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Want to learn about RTOS

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Newbie level 3
Oct 23, 2003
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I want to learn about RTOS ,can any body give me the link or website for the same

z80 + rtos

There are many diferent RTOS's. Whitch one you want to know?

I use becks on SC12.
Try and look for SC12 (he has RTOS in it so you can find documetacion for RTOS)

rtos sc12

There are lots of RTOS, you should choose the platform you are going to develop and then look the RTOSes that exist and support the platform you chose.

I really recomend you using eCos, or uCLinux them both work on many platforms.

Look for them in Google

rtos uclinux ce

Special Report: Choosing an RTOS
**broken link removed**


A really resumed functionality:

- We can create tasks (methods), in each tack we put code for things to do;
- We "register" the tasks on the RTOS
- The scheduler of the RTOS runs make the context switching bettewn tasks, depending on the elegible tasks, priority, etc...



preethi_das said:
I want to learn about RTOS ,can any body give me the link or website for the same

You may find the following attachment useful
RTOS Concepts & Implementations of Microkernels.
Here is a website for uptodate information on the RTOSes
**broken link removed**

this is really a cool page

/Warning #2 - No "Good book" messages here! (klug)/

Check <>
They have a small and robust RTOS


Hi .. I have been involved with RTOS for more tha 10 years .. I can't say one is better than the other in a general category it dependends what you need to control . is not the same controling a CNC routing machine than a CD player . it depends mainly in the time interval resolution . and which cpu has been adopted .! This consoderations will give you the numbers to determine your requirements .. I used Ucosii one time and is a great system but unfortunatly i required a faster response and ended up
writing a scheduler of my own conception..

here are some other RTOS that deserve to be considered..

Flos ( avalaible for arm & x86)

Hi deepspawn

What is the differences between eCOS and uclinux ?

Where can I find them?(docs and sources)?

Regards :D

7rots51 said:
Hi deepspawn

What is the differences between eCOS and uclinux ?

Where can I find them?(docs and sources)?

Regards :D

Also, search Elektroda for the following ebook: Embedded Software Development with eCos. It is very helpful to start with this RTOS.


Look at - small cooperative RTOS & docs


What is the differences between eCOS and uclinux ?

The differences that should matter is uCLinux is coming from Linux, and has added support for CPU that doesn't have an MMU.(That should give u an idea)

And eCos has his own way to develop. support, MMU and not MMU.

Both are 32bit, easy to get runing, and have practically the same caracteristics, The final
descision shuld be wich one suit better for you and you apps.

I like a lot the way eCos is worked. But just a matter of taste.

Where can I find them?(docs and sources)?

Diannis have given you all the sources

I am interested in RTOS and the books in this site are very useful to me

[align=justify:a81a805348]RTOS - Real Time Operating systems. There are many RTOSes available and to choose which one to use/learn depends on where it is being used.

Windows CE is more suited towards Pocket PCs and Handhelds due to the UI design. But embedded Linux is fast overtaking WinCE here.

The other RTOSes such as VxWorks, QNX, Psos, etc are what you would call Hard Real Time OSes, and are generally used in commercial applications such as Ari traffic controllers which are mission critical, ie, the system cannot fail or crash at any given time. System failure woud result in total loss.

If you are comfortable with VC++ programming I would suggest you start by learning Windows CE. Learn all the concepts of RTOS programming using WinCE and then switch to VxWorks and the rest.


i think it is best of Montaviasa Linux

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