cdma

cdma is code division multiple access... here the data is coded with a specific code and gives output only when it is decrypted using that code.....

Re: what is cdma

cdma is a wide thing to expain....but still i will try to give in a nutshell....

wat u do in cdma is u give a fixed id to ur user..say some code word of 32 bits . all the data that u want to transfer of the user want to transfer to him will be coded into this by usin spread spectrum....

hope this will give u some idea....

Re: what is cdma

CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access. It is one of multiple access in communications besides others such as FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). Among others, CDMA is used in 3G communications.

Re: what is cdma

CDMA stands for CODE DIVISION its each use same freqenny and time divsion but each subscriber get differnt codes to use PN CODES.

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